
The Devil King's Host

"Listen very carefully, kid. Don't think I'm your assistant just because you are my host. I'm the strongest and cruelest being. I am the devil king. I won't save you on the contrary, just like everyone else, I want you dead. After all, I'm the reason they want you dead." Sheon's harsh words rang in Henry's mind. He wanted to make sure the human was clear about their relationship. "Hey, Mr. Devil King...What do you think your role is?" Henry suddenly asked, unfazed by Sheon's threat. "You know the answer. In human terms ' I'm the big boss' " Sheon replied, a hint of pride in his tone. "You're wrong, very wrong." "Hm? Enlighten me." The Curious Sheon said. "You might have been the king in your world, but here, you're locked up in my body, you're just a prisoner. A tool for me to use, and with your powers, I'll survive and get back at everyone who looked down on me. I will live the way I want and with my own rules." Henry's confidence and arrogance made Sheon laugh. "You're quite funny kid, and how do you think you're going to do that? There's no way I'll lend you my powers." "Does it sound like I'm asking? I'm taking it. Since you're in my body, your powers should be within my reach somehow. I'll find out how to use them, no matter how long it takes. And when I finally do, I will make it mine. All of it." Henry said with a firm tone. "You thrill me, kid, let me see how you manage to pull that off, entertain me." "Sure, just sit back and watch me," Henry replies. †**********† Sheon, the strongest devil was banished from hell and into the human world after he lost unfairly in a battle against the king of hell, Azrael. Unfortunately for him, he possessed the wrong kid. The zygote he put sight to possess looked very weak but unknowing to him, it going to grow to be a strong-willed, annoyingly smart, and badass brat who had no power of his own. The last son of one of the most influential families in the country. At first, he thought he successfully possessed him, only to find out that he was sealed because the kid he possessed had the "Celestial eyes". The greediness of the power-hungry family was going to be the key to his freedom so he used it to his advantage and proposed to them: "Anyone of you who successfully gets this kid to willingly kill himself will become my new host, I will give you powers great enough to defile the heavens and together we shall conquer this world." Naturally, their greediness took the best of them as they were tempted by this offer, and just like that he fulfilled the promise he had earlier made to the kid: "You dare keep the devil king sealed? I will take everything you love, turn everyone against you and I will make your world mine" Now this kid has to grow up in a surrounding filled with people who want him dead. But contrary to what they want, he has no intention of killing himself before making them pay, after all, he's afraid of the unknown, the "afterlife" Join our main character Henry in his journey and fight for survival. A story filled with adventure, action, company wars, and badass fight scenes, plus it's rated 18 ...hehe

Just_a_b0y · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


__________Author's note__________

This classification of the people according to their powers.

Demons: These are set of humans who can control dark magic and dark energy (Chi). It also includes blood manipulation.

Angels: humans who control holy elements, their attributes oppose the demons.

Witches: Humans who controls elements. They defile the law of nature by manipulating Chi with a wand.

There are no real Demons or Angels...yet. The rift hasn't been broken and is holding off well.


*World Building.*

The Dreamland estate; an estate big enough to be named a city. It is the most advanced estate in the country and the head quarter for the country's best business companies. It's divided into four sections.

The Boss Area: which is the business area where the company's are built.

Foodies Base: This is where the best restaurants set their shops.

Housing Estate: This is the area where the people live.

Beast Area: A spot left out for beast hunting, it has the most dangerous beasts residing there and it was separated from the rest of the estate by a seal. Anyone who wants to hunt a beast will meet the person in charge and get permission to leave through a portal.

It's like a small state of it's own; removed from the laws of the government to an extent, because the main company's are one of the country's top financial supporters.

The CEOs of these great companies were given the freedom to make rules of their own that will bind the inhabitants of the Dreamland estate, as far as it does not oppose human rights and the law of the government.

Hiaraichy among the seven CEOs is decided by the greatest to the smallest in influence and achievement.

Although there's two CEOs that has the same amount of achievements according to how it was calculated, so they are known as the two head CEOs

So basically, the seven great companies' CEOs are the government of Dreamland estate. Although they focus their decision making in economical issues and issues regarding the welfare of the estate.