
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 22: I'm Evil

Ashiya looked at Sagiri, Yuuna, and Koyuzu, though he did raise a brow when he saw Koyuzu holding the hands of Chisaki.

He then glanced at Oboro and Genshiro for a moment but ignored them, they are too weak to enter his eyes.

Even though he has been living quite harmoniously with humans, and most of them were to weak for him to even consider them as an ant(ants in demon world can grow up to ten meters in height and are ridiculously strong) he was still the Demon General of the East, Alsiel.

Sagiri, Koyuzu, Yaya, Yuuna, Rika, all of them were like a spec of dust he can blow away with a soft sigh. Yet, due to them being close to his lord, he tolerated their presence.

Though that was in the past, even without his king, Ashiya has to admit that he has grown fond of these people.

But still, it doesn't apply for other people whom he doesn't even know.

"Ashiya," Sagiri smiled, "Alex sent you to get us?"

"Indeed. I was on my way back to my King's Castle when he gave me a call asking to pick you guys up." He then glanced at Oboro and Genshiro, "Now I understand why he did."

"Ashiya-san!" Koyuzu ran towards him and grabbed his hands as Ashiya looked at her with a smile, "Ashiya-san! That...that man over there wanted to marry Yuuna-san! Even though she is already with Alexander onii-sama!"

Ashiya's smile froze, "Hm? Hang on Koyuzu-chan...I think I heard something that made my blood boil in anger just now...can you repeat it?"

"That man over there wanted to marry Yuuna-san even though she's already with Alexander onii-sama!"

Yuuna's scream that they misunderstood was completely ignored.

".....HUUUHHH?!!" Ashiya roared in shock and anger. No, he wasn't shock that his king is together with Yuuna despite already being with the Hero Emilia.

In his mind, it is already only a matter of time before his king will surround himself with other women, and he can already see others who are developing feelings for his king as well.

What shocked, and anger him the most is that, some lizard actually dares to try and lay his hand on the woman of his king?!

That cannot be allowed!

However...his king specifically told him to bring them back so....Perhaps he'll return for now and tell his king about this.

...yes, let's do that.

"We'll tell this His Majesty later, but for now, we should go. My liege has given me the orders and I shall execute them or I'd be ashamed to call myself his general."

Sagiri stared at Oboro for a few moments before walking towards Ashiya. She already knew that Hanzo, that HIKI-NEET is a Transcendental level powerhouse, and Ashiya sometimes called himself as Alex's general.

Since Ashiya, proclaimed himself as Alex's general too, surely, he wouldn't be any weaker than Lucifer.

Though, she still remained cautious in case the two decided to attack. But she doubt it, fighting outside a bounded field, or sub-space is forbidden, if they attack, the Chuuma Ninjas will surely chase after them.

Yuuna looked at Ashiya, then to Genshiro and Oboro with a flustered expression, before slowly grabbing Chisaki's hands as she ran towards Ashiya.

Ashiya looked at them before preparing to leave, only to stop when Genshiro called out.



"That Alexander guy...do you know him?"

"He is my lord."

"That's good," Genshiro grinned, "Very well, then lead me to him! I want to have a talk with him! Man to man!"

Ashiya frowned as he look at him in clear disdain, "Talk to him? You're far from qualified trash. Besides, my orders are clear, to bring Sagiri and the others back. Not to lead you to my Lord."

"What?!" Genshiro narrowed his eyes before grinning, "What? Don't tell me you're afraid? Tucking your tail and run away?"

Ashiya narrowed his eyes, but ignored him, "You can say what you want, I don't care. Following my liege's orders comes first."

With that, he walked away, followed by Sagiri and the others. Chisaki was looking a bit flustered, she just saw her friend blasts off that man with a shotgun, which was terrifying by the way, and watch said friend have an aerial battle with the cool looking girl with an eyepatch.

Found out that, again, said friend has a rather....intimate relationship with the one who made her a body, and then saw another man taking them away.

But it seems like her friends knew the newcomer so she guessed that its alright. Though, she kept her distance with the man, because she really feared them.

Since young, her mother told her that "all men are wolves" and won't hesitate to pounce on you given the chance. And when she's at middle school, her body was already maturing, she couldn't handle all those stares directed at her.

To the point that she even attempts to hide her breast and appear ordinary to avoid being directed by those gaze, though she eventually ceased to care since no matter what she do, it didn't stop their constant stare.

It was due to that experience that she finds men a bit scary.

"Hey! Wait!" Genshiro shouted, his eye twitched when he was ignored, and called out again, "Hey! Wait! Wait I said! Hey! You really won't lead me to your boss?!"

'Can't he just follow us?' Chisaki wondered, giving the tanned skin man a side glance before looking away, 'he's a bit dumb. I mean, we're going there aren't we? He can just follow us, no need to ask permission....or maybe he's just being polite?'

"Ha! I know...." Genshiro grinned as he suddenly thought of something, "I guess, your boss is scared of me that he told you not to lead me to him right? Hmph! How could I entrust Yuuna-chan to him if he couldn't meet me due to fear? If its like that, then I have no choice but to take Yuuna-chan back."

Ashiya froze.

Sagiri, Yuuna, and Koyuzu froze. They all knew how much Ashiya revered Alex, Ashiya's loyalty to Alex has reached the point of absolute, a fanatic, someone who'll give up his life for Alex.

That's just how much Ashiya respected Alex.

And now, this buffoon just insulted Alex in front of Ashiya. This wouldn't end well.

'Oh no...oh no, oh no no no no!' Sagiri looked at Ashiya, who was trembling, and not from fear.

Sagiri even shivered when she saw the glowing amber eyes of the Demon General.

"Genshiro-sama, there is no need to antagonize them any further, we should just leave." Oboro said behind Genshiro.

Sagiri's eyes narrowed, 'Genshiro...Genshiro...Genshiro....Ryuuga, Genshiro Ryuuga?!'

Chuuma Ninjas has a vast connections, and wide information network, how could Sagiri not know the current Dragon God of Japan?

'This is not good...The Dragon God has the aspect of Lakes, Tsunami, Floods, and Storms, if something happened to him...No! I can't allow that!'


Sagiri's heart almost leaped out of her chest in fear when Ashiya stared at her with his eyes. She literally just saw her life flash before her eyes in that instant.

Not only that, his eyes also radiated an intense amount of Killing Intent that she literally saw a mountain of corpses and rivers of blood, with Ashiya standing on top of the corpses, behind him was a red sky, and blue moon.

When that Ashiya from the vison looked at her, she saw herself getting killed dozens of times in the most brutal way.

It only lasted for an instant, but she felt like it lasted forever.

Even for her, who was trained as a Ninja and has tough mentality, almost lost herself and went insane.

Unknown to her, the ring Alex has given to her released a purple glow that lasted only for an instant before disappearing.

Alex has installed several functions to the ring aside from the storage. And one of them is a Spirit Magic that grants her resistance to every Mental attacks, like illusion, mind reading, and mind control.

Especially mind control, Alex doesn't want some cliché things to happen to someone close to him like getting mind controlled to attack them.

Sagiri swallowed her fear and put an arm on his shoulder, "C-Calm down, think about what will Alexander do when he finds out you caused a damage to the city."

Ashiya's first thought when Sagiri touched him was to cut off her arms. But held it in, and frowned when he heard what she said.

She's right, his king really like this city if he damaged it then....

He took out a green gemstone and crushed it, the space rippled for a moment as the sky turned red, signalling that a bounded field has been set.

The gemstone that Ashiya crushed is an artifact made by Alex for situations like this, it can pull anyone in the area that is related to supernatural into a powerful bounded field that could even withstand the fight of two transcendental.

As for the space rippling and the red sky, that was just for the look. It isn't necessary at all.

Ashiya immediately released his demonic force as Sagiri and the others were forced to retreat. Chisaki herself was breathing heavily as she's about to pass out, good thing that Yuuna managed to protect her.

His upper clothes were ripped, showing his upper body covered by black substance that acts like an armor except for the chest, his ears became longer and pointed, as his upper face was covere by the same substance. He also grew a tail.

Oboro narrowed her eyes, 'A scorpion Youkai...? But this power, its on the same level as Genshiro-sama.'

Of course, because Ashiya was suppressing a lot of his demonic power. He doesn't want to scare the two and make them unwilling to fight back.

Cruel as he is, he doesn't attack enemies who doesn't have the will to fight. He isn't Melacoda. It was this reason why his conquest in the East was more tamed than the other continent, because they surrendered quite easily and he saw no reason to continue unnecessary killings.

But it wasn't because he was kind, no, far from that, the reason why he did not continue killing is because he saw those humans as Demonic Force breeder, cutting their numbers means less demonic force for them.

He turned towards Genshiro, who now has a serious look on his face, "You can insult me however you like, I don't care....but insult my King and His Family....I won't spare you mercy."


AN: Yes! I drag it out! I'm evil like that! Anyway, I saw some comments saying they wanted to kill Genshiro...😑

I mean, come on, like it or not he is the Dragon God with aspect related to Lakes, Flood etc, Chitose herself explained that the reason why she didn't help in rescuing Yuuna when she was kidnapped is because she couldn't control her fortune manipulation, and if something happened to him, Japan might experience endless floods, storms, typhoons, and other disasters.

As for Ashiya, yeah, he's been living quite peacefully that you might have forgotten that he's a 1500+ years old Demon who probably has killed demons and humans ten times his age.

In the Canon, he hasn't shown much cruelty and thirst for blood because as far as I remember, they have been living for 8 months on Earth without power or money.....yeah.