
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 6: Farewell

"Come on Chitose! The Inn can survive without you for a few days!" Alex scratched the back of his head in annoyance while looking at Chitose.

"Alexander-san is right Onee-sama!" Koyuzu nodded her head, "We should all go together! It won't be the same without you!"

It has been a few minutes since Alex decided their trip. And everyone are now fully prepared and ready to go.

Alex was wearing a white t-shirt and a white sweaters, with a rather tight black jeans and black and white sneakers.

Emi was wearing the same outfit she did in the original when she went on a "date" with Sadao. (Here)

Suzuno was wearing her usual kimono, even though she already has a couple of clothes aside from it, she really like wearing kimono.

Sagiri was wearing the clothes she wore during her dat—cough, Mission with Alex. A white long sleeved blouse, dark blue skirt, black stockings, and a boots.

Nonko was wearing a white loose trousers and a V-shirt along with a long cardigan.

Yaya was just wearing her trademark purple hoodie and purple denim shorts.

The others also changed their clothes, and are ready to go.

Except Chitose, who seems reluctant to go with them as she wanted to stay at the Inn.

"Really, sorry for this Alexander-kun, Koyuzu-chan, but I need to take care of the Inn. Maybe next time." Chitose gave an apologetic smile.

But that was just an excuse. Though she indeed wanted to take care of the Inn, the main reason why she won't go with them is that she invited her friends over.

No one knows about this but Chitose Nakai decided to go to school as a First Year Middle School student, and she made several friends whom she invited over.

It was weekend, and when Chitose found out that Alex and the others are going on a trip, she immediately called her friends and told them to come over because she's the only one currently in the Inn.

She didn't know that Alex and the others were also expecting her to go with them.

"So you're worried about the Inn?" Alex asked.

"Un." Chitose nodded, and hoped that they will understand that she really don't want to go. Though it is indeed disappointing that she couldn't go with them, but it's alright!

Her meeting with her friends is important. After all, this is the first time that she went to school, as she was mostly taught by the landlady when she picked her up.

Alex nodded before he took out a female mecha from Judecca's storage. The mecha has the appearance of a beautiful blonde hair woman in her twenties, with smooth pearly white skin, bright blue eyes, and wearing a french maid outfit.

As a maid, she or rather it is very proficient in pretty much everything that a maid should do. But of course, Alex, this demon king, won't make a maid that can just clean or something.

This maid was installed with three pairs of wings for aerial combat, two swords that emit flames that is amplified using evolution magic and then compressed with gravity magic, as well as both of them being able to combine together to form a large spear, three pink lotus-like shields imbued with Space Magic that hovers around her to repel enemy attacks and many other weapons.

Whenever it's nearing defeat, it will use a skill called "Demon King's Blessings" and have its stats boosted by three times, while having its hair change into silver and emit crimson red aura for visual effects.

Yes, the aura was useless and unnecessary, he just installed it because it look cool. Have you wonder why he always released his aura when he can just pressure people with a glare? Its because of this.

Just for the cool factor.

Though as expected, this maid still couldn't match Pikachu. But is still within the Top of Alex's creations.

Patting the shoulder of the maid, Alex turned to Chitose, "This is Joan, a mechanized maid I built for situations like this. She will take care of the Inn while we're gone. So how about it? Are you happy that you can now go with us? I know you are. Very well, you may now thank me as much as you like."

Normally he wouldn't say stuffs like that, but he was just a bit excited on showing off his creation which he spent all night working with. Not only that, he even enchant his workshop to speed up time.

A day outside is three days in his workshop. Of course, it could still increase, but with his current level of mastery, its impossible.

"Hey, isn't that Jeanne d'Arc from Destiny series?"

His smile froze when he heard someone whispering that behind him.

"Its Jeanne alright, but why maid uniform?"

"Fe~tish, pro~bably."

"N-No! You're wrong Hisui-san! Alexander-san isn't that kind of person! He even made me a body....he isn't that type of person at all! He isn't...he isn't....he...is not right?"

"And he said he wasn't interested in Anime."

"Its that, you know, that, um, a closet otaku, as they call it."

Alex can feel the judging glares of four people behind him, but he ignore it and just smiled at Chitose.

Sagiri, Suzuno, and Emi was just looking at him weirdly. Nonko was smirking at him, Albert just gave him a knowing a look, Ashiya was pretty normal, Yuuna looking at him with a blush, and Yaya...

Well, she just doesn't care.

"So?" he raised an eyebrow when he saw Chitose still hesitating.

"Err.." Chitose began to look around with her eyes, trying to come up with a good excuse. "....right! You see, since Kyoto is very chaotic right now, me going there would be problematic. I still couldn't properly control my Fortune Manipulation, what if I accidentally bring us misfortune? That would be pretty bad right?"

Alex took a step back and stored the maid back to the storage space. Before he turned back to the group.

"Guys, I think Chitose is pretty busy right now. We shouldn't disturb her, let's go and just leave her behind." Alex really, really doesn't want anything bad to happen in this trip.

"R-R-Right!" Yuuna nodded with a flustered look, "I-I think Chitose-san is very busy, we should j-just l-leave her be!"

Due to her status as a bounded ghost, Yuuna was the most excited one in their group. After all, this is her first time going outside Tokyo—as a ghost at least.

So she really doesn't want anything bad to happen in this trip.

"Fumu," Sagiri nodded, "Since she insisted to stay and take care of the Inn, we should probably respect her wishes."

As expected, Sagiri ONLY followed because she wanted to observe the situation in Kyoto, if somehow, the place became even more chaotic due to Chitose then....

She wouldn't know what to do.

"Yeah guys," Rika nodded, "We shouldn't force her to follow us, after all, she will be the one taking care of the Inn before we return."

Rika, as a normal person with above average spirit power, she really doesn't want many people to die due to this war.

Its already chaotic enough as it is, if Chitose messed up and bring misfortune then....Rika thought that the government should consider changing the geographic map of Japan.

"Well, this might seem a bit rude but we really should just leave Chitose be," said Albert with a grin, "We don't want the war to get even more chaotic and greatly affect the ordinary people."

"Sorry~ Chitose-chan, but I really enjoy drinking in peace you see~?" Nonko smirked.

"Hn, Yaya enjoys peace. Yaya want to meet with Kyoto's local Cat Gods in peace." Yaya nodded and said with a monotone voice.

"Ah~ Well, we really couldn't play games if there's a war, so, yeah, she really better stay here and take care of the Inn." Lucifer said without even looking up from his phone.

"Hmm~" Hisui nodded beside him, as a member of the hero party, it is her job to uphold peace. Yup.

"Hmph, my liege has planned for this vacation, so something that might ruin it cannot be allowed." Ashiya stated.

Emi wanted to say something but ended up sighing and just agreed about what the others say. Alice was pretty excited for this trip, she doesn't know what to do if something bad happened.

Not to mention what will Alex do if somehow Alice cried because their trip will be canceled.

Chitose couldn't stop the corner of her mouth from twitching. Though she was kinda glad that they no longer insisted on inviting her, hearing them talk about her like she's some sort of disease just pissed her off.

Maybe she'll put a curse of misfortune on them?

Nah, she would probably get spanked if she were to do that. Alex probably won't go easy on her. She heard from Suzuno about what Alex did to her, and somehow, Suzuno just had this weird look every time she talked about it.

"T-T-Then, I will stay with onee-sama!" Koyuzu stated as she run towards Chitose.

Alex raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure Koyuzu?"

"Un, Un!" She nodded her head repeatedly and hugged Chitose.

The caretaker just sighed, she hoped that this self-proclaimed little sister of hers won't tell anyone about her secret.

After all, what would the Yuragi Tenants say when they find out that her, the caretaker of the Inn, a woman who is over a thousand years old, went to a school with a bunch of kids who aren't even in highschool?

Won't she lose face as a caretaker then?

"Oh well," Alex shrugs, "I guess we'll be going then. See you in a few days Chitose. Don't worry, I'll buy you some souvenirs."

With that, he walked away.

" " Bye Chitose, Koyuzu-chan! " "

The others also followed after him while saying their farewell.

Chitose smiled and waved her hand, "Bye guys, happy trip! See you all in a few days!"