
The Devilish Assassin meets the Angelic Detective

"Fateful encounter of a cold-blooded assassin and a gentle detective: She wants to avenge her parents’ death, no matter the cost. He wants to redeem her and teach her forgiveness. One of them must give in. Merciless, fierce, vicious, and ruthless were the words that people would associate with her. That's how they would describe her, a living devil. Elle is known as the mysterious and meticulous assassin feared by both the underground syndicates and the government. But she finds herself helpless and at the end of her rope when she meets with despair on one of her missions. Erick, a chief detective, comes just in time to rescue the devil turned damsel. His kindhearted nature had led him to take the cold and aloof girl under his wing. With his protection on the line, Elle couldn't possibly get close to him in fear of being revealed. Can she let him into her walls or will she push him away, like all the others? Can he close his eyes to her crimes or will he punish her?" «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» *Excerpts* "What if I had killed someone? What if I am a criminal, what will you do?" Erick kept silent for a few seconds, thinking. Elle could almost hear her pounding heart amidst the silence of their surrounding. Erick looked into her eyes and met her nervous gaze as he gave her his response. "If that is the case, then I will have to put you in prison," he said in a serious tone. Elle's heart sank when she heard it. She felt like her world fell into pieces. "So... if I ask you to surrender yourself to me, will you do it?" Erick asked her softly as he cupped her troubled face in his two hands. "Will you?... will you marry me Elle?" he added. Elle:"..." Erick took advantage of that chance when Elle was still in a trance as he brought his face closer to her and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss. -------------------------------------------------- COMPLETED [ 530 Chapters ] { Warning: This Book Features Mature Content [R-18] } Award: Writing Prompt Contest #93 First Placer- Villainess Female Lead Author's Other Book: 1. The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter Award of this Book: WPC #133 Gold Tier- No Humans Allowed! Female Lead 2. Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge 4. 100 Days to Seduce the Devil Note* The artwork/illustration/photo in the cover is AI generated by the Author [The Author is slowly editing all the chapters. Please bear with me if you see grammar mistakes and awkward sentence structures along the way. Only the first 32 Chapters had been edited so far.] Curious about this author? Follow me in Instagram: elle_zar Please like Author Facebook page: @AUTHOR.ELLEZARG18

ellezar_g · Urban
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532 Chs

Chapter 36: Code Blue!

Elle's reminiscing about her past with Charles was interrupted when she heard a beeping sound coming from the computer.

It was the result of tracking Charles's location. The signal was coming from his cellphone.

"He was in the 86th street of City Z. It's far away from here." Elle saw that Charles' signal locator started to move again.

With the current situation, Elle made an ad-hoc plan and thought about the possible worst-case scenario.

She believed that Charles was still safe in the meantime even if they caught him.

Skull Gang won't kill him for now since they still need something from him. But she was certain that he would be tortured. If that happens, they would be in a difficult situation.

With her current condition, she couldn't guarantee if she can rescue him once he was inside Skull Gang territory.

For plan B and back up, she informed Master Phantom about the situation. She sent an email informing him of what happened.

She expected him to reply after an hour. For now, she needed to solve this on her own.

After a while, Elle received a call. It was from Charles.

Finally, he was able to contact her again.

"What happened? I lost contact with you a while ago. What is your situation right now." she asked him directly.

She heard a deep sigh from the other line.

"I crashed into a post. They were about to catch me and get me out of my car but someone interfered. I thought someone was trying to help me but I was wrong."

'"They are shooting the other guys and it seems like they are also targeting me as well! Luckily I was able to take cover using the body of one of my attackers."

"I also saw Black Shadow in one of the Black Sedan Cars. They exchanged shots from the other group. I took that chance to escape. I carjacked someone else car. But they are still following me. What should I do?"

Elle frown upon hearing his statement.

'There was another group hunting Charles right now. Who are they? I need to find out.'

"Your location is far away from mine. Even if I leave here now I can't catch up with you. Go to my place." Elle suggested.

"Ahm ok copy." He was puzzled why she wanted him to go to her place but he still complied.

"I'll meet you there," Elle added.

Charles was relieved when he heard that Elle would come to his rescue. He felt touched also since Elle was worried about him.

He continued to drive fast while smiling foolishly. His life was in danger but he felt so happy.

Elle checked the time. The delivery man would arrive at any time but she couldn't wait for him.

She needed to leave now. She was contemplating whether to leave or not.

"If I leave now, Erick will know that I am not at home through the delivery man but if I stay here I am not confident if Charles will be able to escape successfully. That punk..." She sighed and massaged her temple.

After minutes of thinking, she came up with the decision. She shut down the computer and she left the house hurriedly.

She would deal with Erick later. For now, she had to deal with her enemies.

Another group appeared and she needed to find out who are they. She didn't want to be left in the dark especially if it was about her enemies.

"They really have the guts to challenge me now," she said as fury flashed in her dark sharp eyes.

Elle called for a taxi. She offered the driver a five hundred thousand for him to let her use the taxi.

The driver laughed and was about to reject her when he noticed the dangerous aura coming from the woman who was giving him a frightening glare in the passenger seat.

In the end, he accepted her offer and he left the taxi as soon as possible, afraid of the woman who could make him shivered from just one look.

Meanwhile... after minutes of driving so fast, Charles finally reached his destination and arrived at Elle's place.

He soon dialed her number to inform her that he arrived already. He was rushing inside the house.

"I am already in. What next?" Charles said to Elle.

"Go to my room. Open my computer and turn on the security system of the house. It will buy you some time. They will not be able to enter the house easily." she instructed.

Charles followed her instructions. After a while, he heard the arrival of the other cars from outside.

"Oh, Crap. They are here!"

"Relax... Since they have arrived we must give them a warm welcome." Elle said meaningfully.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm still on my way. 15 minutes expected time of arrival," she replied.

"Oh gosh! Arghh... I might be dead by that time." Charles said anxiously.

"Just follow my instruction and you will be okay. Did you activate already the security system?"

"How can I activate this? Where should I go?"

"Click the icon that looks like my card Catseye and select the Code Blue!"

"Alright, it's done!"

"Okay. Proceed to my secret basement underground. You can monitor their movement there. Then wait for a good show!" Elle said to him while flashing her evil smile.

Meanwhile, outside Elle's house, Black Shadow together with the other Skull Gang members was standing by, observing the surroundings.

'This must be their hiding place. But what is his motive for coming here? Why choose this place even though he already knows we are following him.'

Black Shadow was a little bit suspicious.

"The three of you, wait here. Be on guard, we didn't know if the group that we encountered a while ago was able to follow us here. The others will come with me to catch that punk."

Black Shadow ordered. They soon walked over to the house.

Unknown to them, Elle's place was highly protected by a sophisticated security system. Various traps were hidden and waiting for unwanted visitors.

The house was surrounded by movement detectors and sensors and once they detected the intruders, traps would appear one after another until all the intruders were eliminated.

Charles was watching them through the CCTV cameras. 15 men are now approaching the house including Black Shadow.

Charles glared at the monitor upon seeing Black Shadow.

One guy was one meter away from the entrance door when suddenly an automatic gun appeared from the front door and targeted them nonstop.

They were all caught off guard and some of them were not able to avoid the shots. After a minute, Five men were down. They were shot and killed on the spot.

"Wow! Five people are now dead!" Charles said to Elle as he was amazed.

"There's more."

After the automatic gun stopped shooting, a smoke bomb was thrown at them.

"Be careful!" Black Shadow warned them.

Then flying daggers were shot towards the intruder's direction. Thanks to Black Shadow's fast reaction and agility, only four persons were hit by those flying daggers. Of course, those four were also now dead.

"Back Off!" Black Shadow ordered them.

'So this is the main reason he chooses to hide here. Traps are everywhere! Catseye you are really a smart one! Finally, I found your hideout. Both of you can't escape now.' he mumbled to himself then a smirk appeared on his face.

Black Shadow was familiar with this security system. He knew that there are hidden sensors that he needs to destroy to stop this.

He looked at the front door and he saw the moving lasers scattered in the surrounding which was preventing them from entering the house.

After 10 minutes of observing, he was able to locate the hidden sensors through his observant eyes. He started to move and destroyed the sensors one by one.

Charles was shocked. He couldn't believe that Black Shadow was able to stop the traps and destroy all the sensors in just a short time.

"Sh***t. Black Shadow successfully stopped the security which is protecting the house. Where are you now Elle?" Charles asked Elle.

"I am already here. Watching them from a distance." Elle replied

Charles relaxed when he heard that. "Are you coming inside the house? Black Shadow and his men were all here inside!"

"Nope!" She simply replied

"Why? I thought you gonna save me?"

"No need. Code Blue will be the one to save you!" Elle said while laughing.

"What do you mean?" Charles asked her with a confused tone.

"If the Code Blue was breached or in other words failed to stop the intruder from entering the house then the system would automatically self-destruct and would trigger bombs hidden in the different corners of the house to be activated resulting in a big explosion," Elle informed him.

Charles gasped in astonishment.

"WHAT?! Did I hear it wrong? This house will explode!? Then what about me? Are you trying to save me or kill me?" Charles complained at her.

"Don't worry, you are at the safest place right now." Elle chuckled.

Then a loud continuous beeping sound could be heard in the entire house.

At first, Black Shadow and the remaining men were puzzled and confused when they heard the sound.

Then later on Black Shadow realized something and shouted "Run!!! Run!!! There's a bomb! The place will gonna explode!"

They ran away from the house as fast as they could.


A loud sound of explosion erupted in the entire place.

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