
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 19: Suzuno's Embarrassment

In a small base surrounded with woods, a group of people wearing samurai armors were surrounding a campfire.

Suddenly, a man running in great speeds appeared approached the campfire.

"Boss! Bad news!" The man shouted.

"Hm? What is it Batosai?" A man, wearing a rather expensive looking red samurai armor stood up.

"Shinobi! The Shinobi from the Hidden Waterfall Village are on the way! We're completely surrounded!"


"That was fast!"

"Everyone, let's leave!"

The man who was called boss by Batosai took a deep breath, "...It's too late, they have arrived."

And dozens of shadows appeared, surrounding the group of Samurais.

The boss pulles out her sword and glared at the shinobis surrounding them.

"Boss! What are you doing?! We can't Shinobis in the dark! That's the time where they are at their strongest!"

"That's right boss! We'll buy you some time and escape! You should live for our sake boss!"

"YOU FOOLS!" The boss cried in anger, "I am someone who is going to be the world's greatest samurai one day! That destiny is all I have! My name might be infamous...but its gonna shake the world! How would that happen if I tuck my tail and run away?! My pride won't allow that!"

"Boss." His underlings stared at him reverence before they grinned as well.

"If boss will stay! Then so do I!"

"Right! Its just a couple of cowards hiding in the shadows! What's there to fear!?"

The boss looked at his underlings and almost couldn't stop his tears from flowing, but he did, and he grinned.

"Well then, my warriors! Let's show these group of cowards what a real warrior is!"


"And?!" Suzuno exclaimed when she read the last part, and she flipped the page, only to find that it was already the end.

She almost couldn't stop herself from screaming for that massive cliffhanger!

Suzuno sighed and closed the book she was reading and sighed again, "...They left a massive cliffhanger. I want to know what happened next."

She was currently in her room, which look a lot like a traditional Japanese room of the ancient times, she even has her own little bonsai.

She stood up and put the book on her bookshelf, which was full of books related to old Japan, like Samurais, Ninjas, and many more.




Suzuno looked towards her door and opened it, and she was immediately greeted by Chitose, who was dressed like she was going on groceries.

"Chitose-dono, is it time already?" Suzuno smiled.

Chitose smiled, "Yes, are you ready to go out now?"

"Fumu, we can go now."

Suzuno actually volunteered herself to help Chitose in groceries, since Yuuna, who usually is the one to help her, is currently studying since their tests are coming up.

As for Koyuzu, it seems like she went to Chisaki's place to play. After Koyuzu apologized properly, the two seems to get along really well.

Emi was with Alex on their mansion, probably playing with their daughter. Rika was with Ashiya, who went with him in the café. Albert hasn't come back from his work yet, Nonko has a hangover, Sagiri and Yaya are studying with Yuuna, as for Lucifer and Hisui...

...forget about them, they are completely immersed in this Full Dive Virtual Reality Game that Alex has made for them.

Suzuno followed Chitose to the trip to the city, and to be honest, Suzuno still really feels like she's dreaming every time she's here.

These tall buildings, the cars, these advance technologies....back in Ente Isla, she didn't even think that all of these were possible to make...no, she didn't even think that all of these things things actually exist.

Thinking about what she did before she came here, she couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

She indeed studied Japan, but it was the Japan of old, and not this modern country.

But now, with the help Alexander, teaching her about the stuff of the current age, she at least has the basic knowledge of the modern era.

Of course, things like Virtual Reality is still too much for her. When she tried it, she immediately thought she was put into an Illusion by a Magus or Demon who specializes in Illusion Magic.

Even now, she still finds it hard to believe that humans with no magic or spirit power whatsoever, created such a fascinating thing...allowing one to enter a new and different world.

"...Alright, so first we need some beef, pork, ground turkey or chicken, salmon and mackerel for Yaya..."

Suzuno snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Chitose. She realized that they finally arrived at the grocery store and couldn't help but scold herself for not paying attention.

"We need broccoli, spinach, peas, and carrots, and other vegetables too. Some eggs as well. That's about it, let's go Suzuno-san."

The two girls began their "shopping" and quickly bought everything on their grocery list.

Though the line to the counter was quite long, and they waited for awhile, but aside from that, everything is smooth sailing.

After they paid for their groceries, they decided to first look around before going back home.

On the way, Suzuno spotted a TV store, and a movie about Samurai was being showed.

She stopped and watched it.

"Who goes there!?" Shouted a man in TV, who was wearing a kimono shouted at the shadows.

"I have no need to tell you my name," a man wearing a white kimono, with white blank mask covering his face showed himself as he emerged from the shadows, he was holding a bloody katana.

"T-That mask...y-you are...!" The man seems to recognized the swordsman who was wearing a blank mask as he took a step back in fear.


With those words, the swordsman known as Shiroyasha bolted towards the man, who, despite his fear, pulled out his katana and engaged the swordsman Shiroyasha.

The fight was intense, that even Suzuno was impressed. They don't have any super strength, or magic, or any type of supernatural powers, it was just pure swordsmanship.

Suzuno was fascinated with the action as her eyes seems to sparkle.

After a minute, the swordsman known as Shiroyasha stabbed the other man in the heart, and emerged victorious.

The movie ended there.

But despite this, Suzuno remained at the spot in front of the TV, motionless.

'Aahh~! I just really like these movies about Samurais and Ninjas! It just made my blood boil in excitement! I feel like my Celestial Force is recovering on its own(its just in her mind)'

Without minding her surroundings, she took out a green onions from her grocery bag and put on her waist and went to a position like she was drawing a sword.

She closed her eyes and slashed forward, without even a paused, she did some series of slashes and thrusts, and displayed a masterful sword skills that would put even a real swordsman to shame.

After awhile, she sighed and "sheathed" her "sword" before standing up straight, only to realize that there are a lot of people watching her.

Some were recording her, and some were taking pictures. A beat later, Suzuno was welcomed by a fantastic round of applause.

"Su-Suzuno-san?" Chitose blinked as she stared at Suzuno in shock.

Suzuno coughed on her fist, before looking at Chitose calmly and walked away.

Chitose looked at her before deciding to follow her.

When they finally went far from the crowds, Suzuno crouched down and covered her cheeks in embarrassment.


Chitose, who was standing behind her just smiled wryly. As expected, there's no way someone won't be embarrassed by that.

Suzuno's face was bright red as she keep massaging her cheeks.

After a few minutes, she took a deep breath and stood up, though she was still blushing, most of her embarrassment were already gone.

"Let's go Chitose-dono! The others should be quite hungry now."

"O-Ohh. Yes, let's go. They must be hungry, yup."

The two walked back towards the Inn.

The next day, the video and pictures of a young girl using a green onions while doing a god-like sword skills spread throughout Japan, and a few other countries.

Even the Supernaturals were impressed by her skills, with the Chuuma Ninjas wanting to recruit her.

Sagiri herself offered Suzuno to join them, as for whether she agreed or not, is a story for another time.

I need friends!


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