
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

End of Volume

Alex smiled as he saw Ashiya and the others starting to leave. Ashiya has this strict rule that a "strong power, must only be used against strong enemies" he isn't Melacoda who is merciless.

"....well, looks like the lizard is still alive and....not-so-well."

Malkuth stared at Alex for awhile before nodding, "You have a lot of trust to your subordinate Demon King."

Alex paused before smiling, "Ah, so the landlady told you about me?"

Malkuth nodded, "The King of Demons, Satan Jacob. A being that came from the world in another galaxy, where the angels who tried to invade this world thousands of years ago came from."

Alex's eyes narrowed, 'The Angels came to invade this world? Well, I did remember that Gabriel mentioned that they aren't really unfamiliar with Earth. So this is the reason?'

"Base on your expression you didn't know about it?" Malkuth said as he stared at Alex, before continuing, "The angels of the other world became greedy after feeling the power of Sephira, and they searched for other worlds with the Tree of Life to invade, and they found us. Though we did beat them up pretty badly that they came home crying."

By the way, the "beat them up pretty badly that they came home crying" part is not exactly the truth.

The history goes like this, there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of angels at that time who came to invade Earth, the Sephira of Earth annihilated them, leaving only a few thousands of them left.

And the angels cried for their dead comrades, friends and family. If it wasn't for Da'ath and other pacifistic Sephira stopping the slaughter, the angels would have went extinct.

They then made a pact, that if the angels were to come to Earth, they won't cause harm to anyone on Earth.

Malkuth gave him a side glance, "Though I don't know how strong you are, just base on the fact that Da'ath onee-sama gave us a warning not to antagonize you, then you must at least have the power comparable to us...or more."

Alex just smiled, he sees no reason on bragging that he is stronger than them combined. Especially now that Judecca undergone another upgrade, obtaining the concept of "Absolute Severance" through the use of the upgraded Concept Magic.

This "Absolute Severance" gives Judecca the ability to cut anything and everything, even those that couldn't be "cut", for example, she can cut the connection of a Sephira to their aspects, cutting off their power.

Judecca could even "cut" his infinite magic power if she wanted to. Even things such as "concept" can be cut by her, she can "cut" time, gravity, soul, and even dimensions.

Of course, it isn't passive and needed to be activate, which needed an absurd amount of "Stardust Energy" to use, depending on what she wanted to cut.

And unlike his magic power, his Stardust Energy isn't infinite, though it could still recover, it takes a lot of time.

But, he already found a solution to that problem.

Another weakness of the concept is that, the moment he used it, he couldn't "cut" anything except for what he wanted to "cut" though it could also be used as an advantage as it would just bypass defenses.

"Oh well, I guess I should leave, thanks for accompanying me Malkuth."

Malkuth looked at him, he thought something for a moment before saying, "....Demon King, I suggest you be careful with Earth's Yesod."

Alex paused.

Malkuth looked at him seriously, "Yesod is very dangerous, he is strong enough to be a threat even to Keter, and possibly even Da'ath onee-sama. He is a very ambitious fellow who wanted to "transcend" the "aspects" of a Sephira, something that Da'ath onee-sama failed to do."

Alex appeared confused. Malkuth noticed this and explained, "You know that Sephira are tied with their aspects right? And how it affects their life, their powers, their personality. We are literally a slave to our aspects. But we already came to terms with that. Da'ath onee-sama is the first one to express her reluctance to be a slave to her own aspect, and she tried to transcend it, but failed. Though she did managed to gain perfect control of her aspect that she can now be called "free" from being a slave."

Alex listened carefully. Though he did sigh, as Sephira are quite the pitiful beings. He remembered the words of a certain demon king from his past life.. "You don't do something because you have power, its because you wanted to do something you use power. If you say that, if you have power then you'd do something regardless of your wishes then...its probably nothing more than a curse" and yes, he memorized it.

The Sephira are the very example of this. They have power, yes, but they always do what their aspects wanted them to do. They don't have a free will.

And Alex couldn't help but pity them. But that's it, he pitied them. He won't go around helping them escape their aspects, which he can easily do, because he has an artifact that completely blocked the influence of aspects.

Helping them is completely illogical. He won't gain a thing by helping them aside from thanks and gratitude, probably their help too. But does he need it?


So why did he make that artifact you ask? Why for Alice of course. Due to her being incomplete, her aspects couldn't affect her that much, but one day....there will come a day where she will no longer act herself and be forced to follow her aspect.

"...Yesod seems to be rather interested by the fragment you have with you. So be careful."

Alex nodded before leaving, as the subspace crumbled.


A few days after that..

Alex and everyone in the inn was peacefully having their breakfast. They were occasionally chatting and laughing, talking about stuffs.

Lucifer and Hisui were sitting on the corner, looking restless.

Due to the VR, the two of them sometimes forgot to eat, or leaving immediately after stuffing the foods on their mouths, Chitose forbade them to leave the dining room before everyone finished their own food.

So their stuck here.

As for how she did that...well she threatened to curse them to be unlucky if they disobeyed.

That immediately forced them to follow her words. Its an effective method for gamers like them, after all, if they are unlucky, how would they get some good loots yeah?

After all, there's no cure for NEET-ness.

What? Beat them up? As if! If beating up NEETs cures them of their NEET-ness, then there would be no NEETs left in this world. Their parents would have beaten it out of them.

Their peaceful breakfast was interrupted by a portal suddenly appearing inside the dining room.

Sagiri immediately went to fighting stance and pulled out a kunai, the others though, they just looked at it.

The one who came out from the portal, is a young girl with short white hair and an eye patch, wearing a blue kimono and a purple haori.

It was Oboro.

"Hahaha! So this is where that Alexander guy is huh?" After her, is none other than the one who wanted to take Yuuna as his bride.

Genshiro Ryuuga.

Genshiro looked around the room, and his eyes widened when he saw Nonko, and not because she was beautiful, but because he recognized that mark on her forehead and that pink hair.

'A Yoinozaka huh?'

"Yuuna-chan!" He smiled at Yuuna, who gave him a stiff smile and an awkward wave. Yuuna honestly don't know how to react right now, so she just responded back with a smile and a wave.

Genshiro's eyes then landed on Ashiya, "Oh! You're the one I fought right? The Black Scorpion guy! Tell me where is this Alexander dude huh?"

"Ara~ tell me who is this young man Ashiya? Do you know him?" Nonko smiled.

"A big lizard." Ashiya answered.

Sagiri almost trip hearing that, she coughed on her fist and answered, "He is the current Dragon God of this era, Genshiro Ryuuga."

"Oohh~" Nonko still has this smile, not a spec of interest can be seen on her face. Its only natural for her. After all, despite already leaving the clan, she still held some arrogance within her.

The God Clans aren't really all that strong, they are weak. In ancient time, perhaps, they can be consider as equlas by the Hexagram, but now? They are pathetic. The reason why the Hexagram hadn't raid them to get all those artifacts and treasures they accumulated is because they are the one who keeps this country's order.

And if something happened to them, the Hexagram couldn't bear the consequences.

Genshiro's eyes turned towards Alexander and he grinned, he can feel it, that overbearing aura hidden inside him.

He pointed his finger at him, "You, you must be Alexander right?"

Alex looked at him before he put down his chopsticks and look at him. "What do you want?"

Genshiro immediately turned serious, "I know, I have no right in asking this after trying to take Yuuna and causing trouble foe you but..."

He bowed, "Would you be willing to train me? My retainers has agreed to let me enter the Super Dragon Cave to receive the Inheritance of the Ancient Dragon God, but they said I need to be a Transcendental first! But I don't know how! Aside from the first ten Dragon Gods, none of the previous Dragon Gods have reached the Transcendental. Please! I'm asking you to train me! You're my only hope now!"

Ashiya and Lucifer immediately looked at their king. If Alex accepted this little lizard(in their eyes) as his student and train him, then they would have to treat him as equal.

Sagiri and the others were surprised though. This is the first time they saw a God bowing his head, even Nonko, who met a couple of Gods, haven't seen this.

Though the gods treats her quite respectfully, they didn't bow their heads.

So this is also a surprise for her.

Emi gave Genshiro a side glance, before, she would have told this guy to stay away from Alex, but now for some reason, she doesn't feel anything.

She just looked at the guy calmly. After awhile, she shook her head and continue feeding her daughter.

Alex raised a brow in interest, before he grinned, "Well, I can train you and help you reach Transcendental..."

Genshiro did not look happy, because there is always a "but" in this situation.

"...but, you need to join me as my general."

Emi, Hisui, Albert, and Suzuno immediately snap their heads to Alex, and stared at him with wide eyes.

"Huh?" Genshiro raised his head and looked at him in confusion.

Alex smiled, "You see, that guy over there, Ashiya, and that dude over there, Hanzo, these two are my Generals....there are two more, but they are killed in battle."

Emi twitched at the mention of that, and Nonko and Sagiri did not miss this little action. They wondered if Emi is somehow related to it.

"I wanted to reform them once more, but unlike last time where I only have four, this time I'll have seven, each corresponding to the Seven Cardinal Sin." he pointed Emi, "This girl here is a new addition...so what do you say? If you agree, then I'll train you."

Oboro stood behind him, she was staring at Alex with a weird look in her eyes.

Genshiro thought about it for a moment before he grinned, "Well, as long as you allow me to still lead my people, then I'll agree."

Alex grinned, "No problem, my generals also lead their own clans and factions, and I don't really interfere much about their affairs."

Genshiro nodded with a grin, "Very well, I agree. But...." His face immediately turned serious, "If I'm unsatisfied with the way you lead, I'll kill you."

The atmosphere immediately became tense. Emi's eyes turned cold for a moment but quickly returned to normal as she stared at Genshiro.

Sagiri and Suzuno's eyes also turned cold as they stared at Genshiro with a cold look. Nonko just narrowed her eyes, still with a smile. Chitose was just smiling with Koyuzu sitting next to her.

Yuuna immediately turned fearful, remembering the time where Alex drop a meteor. While Yaya was just munching on her fish, completely ignoring the tense atmosphere.

Rika also turned fearful as she heard stories of how strong Alex is, especially the time where they mentioned that Alex casually split a continent into two.

Ashiya, normally would've already beheaded the one who dared to threaten his king, but when he heard Genshiro's words, he just smiled and gave a look as if reminiscing something.

He then send Lucifer a look.

Lucifer raised an eyebrow hearing the words of Genshiro, he remembered saying those exact words to Satan centuries ago.

A smile formed on his face as his interest on the lizard grew.

Alex also remembered it, during his conquest, his demon general Lucifer said those words him. Looking at Genshiro who has this serious look on his face.

He couldn't help but grin as he stretched his hand forward for a handshake,

"Very well, if you are unsatisfied with the way I lead, then you are free to kill me as you wish."


AN; I know, I know, some of you don't like that ending. Like, why would Alex accept to train him? Don't worry, I got plans for him.

Now, this chapter marks the end of volume, next I'll be focusing on Bleach. If you are still interested then stay tuned.