
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
154 Chs

Chapter 22: Beginning of End

"Very well, since you wished to be my enemy, I will bring you down." Without any more words, Emi vanished and appeared behind Suzuno as she delivered a downward slash.

Even though she was startled, Suzuno quickly reacted by twisting her body to the side and countered by swinging her mallet to Emi.

The hero countered it with a punch, even in her human form she was still capable on knocking down a bear with her punch, much less in her angel form.(AN: This is canon)

Her fist met the mallet and Suzuno completely lost the exchange and was blown away. She rolled on the ground for a few times before she rebalanced herself and stood up.

"....I really admired the hero, but your sacrifice will surely lead to peace. I have stilled my heart to kill you, Hero Emilia. No matter what method I'll use."

Emi was about to attack again when she felt her instincts screaming at her. With a frown, she jumped to side, just in time to dodge a scythe that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Then, a short man with blue hair and a pair of white wings on his appeared and took the scythe.

Emi smirked as she retreated and covered Rika, "An angel huh? Are you perhaps the one to set up this bounded field?"

The angel smiled, "Indeed I am, Hero Emilia. It would be troublesome if those people were to go after me due to causing chaos in the real world you see."

"Those people? Are you talking about the Hexagram?"

"You know about them? I'm surprise, even in Supernatural side they are regarded as only a myth." The man chuckled, "But sadly, though they are indeed powerful, I'm not talking about them."

Emi remained silent as she gripped her sword tightly.

"Hmm~ Had enough talk? Well then—" without any more words, he dashed towards Emi and swing his scythe.

Emi raised her sword to guard and frowned when she felt her arms shake from the attack. She did not think about it much and pushed him back as she began to attack.

They weren't flying, but they were moving in a ridiculously fast speed exchanging numerous attacks.

"Heavenly Flame!" With a wave of her sword, Emi summoned a flame that moved towards her enemy.

However, the angel just waved his scythe and disperse the flame. He was about to speak when he saw a blade just an inch away from his face.

However, Emi stop her attack as the angel smirked, "Why don't you continue?"

Emi snarled, "I could say the same to you." At the back of her head, the blade of his scythe was also just an inch away from cutting her head.

The two stared at each other before retreating. The angel sighed as he flew at the sky, slowly his Celestial Force was steadily increasing.

"Oh well, time to get serious."

Emi also summoned her wings as she flew towards the sky. Her eyes narrowed as she felt the angel's Celestial Force almost surpassing her own.

The angel smirked as he disappeared. Emi's eyes widened as she raised her sword above to block the scythe that was about to cut her in half.

However, Emi was completely surprised by the strength of the angel as she was defeated in the exchange and fell down to the ground like a meteor.


A small crater was formed underneath her as Emi slowly stood up and glared at the angel, 'How? He's gotten faster and stronger!'

The angel smirked, "Are you surprised? Let me tell you, some angels will gain more power if they fight on certain conditions. Like me, the closer I am to the moon, the stronger I am."

Emi's eyes widened in shock but quickly calmed down as she smirked, "That is really unfair. Heh, but so what? I have fought against demons that are stronger, faster, and more skilled than me, and I still won. This time is not much different."

"Oh please," the angel rolled his eyes, "Do not compare me to those lowly scums you call demons."

"Heh, lowly scums you say? Satan beg to differ. That man is a monster that would surely just slap you to death," With that, she once again flew to the sky and engaged the angel in sword and scythe attacks.

"Heh, So what if he's strong? He will still fall beneath me." The angel smirked as he countered Emi.

Slash, thrust, block, dodge, Emi put everything she have learned to this fight, even using the hand-to-hand combat skills she learned from Albert.

However, no matter what she did, she just couldn't gain an advantage against this man.

Ding! The angel blocked her downward slash with his scythe. She saw the angel releasing a tired sigh before glaring at her.

She quickly retreated as she felt danger, however it was too late, the angel's eyes released a purple light which Emi quickly tried to block.

And she did, however, the moment the light made contact with her sword, she felt her Celestial Force disappearing as her hair turned back to red and her sword shrank.

"Ah?" She blinked as she started to fall down. However, she quickly recovered as she managed to land on the ground safely.

"What was that?" Her Celestial Force she was using disappeared and made her return to being a normal human.

The angel slowly descended as he smiled, "That is my unique Magic, The Wicked Light of the Fallen. A magic unique only to me that is capable of nullifying Celestial Force or Sacred Power, with this magic, even First Generation Angels doesn't dare to offend me."

Emi's eyes widened in recognition, "Wicked Light of the Fallen, that magic, don't tell you're—"

"Indeed," the angel smiled, "The Angel who taught men of the course of the moon, The Angel of the Moon, Sariel."

Emi just gave her a blank stare, "I was actually going to say the Angel who lusted after the daughters of men, but okay."

Sariel's cheek twitched in annoyance, "I DID NOT GO THAT FAR! I was just admiring their beauty! Like a person who admired a beautiful flower, I am an angel who admired beautiful women."

Emi just smirked as her hair once again turned silver, 'I need to let him stay on the ground, I can't fight him on the air.'

"Whatever," Sariel released a snort as he dashed towards Emi and swing his scythe. He did not stop even if it was blocked and continue attacking.

Slash, block, slash, the cycle continued for awhile before Sariel finally had enough and used his magic, he released a purple light from his eyes.

Emi's eyes widened and tried to dodge, but it was already too late and the light hit her, causing her to lose her Celestial Force once more.

"Kuh?!" However, despite this, she still managed to hold herself from Sariel.

It was at that moment when she saw a large mallet coming from her side.


She couldn't dodge at all and she was sent flying away as she rolled on the ground several times and coughed blood. Her sword vanishing with a wisp of light as it entered her body.

She slowly stood up while gasping for breath as she glared at Suzuno before looking at Rika, who was unconscious at the ground.

She then turned her gaze back to Suzuno, "I expected nothing less from Chief Inquisitor like you. You wanted peace? Bullshit! You keep killing innocent people yet you claim to want peace?!"

"Its a necessary sacrifice." Suzuno stated with an emotionless voice.

"What a load of crap! If you think that the ends justify the means, what makes you different from demons?!"

Suzuno remained silent as she averted her gaze.

Emi smirked, "Rika is right isn't she?" she shook her head, "Demons slaughtered people, that's true, but preaching about peace whilst spilling blood is something really, only humans can do."

Suzuno bit her lip as she understood those words than most people. She followed the church because she thought they will be the one to bring the world in peace.

The leaders of Allied Knights Order who sacrificed a lot just to stop the invasion of Demons was killed by her in the name of peace.

True that it was an order from her superior and she was powerless to stop it, but even so, she was still the one who did it.

"I had enough of this drama," Sariel appeared behind Emi and knocked her unconscious.

"..guh?!" but before she fell down to ground, Sariel caught her.

He then looked at Suzuno who was looking down to her feet, "Chief Inquisitor Crestia Bell, carry that other woman and then let's depart."

Suzuno nodded and took Rika on her arms before looking at Sariel, "However, Sariel-dono, like I said before, the Demon King did not lose his magic at all. Even if its you, I'm afraid you're not a match to him."

"Fumu," Sariel nodded, "I already made some preparations for that. If one Angel is not enough, how about a hundred?"

The instant he said that, hundreds of people wearing a white robe with a pair of white wings appeared in the sky.

They have matching colors, blue, violet, and purple, and most of all, their eyes were purple in color, signifying that they are all a second generation angels with a power equal to Sariel himself.

Sariel smirked, "Even if he is known as an Extinction-level threat, we will still kill him."

"For that is the decree of our God!"