
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 16: I'm a bit tipsy

AN: Yeah, just went home from my friend's birthday and I feel a bit tipsy.


"Can you eat all that Yaya?" Alex stared at the young Bakeneko beside him who was eating several plates full of fishes piled up together.

"Yaya can, no worries." Yaya gave him a thumbs up with sparkling eyes, "Alexander, can Cat God eat also? I want Cat God to taste this."

Alex thought for a bit before he waved his hand at the river, with a large splash, something huge came out of the river.

It was a catfish, measuring up to 2 meters and weighing around 200kg, well that's just Alex's rough estimation.

Yaya stared at the fish with sparkling eyes while drooling as the large Cat God manifested behind her, staring at the fish with the same eyes as Yaya while also drooling.

"Fish, super huge, it should be super delicious as well." Yaya muttered before staring at Alex.

Nonko, who was not too far away from them just laughed as she looked at Yaya, "Hahaha! Look Alex-chan, Yaya looks like she couldn't wait to pounce on you."

Even though she was laughing like that, she was really still processing about what Alex told her. Though he also told her that he isn't the Satan recorded in the bible.

It seems like the name Satan is quite common in the Demon World from where he came from.

She really couldn't picture Satan just chilling on the couch with her daughter watching Anime and Cartoons. (AN: They are not the same, you can't convince me. No arguments, facts, or logic can make me change my mind)

Really, she couldn't believe that a Demon who almost Conquered a world if not because of his daughter was living with them.

Hearing Nonko's words, Alex couldn't help but shot her with a glare. While Yaya just continue staring at him, causing Nonko to laugh even harder.

Yaya wiped her drool as she gave Alexander a longing look, "Alexander please do it quick. I can't wait for it to enter inside me(lol)"

Alexander gave her a horrified look. He can't believe he just heard that line, and it came from Yaya no less!

Nonko laughed even harder, "Hahaha! Oh gods, that was funny! Hahaha! Hurry up Alex-chan~ You can't make a girl wait if she's "hungry" for it. Hahaha!"

Alex shook his head and tried to forget those words and just cleaned the the two meter long cat fish while also preparing a large grill.

He paused, "Wait, do you want me to grill it Yaya? Cat God?"

They nodded. Shrugging, Alex decided to just grill it. They like it anyway, so there's no problem.

"Hm?" He looked towards the door and noticed that it was open, with Sagiri going in. "Sagiri huh? What is she doing here?"

Nonko also shifted her head to look at Sagiri who was swiftly approaching them. "Hmm~? Maybe she wanted to join us."

After she said those words, Sagiri finally stopped beside Yaya. "Sorry for the intrusion Alexander Gremory."

"Its fine, rather why did you come here? Is something the matter?" Alex asked.

Sagiri looked away. She doesn't know how to answer that. Why did she rush here anyway? "W-Well, it was because Chitose mentioned that Yaya rushed inside your room, so I thought that there might be some problem, so I came here. But it seems like everything is fine. So I better get going!"

"No need," Alex stopped her before she could even move, "Since you are already here then come and join us."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Hn," he nodded before handing her a grilled fish, which she took before taking out a canned bear, "Just sit down. Want to drink?" He offered a canned beer.

"I'm a minor." Sagiri shook her head before taking a bite out of the fish and her eyes widened in surprise, "....So good. Isn't this just a fish grilled normally? How could it be so good?"

Alex smirked, but said nothing. He then took out a glass and poured the contents of the can, however much to everyone's surprise, what came out of the can is not a beer but—


Alex smiled before handing the glass of cola to Sagiri, who hesitatingly took it. "I'm not going to get drunk by drinking this right?"

"Nah, its just cola, that I promise."

She took a sip, and blinked her eyes before gulping it down. ".....Its cola indeed. But how? Is this the same as the Magic Tricks I sometimes hear from my classmates?"

Alex shrugs and just continue grilling the large fish.

Nonko observed Alex with narrowed eyes as she began to think. 'Changing a beer into cola huh? I wonder.....' She smirked, what she thought of was only known to herself.

"Oh right, we have a new tenant today." Sagiri informed, "Her name is Suzuno Kamazuki I think, she's a short and petite girl, I think she's hiding something."

Nonko laughed, "Come one Sagiri-chan, you thought of everyone like that. Remember Alex-chan? Haha!"

"Nonko!" She glared at Nonko who only laughed at her.

Alex just watched them bicker and shook his head as he let out an amused snort.

"Alexander, is it done? Yaya and Cat God can no longer wait!" Yaya said as she once again began to drool, with Cat God waving its tail while staring intently at the large fish.

"Just a few more minutes you glutton." Alex rolled his eyes but smirked when she saw the hungry eyes of the Cat and Girl duo while following the large fish with their eyes

"By the way Alex-chan~ We're out of beer~!" Nonko waved her hand, holding an empty can of beer. "Whip out something good to drink kay~?"

Alex paused, before he searched Judecca's storage and found several bottles of wine. Its a grape wine made by Alex himself, and he can guarantee the taste.

He took out one and tossed it towards Nonko, who caught it with her two hands before observing it.

"Sinfully Delicious Wine~? What's up with this brand~?"

She shrugs and opened it, a blush immediately formed on her face and she almost couldn't stop herself from moaning.

She looked at Sagiri and Yaya who also seems to be in a similar state as she is. Their eyes looks heavy and seems like they were about to fall asleep.

"....are they drunk?" She questioned, and she look at Alex who just shrugs before waving his hand, causing Yaya and Sagiri to recover their minds.

They quickly put a distance between them and Nonko.

"W-What's up with that wine?!" Sagiri glared at the bottle as if she was going to kill it.

"Yaya hates it." She covered her nose, even though it actually smells good, but for some reason she just can't like it.

Nonko blinked at their reactions before smirking as she looked at the wine, "Now I wonder how it tastes? Alex-chan~! A glass here please~!"

Alex took one from Judecca and tossed it towards Nonko.

She caught it and quickly poured himself a wine. The wine itself seems to glisten and her smile couldn't be more beautiful.

She twirled the glass and observed it before nodding in satisfaction. She took a sip, 'W-What is this?! T-this tingling sensation...its sweetness, its perfect!'

Taking another sip, as she savored it, 'Its acidity is quite low, making it richer, but that's just my taste. Its perfect!'

"So...So Gooood~!"

Alex smirked, "Glad you like it Nonko." He then looked towards the cat girl, "Yaya! Your fish is ready!"

Almost immediately, the large body of Cat God appeared in front of him as it meowed and caressed its cheeks to his.

"Haha," Alex laughed as he patted its head and gave it the large fish. "Here you go big guy."

The Cat God meowed as it began to eat the fish.


Omake: Ruler of Demons, King of Monsters

"MUWAHAHAHA!" Alex, in his Demon Form wearing his Ente Isla attire was floating above the city of Tokyo.

His overbearing magic exploded out of his body, causing the entire planet to shake as if it was trembling in fear.

With a flap of his wings he causes tornadoes and typhoons, with a wave of his hands he brings earthquake, with a glare from his eyes causes volcanoes to erupt.

Angels, Demons, Humans, Sephirah, they can only stare in fear at the God-Like Demon King who is hailed as an Extinction Class level threat. A being said to be able to endanger an entire species and cause them to go extinct.

"How does it feel?! Hahaha! This despair, this hopelessness, this fear, its exhilarating!" Satan laughed like a madman.

"Now! Let me show you my greatest creation! Awaken! KING OF MONSTERS!"

From the depths of the ocean, a titanic being opened its eyes. At the same time, the entire planet trembled, islands sank, tectonic plates shifted, and the sky darkened.

At the sea of Japan, an enormous, Jurassic-like, reptilian-monster emerged.


Its roar caused the air to shake, it destroyed buildings, flattened mountains, and brought storms.

Everyone could only stare at the titanic beast with lifeless eyes as if they have given up on living.

The monster released an atomic breath, completely vaporizing half of Tokyo and everyone that was caught within it.

The monster moved, each steps causes the planet to tremble in pain, but the monster continue to move.

Anyone that was caught in his steps could only accept getting turned into a puddle of blood.

Missiles, Jets, countless weapons tried to stop the monster, but it was futile. The attack looks nothing more than an ant biting a rock.

"MuwahahaHAHAHA! HAHAHA!" Alex laughed watching the destruction with a satisfied look.

"Go Shin Godzilla! Submerged the world in the sea of blood, burn it with fire from the depths of hell, and bury it with their corpses! RAGE! DESTROY! RAMPAGE!"

Satan smirked.

"Papa wazzut?"

Almost immediately, Alex turned his head behind him and saw his daughter, looking at him in confusion.

"Oh? Well, its my gift for you Alice!" Alex smiled and moved out the way, letting Alice see a one meter tall Shin Godzilla destroying the miniature Tokyo City with its chilli sauce breath.

"Wooo~! Gozziwa! Its Gozziwa! Papa, for me?!"

Alex smirked and gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead, "Of course, anything for my daughter."

"Wow! I wuv you papa! Muwa!" She gave her papa a kiss on the cheek as the Demon King laugh.