
Chapter 4: Ascend

Alex, now back in his human form was currently standing in front of a large dead tree in his courtyard. The meeting has just ended since there's nothing much to talk about.

He told his councils to call every demons to come here in his castle, and also to bring the bodies of their fallen comrades, and he will revive them.

Though, he needed Alice help to do it since Spirit Magic only works if the target dies for a few hours. As for Regeneration Magic, the most he could do is to restore their body back.

As for using it to rewind time...its impossible. There's a limit to Regeneration Magic, as it could only "interfere" with time and not control it. The most he can do is to project the past and show it like a virtual reality video, and stop or delay time...or maybe if he really tried he can rewind time for a few hours at most.

Unless he finds a way to improve the effects of Regeneration magic then its impossible for the current him to rewind time. You can't use level one fireball to burn the world right?

Besides, souls has already broken free from the confines of time, unless they are destroyed they will exist forever. Even if he did rewind the time, they won't come back to life since their soul already left their body.

And that's why he needed Spirit magic, but Spirit Magic also has its limits and can't be used if the soul has left their physical body for a few hours.

'Hmm, if I use Evolution magic though I may be able to do it...rewind time even if it was already centuries.'

"So why did you call us here Alex?"

Alex snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the familiar voice of Emi. Turning around, he saw all of his Generals along with Nonko.

Alice went with Cerberus, the two seem to get along really well, especially when she heard that Alice is Alex's daughter. Harribel's Fracciones and Lilynette also went with her to explore the castle.

Oh yeah, he also introduced Alice and his new Generals to his council, though none of them said anything about the his new Generals, they practically exclaimed their worry over Alice's education.

And even demanded that he and Emi should already be wedded since its consider a great shame for a nobility, especially the Demon King, to have a child out of wedlock.

Perhaps only demon tribes such as the Succubus and the old Hellhounds won't care about it.

"I'm planning on strengthening you guys, I won't have generals being so weak."

"Um?" Nonko raised her hand, "What am I doing here?"

Alex raised an eyebrow as he looked at her, "Didn't you already agreed to be my general?"

"I did?"

"Yeah, when Aizen asked you that time if you are one of mine, you said yes right?"

"I did?" Nonko blinks as she tried to remember. After a few moments she nodded her head, "Ah~ Well, I did remember saying something like that but...ah whatever, I'd gladly be your general Alex-chan~!"

Emi glanced at Nonko for a moment before looking at Alex, "What do you mean in strengthening us? How can you even do that? With our current strength, unless we find a way to "cheat" we would barely even improve even if we train for a year."

"Not Genshiro though, he's weak." Lucifer stated.

"Hey! I almost reach Transcendental okay?! I just need a few months of training! And after going to the Super Dragon Cave, I will be even stronger!"

Alex decided to continue before they started to argue, "You have seen Aizen right? He's Ascension I mean."

"Well, yeah. I still felt chills remembering that." Lucifer said, as he shivered. It was alright at first, but the longer the fight, the stronger the pressure they felt. It surpassed his parents by a large margin!

"Just like him, I'm going to make you all "Ascend", and don't worry you won't turn into like him and transform."

Alex watched their shocked look as he just smiled and continue, "There are a couple of ways to Ascend, one of them is to "cheat" your Ascension like Aizen did, or to have a blood of a Sephira in you and train, or to fuse with a fragments of Sephira, or by consuming the Sephira themselves...there are many more, but these four are the easiest way to ascend."

He raised his index finger, "However, all of those results to being "chained" by the world." he flicked his fingers as balls of light shoot towards their forehead and entering their head, as the "video" of the fight were played in their mind.

"As you have seen, as the battle progress, Aizen began to lose his calm mind, cautiousness and the like and treats himself as if he's a supreme existence. That is because when he "Ascended" he was "chained" by the world and obtain the aspect of "Supremacy" and it affected him. His personality changed and he became a slave to his own power."

"No way!" Emi exclaimed, "There's no way I'd Ascend if its like that! I will no longer be myself anymore!"

The others remained silent but agreed with her. Power is good, only if you have control over it, being a slave to your own power is not something they wanted.

Alex smiled, "I know. I'd probably smack you all if any of you agreed to it. That's why we will use this..."

He showed his palm which shows a small orb floating above his palm, it was the Hogyoku.

"T-That's..." Harribel's eyes widened, recognizing the thing. It was what helped her in turning into an Arrancar after all.

"The Hogyoku, yes.." Alex smiled, "...Using this as a Catalyst, I will be able to help you Ascend."

"But wait My Liege," Ashiya said, "Isn't that the same as what Happened to Aizen?"

"Yeah, but I already figured out a way to make you Ascend without having to worry about getting "chained" by the world."

Actually it was Judecca. The method is quite simple. This large dead tree beside him is the Tree of Nihility, a tree that acts like the Sephira and keeps the demon world from getting destroyed.

The tree is connected to the world, maintaining its balance.

All he needed to do is to fuse his own Hogyoku, which he'll call Breakdown Sphere in the tree, supplying the entire demon world with endless supply of Demonic Force.

And Jude, using the Breakdown Spehere as a catalyst, will "hack" the world and take control of its laws and rules. And Alex, using the Hogyoku, will overload his generals with endless energy, and Jude will then control the laws of the world to make them Ascend without the need of "chaining" them down with a certain Aspects.

It sounds a bit easy, but the applications, precision, calculations, analytical skills, and understanding needed to pull it off is something only someone like Judecca can do.

Ashiya sighed, "Its...Its not like I'm not trusting you my liege, but I have seen with my own eyes just how "Ascending" affected Aizen, are you really—"

"Ashiya," Alex stared at his general, cutting his speech, "What will you believe, me...or your own eyes?"

Ashiya's eyes widened before he kneeled, "Of course you my liege! Please forgive me for doubting you! I will accept any punishment you see fit!"

Harribel nudged Starrk as she whispered, "..Not even we, are this loyal to Aizen. This Ashiya is really something else."

The former primera lazily nodded. Its true they respected Aizen before, but Ashiya just took the word "respect" to a whole new level.

Harribel couldn't help but stare at Alex. A person like him having a servant this loyal shows just what kind of a king he is.

Unlike Aizen who ruled Hell with an Iron Fist, and even took the throne through deceptions and manipulation, Alex did the opposite.

He conquered the demon world head on and stop the never ending war, bringing peace to the wartorn demon world.

That's the reason why Harribel, despite not fully trusting him, chose to follow him. Though what confused her is why did Alex invaded the human world, he didn't really say anything about that, and no one dared to ask.

But still, from conversation Alex had with his council, she already connected the dots, though she wasn't a hundred percent sure.

Alex's pendant glowed before it disappeared, as a beautiful tanned skin young woman with silver hair appeared behind him. Yes, its Judecca.

"Alright for those who don't know her, let me introduce her to you. This is Judecca, my partner."

Judecca just gave them a silent nod before ignoring them. Unless she was told so, Judecca won't bother with anyone aside from her master.

That's just how she is. Only caring about her master, faithfully fulfilling his wishes and desires.

Starrk, also gave nod lazily. While Harribel observed Jude for a few moments before returning her nod.

"Alright, let's begin your Ascension."

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