
Chapter 12: Trouble

"We're back." Alex, holding Alice in his arms, and Emi beside him suddenly appeared in the courtyard of his castle.

They have already finished adding the Red and Blue Oni Chiefs and the Demon Dragon Patriarch into the Trinity Seven.

The Onis became a member of the 7 Longinus while the Demon Dragon became a Guardian.

The Red Oni Chief was given the "Cursed Gear" called the Evolving Dragon Gauntlets or Boost Critical, its a red draconic looking gauntlets that doubles the power of the user every ten seconds, physical or magical!

The soul of an Ascended Crocodile Youkai was sealed in that gauntlets. Acting as a battery to allow the user to wield the Gear without the need to use their own energy.

Of course, once the "battery" was exhausted, it can be restored by converting the user's stamina into an energy to recharge it.

The Blue Oni Chief, on the other hand, was given the "Cursed Gear" called the Divine Blade of The Leviathan or Absolute Divider.

A silver and blue sword with silver blade. It is capable of halving the power of the opponent when cut, and transferring that power to the user.

And yes, these two have Balance Breaker.

"So, are you guys ready?" Alex smiled as his generals nodded their heads.

Lucifer though, was looking at Alex and Emi with a suspicious look. He may not look like it, but he is the most observant General that Alex has.

Despite staying in his room most of the time, he knew that Alex and Emi are never that close. So how come? In just a single night, these two suddenly became so close that Emi even kissed Alex even with him around.

Not to mention when he saw them sparring...no, in fact it could even be called as flirting.

'...So my assumptions are correct?' He smiled. Considering his heritage, he knew about Alice being a Yesod Fragment, and being a General, he knew as well that Satan never left the castle when they conquered Ente Isla.

'They pretended to be Alice's parents, but somewhere down the line, they both developed feelings for each other and became a real couple...' He snorted in amusement, '...what a cliché development.'

Alex suddenly turned towards Lucifer but said nothing. After observing the general for awhile, he shook his head and step out of the portal.

The generals followed behind him.


"You, Are you all Declaring War to the Gotei 13!?" Yamamoto roared, standing above the city which is now in ruins. "We might have yet to recover from the War, but don't think that we became so weak!"

There are also several Captains with him. Captain Retsu Unohana, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain Byakuya Kuchiki, and Captain Shunsui Kyoraku.

They also have several Lieutenants with them. The other captains and several officers were out since their enemies managed to take them down, and they are currently in the medical ward, resting.

Aside from them, there are also several seated officers and non-seated officers of Gotei 13. The Chuuma Ninjas are also assisting them.

Even Sagiri, despite looking exhausted in her Spirit Armor, was assisting them. They are wearing a device, bracelets to be exact, that allows those who aren't a Transcendentals to fly.

Made by Yours Truly, Kisuke Uruhara.

They are inside the Sub-Space where the Soul Society, the city and base of the Gotei 13 is located. Yes, the ruined city below them is the once proud city of Gotei 13.

Below, you can even see hundreds—no, perhaps thousands upon thousands of corpses can be seen. Some were mutilated, some were buried under the rubbles and debris, all of them died horribly.

All of them were wearing the black Gotei 13 uniform, while some were wearing the Chuuma Ninja uniforms.

And the culprits of this tragedy were floating just in front of the Captain Commander.

There are thousands of them, wearing a full body armors with a pair of white wings on their back.

"I really don't want war mm-kay?" A man with long light hair suddenly appeared, wearing a what seem to be a white greek toga, "I just wanted to ask some questions."

It was Gabriel.

Yamamoto glared at him, despite being injured, he was still exuding an aura of supremacy. "The option of talking has already been crossed out the moment you invaded our land and cause this chaos!"

Gabriel just smiled, "Its not me mm-kay? Its..." He pointed at the angel beside him, wearing a full body black knight armor, "...that guy over there okay? I'm just here to ask questions, promise. Just tell me where the Demon King is and we'll go."

"Demon king?" Yamamoto muttered. 'Is it Alexander Gremory?'

Sagiri's gaze hardened hearing that. There is only one Demon King she knew, and he's not here! She stared at Gabriel, wondering if he came from the same place as Alex and the others.

Gabriel seem to notice this as he looked at her, "Ah! That look, so you know him huh? Can you tell me where he is? I just needed something from him."

Sagiri remained silent and just gripped her Kunai tighter. Gabriel just shrugs, already expecting her to not say anything.

Seriously though, Gabriel has been searching for Demon King all this time. And he couldn't even find even a trace of him!

The reason why he couldn't, is because Alex made a bounded field that made it untraceable for someone who have malicious intentions.

The only way that Gabriel would be able to find Alex is if he went out of the Inn and face Gabriel, but even then, if Alex went back inside, Gabriel would forget about it.

Also, because the Angels in Heaven didn't bother informing him that Alex was back in the Demon World.

"Can't you just tell me?" Gabriel sighed.

He wasn't really planning on causing this much chaos, he was too lazy for that. But the angel who went with him though, he was merciless.

He only wanted to ask some question since he heard that a "Demon King" assisted the Gotei 13 in a war. Now, he really won't think of Alex first since there might be some other Demon Kings out there, besides, why would the demon king help the "heroes" right?

But he already hit a solid wall and couldn't even find any more clues, so he decided to meet the so-called Gotei 13, but who knew that his "partner" would cause a massacre.

"Enough talk." Yamamoto stood in front of Sagiri, as if to protect her, "All things in this world, Turn to ashes! Ryujin Jakka!"

Yamamoto's staff became a flaming sword. With a flick of his wrist, the flames shoot towards Gabriel.

Gabriel was just watching it in amazement. The angel beside him though, was unimpressed. He took out a trident and waved it.

And in an instant, the flames vanished. Shocking everyone present aside from the angels.

Even Yamamoto stared in shock. It was just like that when that Arrancar extinguished his flames!

Gabriel gave the angel a look, "Camael, don't be too hard on them mm-kay? The people here are too weak, you might break them. We won't be able to get some answers then."

Camael just remained silent.

At that moment, several Second Generation Angels with purple eyes and purple hair started appearing.

"Sir Gabriel, sir Camael, it is a waste of your time to deal with these trashes. Let us handle them!" A middle aged man wearing a dark armor with short purple hair and purple eyes declared, staring at the Gotei 13 in contempt.

"Some of them are quite alright though, maybe I can get some exercise." a young man who looked to be his twenties, wearing a plain white shirt and black jeans just smirk at them.

Gabriel just shrugs, "Don't kill them mm-kay? Killing this many already made us a target, if we kill more we might not get out of this world alive. Yes, I'm talking to you Daniel."

Gabriel knew that unlike in Ente Isla where they rid their Sephira of power and make it their own, the Sephira on Earth are pretty much strong and kicking.

The Sephira of Earth annihilated them thousands of years ago when they came to invade this world, leaving only a few thousand of angels.

He doesn't want to experience that a second time. If it wasn't for those pacifistic Sephira they might've already been extinct.

"Don't worry sir, we will just ask some questions." The young man, Daniel, just laughed. He then pointed at Sagiri before looking back at Gabriel, "But sir, that chick over there seem to know the answer, should I go and question her?"

Gabriel just shrugs before he closed his eyes and decided to lie down, on the air.

Daniel smirks, he looked at Yamamoto who stood protectively at Sagiri. "Mm, she must be important to you. Don't worry, I'm a good hearted angel, I just really need to ask her where in the "hell" is Satan...? Eh? Eh? Get it? Hahaha!"

They just stared at him. Unimpressed.

Yamamoto released a snort and flashed towards Daniel with his sword blazing in crimson flames. With a roar, he slashed his flaming sword downward.

Daniel blinks and appeared behind Yamamoto, still smirking. "I know my joke isn't that good, but I don't think I deserved to get..."burned" eh? Get it? Hahaha!"

Yamamoto glared and gripped his sword tightly before he turned around and swing his sword, only for someone to tap his shoulders.

Daniel smirked as he saw the shocked look of Yamamoto, "Surprised? Just so you know, Angels like us gets stronger if we fight in certain conditions. Sariel gets stronger the closer he is to the moon, while I get stronger the hotter the temperature."

His smirk widens seeing the look on Yamamoto's face, "That's right old man, your flames are just making me stronger."

Daniel suddenly flashed as a wave of pink cherry blossom leaves shoot towards him.

"Hm?" Daniel raised an eyebrow when he noticed a man surrounded by pink petals. He frowned, before looking at the other second generation angels, "You guys! What are you doing there?! Go! Go! Go! Beat them up real good!"

Yamamoto took a deep breath as his Spirit Power bursts out of his body, looking over his shoulders, he glared at Daniel.

"Brat...you think I'm so weak without my flames?! Do not mock me! You're a thousand years too early to talk shit with me!"

Daniel actually took a step back, as his eyes gave off a trace of fear for an instant, though it quickly vanished.

He was about to say more when someone put a hand on his shoulder. Taking a look, he was surprised to see Gabriel having a serious face while looking at Yamamoto.

"Go, you can't handle him." Gabriel ordered, as Daniel could only nod his head.

Gabriel smiled and nodded, though inside he was a little shocked, 'This world still has someone this strong?'

Daniel looked at Yamamoto for a moment before turning his gaze to Sagiri. And with a blink, he appeared in front of her.

Startled, Sagiri gripped her kunai and aimed it at his throat. Daniel just raised his arm to blocked, Sagiri did not express any shock and just kick him before retreating.

She took out several fuma shurikens and threw it towards him. The angel merely twisted his body to avoid before he darted towards Sagiri, only to pause and looked behind him, as the Fuma shurikens were coming back.

'Strings?' He wondered, before looking at Sagiri who has some strings attached to her fingertips as she pulled it, inviting the shurikens back to her.

"Hmph!" He shot Sagiri a contemptuous glare. "Not enough!"

However, contrary to his thoughts, the shurikens did not hit him but merely circled around, causing him to get tied by the strings attached to them.

Sagiri took out a talisman before activating it, as blue electric currents traveled from the strings to Daniel.

Still unsatisfied, she took out several other talismans before activating them. Fireballs, lightning bolts, wind blades, explosions, hundreds of attacks bombarded Daniel.

Sagiri only stopped when she ran out of talismans. She was breathing heavily, activating perhaps a hundreds of talismans took a toll on her.

At that instant, when she relaxed her guard, a blade was pointed on her neck by Daniel, only for a silver armored hand grabbing said blade.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the one who stopped the blade.

A long flowing silver hair, beautiful face, purple eyes, and silver armor with a pair of white wings.

"Y-You..." Daniel's eyes widened as he recognized the woman who stopped his blade.

"E...Emi?" Sagiri muttered in shock.

Emi smiled at her.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her shoulder. Turning her head, she saw the smiling face of Alex, who was looking at her.


Gabriel, who was fighting Yamamoto, suddenly paused and looked at him with a smile.

"There you are..."

Alex just smiled at him, "I heard you are looking for me. So I just came here to meet you...Guardian Angel of Yesod, The Angel who's a major headache in Heaven, Gabriel."

"My~ my~ who told you that?" Gabriel smiled as he retreated away from Yamamoto, "...Demon King Satan."

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