
Chapter 33

SOMEWHERE, A PHONE WAS RINGING. WITH A GROAN, I PUSHED the covers off my head and then blinked at the light filtering its way through the curtains. As soon as I recognized the sunlight for what it was, my brain started to throb. It took a few more minutes for my battered gray matter to process the fact that someone must be calling me. I groped for my cell phone where it lay on the nightstand.

“Christa, where the hell are you?” Jennifer’s voice, sounding more than a little pissed off.

“Uh — ” I blinked again, trying to focus on the clock that hung across the room on the wall above my dresser. It couldn’t really be that late....

Apparently, it was. “You said you were going to meet me at Abbey Rose at two. It’s now almost two-thirty. Did you forget?”