
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 18: Time Skip!

A week has passed since that day, the day where Yuuna finally got a body and be able to live normally like she was still alive.

Emi, Rika, Albert and Hisui also moved in the Inn yesterday, and sad to say, Alice has been crying to sleep together with her mama and papa, she won't take no for an answer.

Left with no choice, Emi pretended to sleep with them until Alice was asleep, however, Alice seems to grab on Emi's shirt so tight that she'll wake up if Emi tried to remove it.

So in the end, she could only sigh and sleep in Alex's room. Much to her ire as the Demon King keep giving her a grin that just made her want to punch him.

Currently, the only one here in the Inn is Nonko, Hisui and Lucifer, who seems to get along pretty well when they found out that they play the same game and are even friends and partners in said game. Then there is Alice and Alex.

Yaya and Sagiri are already back to school. Yuuna went out to look around the city with Suzuno—they seems to like each other. Chitose, base on the knowledge of Alex, should also be attending school right now.

Rika, Albert, Emi, and Ashiya all went to work.

Alice was sleeping on her crib back on his room, with Judecca looking after her. So right now, Alex was alone on the Inn's dining room, just chilling in front of the electric fan while lying on the floor and eating a popsicle.

"What are you doing here?" Alex suddenly spoke.

"Haha~ as expected, I was found out huh?" A teasing female voice resounded around the room, as a figure of a woman appeared at the corner of the room.

Alex sat up and looked towards the woman with his popsicle on his mouth, "....You aren't really hiding your presence Yoruichi."

"Hahaha, I guess so~" Yoruichi laugh as she sat beside Alex, "I researched a lot about Sephirah and Sephirot, as expected, that was unbelievable even for me. Those words were only regarded as a myth."

Alex raised an eyebrow, "So? Do you believe it?"

"....I guess, its hard not to." She smiled and lied down as she face the fan, "I have seen it with my own eyes after all. And I'm pretty sure that was still not your full strength."

"Did you report it?" If she did, Alex will do everything to erase their memories. He doesn't want an annoying group of flies disturbing his life.

And if he did kill everyone that went to him, there will surely be a war. Two of the Hexagram are already having some skirmish due to the disappearance of the Yatahagane.

And Alex wasn't sure where the MC of Yuragi has gone, even when he used Magic Sense on the entire Japan he couldn't find even a trace of him.

"Nah," Yoruichi smiled as she waved her hand, "No one will believe me I think, well probably aside from that guy, and I don't want my friend to suddenly go missing because he poke his nose where it doesn't belong."

"At least your smart."

"That's common sense idiot." she rolled her eyes, "Are you perhaps thinking that I will tell this to the Commander and he will be like 'we can rule the world with this' and proceed to send our entire force to go to war with you?"

"....Pretty much, yes."

"Pfft! Hahaha! This is not some Xianxia/Wuxia novel you know. Even if I did tell this to the commander, he is smart enough to not touch something that shouldn't belong to mortal hands."


"You read to much novel."

Alex rolled his eyes and lied down beside her, "Did you go talk with the cat?"

"Shagotte? Yeah, though she said that her senpai "sealed" her authority though, she said that right now she is only as weak as a Transcendental," she gave a wry smile, "This is the first time that I saw someone giving a disdainful face when talking about a Transcendental."

Alex hummed, he wasn't that surprise. As a Sephirah who pretty much has enough power to be called an Anti-World existence, an ordinary human and a Transcendental doesn't have much difference.

"So? Why are you here?"

"...Would you believe me if I said that I came to chat?"

Alex remained silent and just lazily gave her a stare.

"....Haa~ well, I only came here to rest, that's much is true. But I'm currently on a mission, assassination to be exact."

Alex raised an eyebrow, "Assassination? That person must be strong for a Transcendental like you to be sent to go after him...or her."

"Right? He is super strong with an OP ability," she grinned as she shifted her body to face Alex, "He was actually a captain who went rogue. He stole an artifact that grants anyone an endless amount of Spirit Power."

"Hoo~?" Alex was surprised, if what she said is true, then wouldn't there be someone who is similar to him? "If what you said is true, then guy would surely have his strength raise to a level of a Sephirah."

However, she shook his head, "No, I don't think so....hmm how to explain this...do you play video games?"

"Huh? Well yeah."

"Good, then its a bit easier to explain. In video games, that thing is a cheat that allows a player to not run out of mana. Meaning—"

Alex cut her off, "If his mana is only at a thousand, then it wouldn't increase nor decrease, but just remain in thousands. So he also couldn't use a spell that requires a mana of more than a thousand because his mana is insufficient even if he has an endless one."

So to say, its a bastardized version of his Magic Breeder Reactor which gives him LITERALLY an INFINITE amount of magic power that would surely cause his body to explode from too much energy if it wasn't because of Judecca controlling its output.

And unlike Yuki and Guy, who copied the skill from Milim in the original, Alex himself doesn't need to learn how to control it because there's already Judecca doing it for him.

"....Yeah that's pretty much it. My friend made that, but that's only a prototype after all, so it couldn't really do something amazing....I think."

Alex raised an eyebrow, but then shook his head. If his guess was right, then that item should be the Hogyoku, or something similar.

He was kinda interested in it though. He wanted to study it, what kind of function does that thing have to be able to produce an endless energy.

If he can recreate it then, wouldn't he be able to make something like "God's Apostles" from Arifureta? If he remembered correctly, they have a core that supplies them with infinite mana.

'God's Apostles...No, Grim Reapers! Just thinking about having an Army of them makes me excited. Its exhilarating!'

Yoruichi blinked as she the image of her friend overlapping with Alex when he finally found something that greatly interests him.




"If you find that man, tell me alright? I will help you, as your friend, I don't want to see you get hurt right?" He said, with his face getting really close to hers.

So close in fact their nose would touched each other if they as much as move a bit forward.

Yoruichi blinked as she averted her eyes, "S-Sure, why not?" 'I-Is this what the guys are feeling when I tease them? Shit, this is embarrassing. Once I return, I promise I will not do it again...perhaps...maybe...Ah who am I kidding? I will definitely tease them!'

Alex smiled, "That's good. Anyway, I'm sure you're here to see Nonko right? You two are friends after all?"

Yoruichi finally recovered her composure as she smirked and nodded, "Yup, where is she anyway? Every time I visit she's usually here drinking sake?"

"She's probably passed out on her room. She did go wild drinking last night for some reason."

"I see," she smiled and stood up, "Well then, I will go and see her now. Talk to you later Alex!"

Alex waved his hand with a smile as she went out of the dining room and went to Nonko's room.

She has been here for several times already so she know her way. After a minute, she finally arrived at her friend's room.

Without any hesitation, she slid the door opened. And she was immediately greeted by a messy room, clothes scattered around, empty bottles of wine, and empty cans of beer.

But Yoruichi just ignored it and glanced at the bed, where Nonko who was only in her black lingerie was sleeping while snoring loudly.

With a drool escapes from her mouth.

Yoruichi sighed, "She never change." She then smirked, as she took out three Senbons and threw it at the sleeping Nonko.

Almost immediately, Nonko's carefree and messy appearance changed to a serious one as her eyes opened and a hint of killing intent flash in her eyes as she caught the senbons thrown at her.

But immediately returned to her usual carefree look when she saw Yoruichi, "Ara~ Ara~ Yoru-chan~ Its nice to see you again~ But please don't do that again okay~? You almost scared me to death you see~?"

Yoruichi smiled, but immediately turned serious, "Nonko, I need your help."

Nonko's eyes quickly turned cold while her face still has her usual smile, "Ara~? You know I no longer want anything to do with the Hexagram, Yoruichi."

Yoruichi gave a wry smile as she scratched the back of her head and sat down on the bed, "I know but....The Hogyoku was stolen."

Nonko lost her smile, "My~ That is indeed a problem."