
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 23: ???

AN: Wow, you guys are pretty savage huh? I won't do any of that, Shagotte is not a bad cat(lol) she was just worried about the balance of Ente Isla since Yesod is not there. After all, its the Sephirah that forms and balanced the world, if one of them is missing then...who knows what will happen. She also did not harm anyone close Alex so yeah, Alex really doesn't have that much hostility towards her.

If you guys don't like that, then you might be disappointed with this chapter....I'm sorry.


Shagotte hummed and shifted her gaze at Yoruichi and Yaya, "You are not needed here, leave."

With a wave of her paw, she teleported them inside the Shelter G.O.D, a place where even she will struggle to even put a scratch on it.

She floated in the sky as a powerful golden aura bursts out of her body, causing the space to shake and the temperature to drastically rise.

Alex merely glanced at his daughter who was sitting on the floor, looking at him, "Alice, stay here for a bit okay? I still need to beat the bad cat lady who wanted to take you away."

Alice nodded her as she grinned, a grin that's not unlike Alex when he was getting cocky, "Mn, Mn, Papa good luck!"

Alex matched his daughter's grin before his wings appeared on his back as he fly up and face the cat Sephirah.

Shagotte looked down to where Alice and asked, "Are you not afraid that I'll take her and leave before you could react?"

Alex just smiled, "Nah, do you really think that I'm the type of a father that will leave his daughter without protection?"

"Hmm," The Sephira released a humm as she thought above her conversation with Alex earlier, "I guess not."

"Right?" Alex grinned, "Anyway, what do you say about making a deal?"

"Deal you say? I'm not interested, I must return Yesod back from where she came from or else that world will be in danger."

Alex released a sigh, "Even the landlady isn't as troublesome as you. Why do you care about that world in the first place? Its none of your business."

"Hmm," the Sephira just remained silent and just compressed something between her paws.

A fist-sized red ball, no its a miniature sun.

"Oh crap," Alex blinked as he felt his skin burning and his blood boiling. "That thing is bad news."

Shagotte moved quickly and fired the miniature sun towards the Demon King. Alex panicked as the sun moved so fast he could barely react.

And before he knew it, the sun was already in front of him as he looked at the sun in fear.


He smirked and grabbed the miniature sun with his hands before clenching it, causing the sun disperse as he gave Shagotte a teasing smile,

"Just kidding."

Shagotte's eyes widened in shock. That miniature sun she sent towards him might not be as hot as the real sun but its enough to evaporate a large lake in an instant.

"Are you wondering how I did it?" Alex smiled as Shagotte gave a nod, but Alex just gave her a teasing grin, "Well that's another secret."

In truth, what Alex used was an Age of Gods Magic, the Gravity Magic, a magic capable of controlling gravity, but the true power of this magic is the ability to "interfere with the energy of a star"

Something like causing that ripoff sun to disperse is no trouble at all.

"Oi, Oi, Sephirah? Is that all you got? How boring." Alex expression immediately turned cold as he bolted towards the Sephirah.

Shagotte reacted quickly and conjured a golden staff to block Alex's blade, however the same thing happened when she blocked using her barrier, the sword passed through her staff and continue.

She reacted quickly and instantly appeared dozens of meters away from Alex. However, to her shock, a cut appeared on her shoulder.

"How?" She narrowed her eyes, as the cut was healed instantly.

Alex grinned but remained silent, he just continue attacking her. Sending endless slashes and thrusts which Shagotte did not bother to block and just dodged.

Each swing of his was so powerful that the buildings below them were getting destroyed.

But no matter how much Shagotte dodged, cuts still keep appearing on her body which will heal instantly, and again will be replaced by a new one.

Judecca was embedded with the concept of "Cupid's Arrow" and just like Cupid's Arrow, you can't dodge or block or even defend against it.

You dodged it? It will hit you. You blocked it? It will hit you. You deflected it? It will hit you. No matter what you do, as long as the blade was swing with the intent to cut, it will always hit.

Just like Cupid's Arrow.

Though, there is a limit to the range. So Alex can't just stay still and wildly swing Judecca with the intent of cutting down Shagotte, because she needs to be in range of the blade for the Concept to take effect.

"ENOUGH!" Shagotte roared and a powerful golden energy exploded out of her body.

Alex retreated to gain some distance and was levitating hundreds of meters away from her. The distance may seems long, but for them who can cross several kilometers in an instant, one meter and a hundred meters hardly matter.

Shagotte was breathing heavily, her body which was full of cuts started to rapidly heal until she was back to her peak. However, even though her wounds were healed, she can still feel the pain and mental exhaustion.

Alex scratched the back of his head and sighed, "Really, I don't want to do this, why do you have to be so stubborn? You should be glad that you did not harm anyone close to me or I would've already killed you, consequences be damned."

Shagotte took a deep breath as she regained her calmness and took a glanced at Alex with her serene gaze.

{Detecting Immeasurable amount of unknown energy coming from the opponent. Judecca advices master to be careful}

Alex turned serious as he gribbed Judecca tightly, 'So she finally decided to go all out...I need to get serious too.'

The Sephira floated even higher, and slowly, a golden sun began to materialize behind her.

The city below was slowly melting, some even already turned to ashes. And strangely, Alice was only calmly sitting there while observing her papa, it looks like the heat wasn't even affecting her.

"Is that it? Its strong indeed....but it looks like you are still holding back a lot." Alex said, but the Sephira remained silent and just stared at him calmly.

"Very well." Alex smirked, "You're not the only one who can make a sun you know? Since you dared to use a technique that can kill me, I will also do the same."

Alex quickly gave channeled his magic to Judecca. The blade glows as it changed its shape, turning into a Buster Sword similar to Cloud Strife, just with a black color.

Then, Alex used Gravity Magic and Judecca began to gain control over it.

Slowly, a black sun materialized behind him, turning anything and everything into particles.

"Surtr Ragnarok!" Its a bastardized version of Trinity Seven's MC; Arata's Breakdown Phenomenon that creates a black sun, turning everything nearby into particles.

Of course, those who have a high enough magic and has enough protection won't get affected by it.

Alex controlled the black sun and threw it towards the Sephirah. Shagotte retaliated by also throwing her sun towards the Demon King.

"DISAPPEAR!" Alex roared.

Shagotte glared at him as her magic exploded out, painting the entire space with gold.

As the two attacks collides, Alex and Shagotte expected it to explode, destroying the space, but they didn't expect for the two attacks to suddenly vanish.

"Wh-What?" Alex blinked, he already prepared a countermeasure to not allow the outside world be affected by the collision of their attacks.

But he didn't expect for it to suddenly vanish like that.

Even Shagotte was dumbfounded, however she quickly regained her calm and stared at the place where their attacks met.

Alex did the same, and he can see a person floating in the place where their attacks met.

And he couldn't help but smile wryly seeing the person who stopped them.

The person smiled at the Sephira and the Demon King, "My~ my~, you two naughty children shouldn't play with fire, that's common sense okay~? So please behave ne~? If I didn't stop you two Japan would've already disappeared from the face of the Earth you see~"

Shagotte flinched whe she saw the person, or rather the woman, "D-Daath-senpai? W-What are you doing here?"

Her expression is that of fear as she looked at the woman.

Alex was just staring at the woman calmly, 'As expected, the Landlady sure is strong. Though that attack just now isn't my full power, it can still vaporize at least a third of Japan, yet she actually disperse it so easily like that.'

That's right, the woman who appeared and stopped the fight between the Demon King and the Sephirah is none other than the Landlady of Yuragi Inn.

And is also a Sephirah, which based on the way that Shagotte addressed her, is even older than even the Elder Cat God who probably already lived for millions of years.

Landlady, or Miki Shiba, snapped her fingers and the entire space was restored back as if the fight did not even happen.

And with another snap, the three appeared on the hall where they were celebrating Shagotte's birthday earlier.

"Papa!" Alice run towards her father who was now back in his human form and is now of his armor and now wearing a white tanktop and and black jeans.

Alex smiled and picked up her before kissing her cheeks as she giggled.

Shiba Miki, or as she liked to call herself; Miki-T, smiled at the father and daughter before looking at Shagotte, who flinched from her stare.

"So care to explain Sha-chan~?" Miki-T smiled before she suddenly thought of something, "Oh wait, I already have an idea~. Let's see, you wanted to bring Yesod back ne~?"


"Hmm~, you shouldn't do that Sha-chan okay~? The other world's problems isn't our business yes~? So please don't bother Alex-tan and Alice-tan anymore okay~?"

"B-But senpai! As the Sephirah who governs over the Hearth and Home, I can't just allow those people from other world to possibly lose their home due to the imbalance of their world because of Yesod's disappearance! I just can't!"

Miki-T smiled and caressed the head of the cat Sephirah, "I know Sha-chan, you are worried, its fine, its your authority after all, but we shouldn't push a little girl like her to take up her duty as a Sephirah if she doesn't like it. Besides, you know about her situation and those angels yes~? Its normal that she doesn't want to return yes~?"

"I-I-I—" in the end, Shagotte couldn't form any words and just lowered her head.

Miki-T smiled, before looking at Alex, "So Alex-tan, what do you think ne~? Let me personally punish her okay~? After all, its a senpai's duty to educate their naughty kouhai yes~?"

Alex observed the two of them before thinking. Did she harm anyone close to him? No. Is she a bad person? No, she was just worried about the other world being in danger. She also send the innocents to hide along with Yaya and Yoruichi so that they wouldn't get caught up with their fight.

And aside from wanting to bring Alice back to her original world, she did nothing wrong. Well, probably aside from the fact that she attacked with a sun earlier, but he also attack with his own sun so he guessed their even.

Not only that, if he pressed that he wanted to continue fighting, there's a chance that the landlady will act and it will be troublesome.

So he shrugged, "Meh, I don't really care. Just make sure she don't do it again."

Miki-T smiled, "Thank you Alex-tan~"

He just shrugged, before he sat down. Its his first time having a fight that intense, so he guessed he should rest first.


AN: So how do you think? For those who wanted a savage ending for Shagotte, I can only apologize. She's not Enemy, and Alex really has no intention on killing(or something) someone who did no harm towards those whom he considered as friends and family. I apologize if the ending of the fight did not satisfy you, but I won't be changing it, dropped this story or the like I don't care, this won't change.