
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Chapter 15: There's an Omake in this chapter!


Alex smiled and caught his daughter who ran towards him. He lifts her up to his arms before giving her a kiss on the cheeks.

The little Sephira giggled.

Alex then turned his gaze towards Emi, who was walking towards them looking worried.

"Alice!" She stood in front of Alex frowned at her daughter, "I told you not to run didn't I? What if you trip and hurt yourself? Your Papa might not be able to control himself and blow up Kyoto."

"I'm sowwy Mama~" Alice looked down sadly.

Emi stared at her for a few seconds before she sighed and smiled, "Its fine, I'm not mad. Just make sure to not do it again alright?"


Alex finally decided to intervene, "You know I won't blow up Kyoto right? I'm not that bad."

Emi rolled her eyes before she smirked, "Right, you're so much worse."

Alex didn't deny it and just smile, "...Are you fine now?"

"Hm?" Emi raised an eyebrow in confusion before she suddenly realized what he was talking about and she smiled and nodded, "Yeah, its thanks to Hisui, she helped me a lot."

Alex smirked, "That's good, I don't want you acting all depressed, you made Alice sad you know."

"Yeah," she smiled sadly, "sorry about that, but its alright, I'm fine now."

Alex smiled at her.

"Oh? There's Ashiya and Rika." Albert's voice was heard, "Oi! You two! Over here! The rain's already clear! We can look around Kyoto now!"

Everyone stared at Ashiya and Rika who was walking outside the hotel side by side. Emi frowned when she noticed how close Rika is to Ashiya, but shook her head.

"E-Everyone, sorry for earlier." Rika apologizes with an embarrassed smile and a blush, while sending some hidden glances at Ashiya.

Of course this action wasn't missed by Alex, Emi, and Nonko, with Alex and Nonko just letting out a smirk, and Emi sighing.

Alex handed Alice to Emi before he motioned his general to come over before putting an arm around his shoulder as he whispered, "So? What did you two do? Rika seems flustered?"

Ashiya blinked before answered, "Well, just like your majesty asked, I accompanied her. Even when she tells me to go, I did not let her out of my sight. We even went to their room, I don't know why she's embarrassed though. We just remained silent for a few minutes she started to talk, and I just listened, I also gave my own opinion from time to time, and then after awhile we finally left and here we are."

Alex's eyes widened, "..You.." He was speechless. Though it didn't seem much from Ashiya's perspective, its much different for Rika.

She was at her weakest moment after hearing that the deaths of many of her friends and classmates wasn't an accident, but because they are just unfortunately casualty.

She's vulnerable, and in that moment, there is one guy who was there for her, even when she tells him to leave, he just remained.

And then, when she finally decided to open up and speak about her troubles, he was there to listen to her, he was there to talk to her, he....he was there for her.

'Shit!' Alex cursed, 'This guy, isn't he a bit too strong?!'

After all, what was the most important thing to make someone fall in love with you?

Handsome and Beautiful face? Alex has met a lot of couples who have a rather average and below average appearance but still love each other deeply.

Good personality? Alex knows a lot of couples who have a rather abusive partner but still love them dearly.

Money? Alex knows a lot of couples who aren't even rich but still love each other and have a happy family.

Good at sports? A hot body? Reputation? Special talent?


None of those! The most important thing to make someone fall in love is opportunity, or timing. To be there at the right place and the right moment.

The hero saving the damsel in distress, or just talking to them when they are troubled, or even just a little gesture of lending your shoulders to that person.

Though it may not look like much, but its a step forward towards a relationship.

And Ashiya has captured that opportunity! No wonder why Rika seems to act a bit closer to Ashiya than before.

"Tsk." Alex gave an annoyed look before walking towards Emi.

Nonko was listening to them, and she almost couldn't stop herself from laughing.

She then looked at Sagiri beside her and smiled, "...Are you jealous?"

"Hn?" Sagiri turned towards Nonko, "Jealous of...what?"

Nonko did not answer and just look at her. Sagiri was frowning, showing a somewhat pained expression, Nonko knew that the girl herself doesn't realize that she has such expression.

Nonko smiled, as she shrugs, "Oh, nothing, I just thought that you are quite jealous because you haven't had someone you can give your heart too."

Sagiri looked down at her palm as she gave a sad smile, "I don't think that I can find someone like that..."

Nonko smirked, 'Of course not, your heart was already stolen without you even realizing it.'

"I was raised and trained to kill, my body also isn't very feminine as it was trained for battle. I don't think that there will be a guy in this world that will find me attractive. A killer like me."

'Oh Sagiri, if only you knew how attractive you are...' Nonko sighed, no matter how she, and pretty much every girl in Yuragi tell her how attractive she is, Sagiri seems to think otherwise.

Sagiri has always has been insecure about her beauty and femininity, always thinking of herself as unattractive despite the others telling her the exact opposite of what she thought of herself.

That stubbornness of hers is really a pain. But Nonko knew, that if Sagiri finally realizes her feelings, and admits it to herself, that stubbornness of her will be her greatest weapon.

But, that's still in the far future.

Nonko smiled and patted Sagiri on the shoulder as the Ninja just gave her a confused look.

The Oni remained silent and just looked at Suzuno amd smiled, "How about you Suzuno-chan?"

Suzuno remained silent for a few seconds before shaking her head, "Alex-dono already has daughter with Emi-dono."

Nonko raised an eyebrow before grinning. 'It seems like she hasn't realized what she said. What is up with these girls?'

Shaking her head, she put around their shoulders and pulled them closer.



"Aahh~ You two are just sooo~ cute!"

Lucifer and Hisui was standing behind the group, minding their own business.

Lucifer was playing Mobile Myths on his phone, his character being Jack the Reaper, that Loli.

"You know..."

Lucifer moved his gaze to Hisui before focusing back to his game, "What is it?"

Hisui looked at him, "I really, really hate you. Demon General Alsiel, Demon General Lucifer, and Demon King Satan, I really hate you all."

Lucifer paused for moment before continuing playing his game.

"But..." She smiled, "...I can't think...no, I can't imagine a life without you....without you three anymore. The doting father Alexander Gremory, the Hardworking Ashiya Shirou, and the Lazy NEET Hanzo Urushihara. Without you three, I don't think we would have this joyful atmosphere."

Lucifer remained silent and finished the game, as the word "Victory" floated on his screen. After that, he closed the app and pocketed his phone as he smiled.

"What a coincidence, I thought so too."

"Oi! You two lovebirds at the back! Hurry up! We'll leave you!"

Hisui and Lucifer turned towards Alex who was calling them as they both smiled and jog towards the group.

With that, the group enjoyed their trip to Kyoto for three whole days before finally returning to Yuragi.


OMAKE(Been awhile)


A green haired boy who looks to be 12-13 years old was terrified as he sat in the metal chair and the single lightbulb in the interrogation room hung over him.

The dark-green haired man in front of him was glaring at him with eyes that seemed to glow in the dark while a woman with red hair seated in the back was sharpening her sword.

"My daughter, Alice Gremory. What is your relationship with her!?" The green haired boy eeped when the man who is Alex slammed his hands down on the table with a loud bang.

"She's just a friend I made!"

"Don't lie to me boy! I'm giving you a chance to come clean right now. You see my wife back there with the sword? She's not going to give you the chance to come clean, she'll just chop your head off and feed your corpse to demons."

"Aren't you supposed to be good cop bad cop?" The green haired boy asked nervously, unable to take his eyes off the sparks flying off the sword.

"You think this is some kind of movie? No, I'm bad cop, she's the executioner. Right now I'm the only thing standing between you and her, you don't want me to move away do you?"

Alex started shifting to the side and Emi's ghoulish visage looked up from the sword to sear the boy's soul with those hellish green pupils of her.

"No! No! Don't go!" The boy begged.

"See, we can come to an understanding after all." Alex relaxed slightly, moving back to his original position and the boy heaved a small sigh of relief.

"Let's start again, name?"

"B-Berubo Ouga sir!"

"Now, what is your relationship with my daughter?"

"She's just a friend!" Berubo gulped when he saw Alex narrow his eyes and decided to start talking fast before he changed his mind about standing between him and Emi.

"I-I met her in the city! I got lost and she helped me find my way, that's it honest!"

"Awfully convenient isn't it?" Alex asked, suspicion dripping in his tone.

"No really! I'm telling the truth! M-my mother is Businesswoman! She's only here for business trip! We only got here three days ago! A-and we'll be leaving by the weekend!"


"Story checks out, I think he's clean. Pity." Lucifer, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere handed some papers to Alex.

Alex began reading the papers and nodded.

"Today's your lucky day after all boy. You get to go, but remember we'll be watching. We'll always be watching. You so much as look at my daughter the wrong way and…" He trailed off with a sinister grin running a finger across his neck, getting Berubo to gulp and nod frantically.

"You're free to go. If it's all the same to you, I don't recommend sticking around." Alex unlocked the door and held it open.

Berubo didn't need any further invitation, dashing out with all the speed he could muster before the scary man and his wife could change their mind.