
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 25: Whatever you say

"Damn, now that's some experience." Alex finally emerged from the deep sea and swam towards the shore before lying down on the sand.

The sun was already setting. Too bad they haven't found some ancient and mythical city though. But they did see some sunken ships, planes, castles, and some unidentified deep sea creatures.

Which, Alex was sure would give even a god-level being a trouble. Also, Alex did spotted a cave system on the sea floor, he can see that it somehow gave off a blue light but he didn't explore it since it was already late.

Not only that, Alex even left a Godzilla down in the sea. The design is quite similar to Godzilla Filius, with a height reaching up to three hundred meters.

Its a biomechanical Godzilla equipped with a Sunlight Convergence Laser capable of easily reducing countries to ashes(not in one shot of course). It was also engraved with Regeneration Magic that will heal itself whenever it's injured.

It has countless missiles filled with highly compressed sunlight which was focused to the utmost limit. The heat that was continuously converged was liberated and can caused a large explosion like a solar flare. It could easily obliterate space up-to 10 km.

It also has a three-stage assault lance that rotates at high speed with its surface engraved by a special stone and particular unevenness, that was to say it was a drill. The target that was touched would be pulverized and dispersed as though being dug out.

Of course, the big fella was also equipped with Hogyoku, and many more things that better left unsaid.

As for why he left it there, well it was because he wanted to see how will people react when they found out that Godzilla is real, and sleeping on the sea. It seems fun....nah, he has other reason, but now's not the time to say it.

He made this Godzilla back in the Demon World using the best of the best materials he had. It took him a lot of time to take this humongous monster, even with his magic to accelerate the time.

And he was proud to say, that currently, this godzilla is his masterpiece....CURRENTLY, because he was pretty sure he could make something even more amazing.


Alex sat up and looked over his shoulders, where Emi and his other generals are jogging towards him.

"Alex!" Emi stood behind him with a furrowed her brows when she noticed that Alice isn't with him. "Where's Alice?"

She wasn't really all that worried though, because the world could explode any moment and Alex wouldn't let Alice get harmed.

Lucifer, Nonko, and Harribel stood behind her. The others were still doing some minor jobs back in the snack bar.

Alex smiled and looked at the sea, "They should be coming out soon."

Emi frowned, "They—?"

Her questioned was answered by an earthquake that actually startled her enough to almost make her fall.

The others almost did too, but managed to balanced themselves.

"An earthquake!?" Emi exclaimed in shock.


The generals turned their head and saw Sagiri, Amane and the others running towards them with a worried expression, Amane is looking serious though.

As they arrived at the shore, Amane glanced at the sea with a narrowed gaze, "...you guys go back inside the guest house. I'll deal with this."

"No need," Alex shook his head with a smile, "There's nothing to worry about, its no trouble at all."

Amane frowned, she was about to speak when the land and sea once again shook, this time, its much stronger than before.

"Shit." She cursed, before looking at Alex, "Are you really sure that there's nothing tp worry about?!"

"Yeah, so just chill."

Amane still looked a little doubtful but she nodded nonetheless. The quaking continue. It only lasted for a few moments before stopping, only to continue again after a few seconds interval.

They began to realized that the quake seem more like someone was walking and causes this quake.

But that seems impossible? Just what kind of creature is it to be able to cause this much force that seem to be able to shatter the land with just a stomp.

In that moment, an enormous head of a monster emerged from the sea, it was so large that just the head could be mistaken as a mountain.

"WHAT IN THE TARTARUS IS THAT?!" Emi loudly exclaimed, she wasn't....cultured to say the least, and sadly, she couldn't recognize this monster which is Alex's masterpiece.

Though, it also reminds her of Alice's toys.

"Hisui! Hurry! Hurry up and take a picture!" Lucifer exclaimed in excitement, his eyes focused on the monster, "Take my pic too! I want to show this off!"

Hisui, with a lazy look, swiftly took out her phone and began to crazily take pictures of Lucifer in different angles, doing some pose with a head of a freaking Godzilla as the background.

"This...That thing exists?!" Sagiri exclaimed in shock. Though, she probably shouldn't be that shock, Youkais and Gofs are real after all.

"Oh my~" Nonko stared at it in shock, though immediately narrowed her eyes when she a rather familiar silhouette flying from the monster's head.

"Isn't that....the princess?" Harribel's eyes widened in shock, seeing the daughter of her king was actually riding on the head of the monster.

"Alice?" Emi observed the silhouette flying towards them and, indeed, it is Alice. If that's the case, then that monster could only be something that came from Alex himself.

"Papaaaaaaa! Mamaaaaaaa!"

Alice's voice was heard as Alex smiled and stood up, opening his arms, waiting for his little daughter to land on his arms.

And she did. When she saw her papa opening his arms, she immediately accelerated and slammed herself into her papa's chest.

Of course, Alex made it so that Alice won't hurt himself. Because despite currently being a human, his body is as hard as the former Alciel in his Demon Form.

Alice grinned and climb up a little to look at her Mama and the others over her Papa's shoulders.

"Mama! Mama! Guess what! Me an papa went to swim! It was all dark and scary! But! But! Papa gave me gojiwwa, and, and, we rode on its head and swim! There were baddies and gojiwwa went all booom, then baaaam, then we all went zooom! Then splaaash! Then I fly, then am now with papa!"

She was grinning with her eyes closed, she was really excited earlier. Its the first time she saw all of those and its really an amazing experience.

Emi smiled, even though she couldn't understand most of her daughter's words, she just knew that she had fun, if that wide grin and happy expression hers were of any indication.

Alice turned back to the sea, where the Godzilla was now beginning to submerged. She smiled and waved her hands, "Gojiwwa! Bye bye!"

Alex was smirking, now he was kinda curious about people's reaction when they found out that Godzilla existed. Though he was sure that the Hexagram, or what's left of it, will suppress the news to not cause a panic and send some people to deal with it.

Though, can they do that?

'Wait.' He frowned, and looked up, his cheek twitched in annoyance, 'A bounded field, what's more its a high level one.'

"Phew~!" Amane wiped an imaginary sweat as she grinned, "Damn, if I was a second late, there would already be people coming here to investigate."

With a snap of her fingers, the bounded field shattered as she shot Alex a look, while the demon king himself merely shrugs in response.

"Alright, since everything's been taken care of, you guys should go ahead and rest." Amane smirked, "And since you guys pretty much already cleaned my little shop, you won't have to work tomorrow. You can just enjoy the beach to your hearts content. This place still won't open till the day after tomorrow anyway, so you can have the beach for yourself."

She then searched her pockets and took out three keys and tossed it to Emi, Harribel, and Nonko, "These are the keys to your guests houses, I already showed it to you guys earlier so you can go there yourself. I still have some business to take care of, later~!"

Alex watched her leave before he turned towards Emi, "Let's go, I'm getting quite sleepy."

He looked at Lucifer and the others, "Well guys, we'll be leaving now. See you tomorrow."

"Sure~! See you tomorrow!"

"Let's go to our own house as well."

Alex smiled and walked away as Emi followed him, looking at Alice who seems to be tired as her eyes was beginning to drop.

Alex caressed her hair as the girl slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"You two must have quite an adventure for her to get so tired like this." Emi smiled, looking at Alice who was peacefully sleeping with her head on her papa's shoulder.

"We did," he smiled, "I'll tell you more about it later. You wouldn't believe what we had just saw."

Emi hummed, before clenching her fist and smacked him in the head, only for Alex to easily dodged as he shot her a confused look.

"Don't give me that look mister, you know what you did." She glared at him, but she didn't try to hit him again.

"Oh that? Well, that's a funny story. You see, while we were swimming thousands of feet under the sea, we saw this glowing portal-like thing, and that creature just suddenly popped out so I tamed it."

Emi blinks, "....Really?"

"Of course not." He smirked seeing her annoyed look, "This isn't Pacific Rim you know."

"What's that?"

Alex looked at her in shock, "You...you don't know what....never mind. When we get back to the Inn, I will teach you. Anyway, is this it?"

Alex stood in front of a small-medium sized white house with a glass walls on the side, it was also surrounded by a hedge. The house looks pretty good, especially since they are staying here for free.

"Yep," Emi nodded, "I went here earlier and the house is pretty good. There are two bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen. There's a fridge and TV too, the place is pretty much complete."

"Well, let's get going then."

Emi nodded and walked first as Alex followed after her. She took out the key given to her and unlocked the door as she walked in.

Alex followed. Emi then reached towards the switches at the side of the door and turned the lights on.

"Give her to me, I'll go and change her clothes, you too, you're still in your trunks."

Alex nodded and went to the bathroom to take a shower. It isn't that hard to find since this house only have a few rooms in it.

Its been awhile since he enjoyed this warm shower, since he mostly just took a bath in the hot spring.

A knock was heard, before Emi's voice resounded, "Hey Alex, are you hungry? Want me to cook?"

Alex thought about it for a moment before answering, "No need, I'm not hungry."

"Alright, I'll wait for you in the living room."

Alex did not say anything and just continue his shower.

After he had enough, he dried himself up with a towel before putting on a gray joggers and black tank top as he went out of the bathroom.

He walked towards the living the room and saw Emi sitting on a sofa watching some news on the TV. He wondered what could've happened if Amane did not put up a bounded field.

Alex sat on another sofa, there's two of them, forming an "L" shape or something, with a glass table on the center.

"Where's Alice?"

"Asleep on the bed."

He nodded, before taking out a bottle of wine and two glasses before himself a glass and looked at Emi, "Care for a drink?"

Emi smirked at him, "Are you planning on making me drunk?" Though she still reached out for the glass before pouring herself a glass.

Alex smirked, "There's no need to do that. What if I pushed you down right there and then, would you resist me?"

Emi paused, and looked at his eyes for a moment before smiling, "....Maybe, maybe not."

He twirled his glass, "Like I said, no need to get you drunk. So for tonight, let's just enjoy the taste of this wine. Just the two of us."

Emi smiled and took a sip, "Whatever you say, Alex. Whatever you say."