
The Devil King's Host

"Listen very carefully, kid. Don't think I'm your assistant just because you are my host. I'm the strongest and cruelest being. I am the devil king. I won't save you on the contrary, just like everyone else, I want you dead. After all, I'm the reason they want you dead." Sheon's harsh words rang in Henry's mind. He wanted to make sure the human was clear about their relationship. "Hey, Mr. Devil King...What do you think your role is?" Henry suddenly asked, unfazed by Sheon's threat. "You know the answer. In human terms ' I'm the big boss' " Sheon replied, a hint of pride in his tone. "You're wrong, very wrong." "Hm? Enlighten me." The Curious Sheon said. "You might have been the king in your world, but here, you're locked up in my body, you're just a prisoner. A tool for me to use, and with your powers, I'll survive and get back at everyone who looked down on me. I will live the way I want and with my own rules." Henry's confidence and arrogance made Sheon laugh. "You're quite funny kid, and how do you think you're going to do that? There's no way I'll lend you my powers." "Does it sound like I'm asking? I'm taking it. Since you're in my body, your powers should be within my reach somehow. I'll find out how to use them, no matter how long it takes. And when I finally do, I will make it mine. All of it." Henry said with a firm tone. "You thrill me, kid, let me see how you manage to pull that off, entertain me." "Sure, just sit back and watch me," Henry replies. †**********† Sheon, the strongest devil was banished from hell and into the human world after he lost unfairly in a battle against the king of hell, Azrael. Unfortunately for him, he possessed the wrong kid. The zygote he put sight to possess looked very weak but unknowing to him, it going to grow to be a strong-willed, annoyingly smart, and badass brat who had no power of his own. The last son of one of the most influential families in the country. At first, he thought he successfully possessed him, only to find out that he was sealed because the kid he possessed had the "Celestial eyes". The greediness of the power-hungry family was going to be the key to his freedom so he used it to his advantage and proposed to them: "Anyone of you who successfully gets this kid to willingly kill himself will become my new host, I will give you powers great enough to defile the heavens and together we shall conquer this world." Naturally, their greediness took the best of them as they were tempted by this offer, and just like that he fulfilled the promise he had earlier made to the kid: "You dare keep the devil king sealed? I will take everything you love, turn everyone against you and I will make your world mine" Now this kid has to grow up in a surrounding filled with people who want him dead. But contrary to what they want, he has no intention of killing himself before making them pay, after all, he's afraid of the unknown, the "afterlife" Join our main character Henry in his journey and fight for survival. A story filled with adventure, action, company wars, and badass fight scenes, plus it's rated 18 ...hehe

Just_a_b0y · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

A devil's tempting proposal.

"You dare to turn your back on me? How insolent, I will eliminate you and make sure I send you to the deepest layer in hell..." Sheon paused as he saw shiver ran through their spines. He the fear in their eyes and was satisfied. Although, Mr. Darkling still remained the only person with the calmest demeanor, he was trying to hide it, but, Sheon could tell that he was struggling with the pressure.

He was impressed that a group of humans survived after being exposed to such an amount of his powers, even though it was just two percent and he hasn't even recovered all his powers.

*Maybe I'm exaggerating how strong I truly am.* He thought to himself before continuing with the humans before him.

"...at least that's what I would have said,but since I have taking a liking to you all, I shall spare thy meaningless lives, after all I'm here to visit. I am the devil king, the strongest in all of hell and I have graced your family with my presence, your son is my current host. But, he's weak, too weak to contain me.I seek a host who is powerful

and I shall grant that host my powers in exchange that I be entertained." He paused to let them sink in the information, if at all they could understand him.

"I have only come to the human world to seek a host that knows how to rule over others with the powers I will grant him. I see all of you here as potential hosts, but...none of you are worthy. I shall rest here, with this child, and find my most suited host, someone who is cold-hearted, doesn't hesitate and is merciless.

For that I have decided that my host will be anyone of you who is able to make him seek death. You are not permitted to cause him harm, untill he's old enough to withstand whatever you have in store for him and do not kill him. Make sure to entertain me cause I'll always be watching." The commanding voice faded with the last words as the baby closed his eyes, and slowly floats down into his cot and started sleeping peacefully. The pressure in the room was immediately lifted.

A sweat dropped from Darkling's temple. It was not because he was weak to handle the pressure, but because of the presence. He had a lot of questions to ask, but he couldn't, he only understood one thing and that was enough.

'I just stood before a god.' No human could release such pressure, and it was his first time ever feeling... inferior to something. It was enough to convince him that he just spoke to a devil.

He adjusted his suit, turned around, only to see his children greedily coughing for air, as they struggled for survival. Olivia was on her knees as she to be doing better than others.

"You head him, you are not allowed to kill him." He said and walked towards the door, as he grabbed the door knob he hesitated before opening the door and leaving.


'This isn't right. I'm about to loose yet, another family member, but I won't allow it. I will never.' Olivia sounded frustrated and determined at the same time, she looked at the baby in his cot, nodded and then turned to leave.

'I know what I must do.' She thought as she left.

~Cough! Cough! Cough!~

Riley and Raphael looked like they were going to die as they caughed and inhaled as much air as they could.

'What was that power? A devil? Possessing my little brother? Haa...' Raphael, after getting himself, got up and wiped the drool off his lips, he then looked at Henry who had started to sleep.

'I don't know what this excitement I'm feeling is, but I must obtain that power. I must get a hold of it and then I will be respected in the world. Dear brother, you look peaceful but unfortunately, something inside of you is starring up trouble which is going to cost you your peaceful life. Don't worry, I'll make your life peaceful again and I will make sure to put that power to good use when I obtain it.' Raphael looked at Riley stretched his hand offering to help her up.

'I admit that this is quite a plot twist. So what is he now, the main character? He was about to get discarded but his worth has been proven. I can't get more excited than this. Welcome home little brother, welcome to your world of nightmare.' Riley took her brother's hand as they both smiled at each other and left.


In front of the door to the ward where Mr. Darkling and his children were, a nurse was eavesdropping on their conversation, despite being told to exit the floor.

As soon as she noticed the door knob moved, she immediately teleported away. Appearing inside a dimly lit office room, she fell to her knee, genuflecting.

"Sir." She greets

"I thought I told you not to teleport into my office, just because you can." A silhouette sitting on a swivel chair said as he was looking at the city through the window from the last floor of a skyscraper, backing the nurse.

Despite his words, there was no hint of threat, anger or disappointment in his voice. It was just... normal.

"I'm sorry sir, but this is s huge news and it's something that will pique your interest."

"Let it better worth it." He said

"It's about the Darkling's family, there's now a huge secret, that could probably turn into a weakness." The man adjusted his sitting position as he heard her, she had caught his interest.

"Go on"

"Mrs. Darkling put to bed, she had a son with blonde hair and purple eyes, after the ritual, Mr. Darkling had already concluded that he's weak and will be disowned, when suddenly a devil appeared declaring that it was the boy's host and is in search of a new host." She summarized

"What's your proof?" He was asking how she could confirm that it was a devil.

"The energy sir. It cracked my wand's crystal." She said raising up a cracked wand with a blue crystal on top.

'It's a high ranked magic wand that won't break easily, to be broken by just the energy of a devil that wasn't focusing on her seems to be absurd but possible. I don't see a reason why she would lie about something like that, and Darkling is not someone who would play a cheap trick as to send her here to tell me all that. He's tactical, yes, but prefers straight confrontation, I doubt he will result to this. In the end, I don't think it would do any harm if I believe her, besides I will also look into it more. It's all for HIM' The silhouette spurn his swivel chair to face her, exposing the face of a man with a burn scar on the half of his face. His black hair, black eyes, evil smirk and muscular build made him look intimidating.

"Hmmm...I choose to believe you...for now. Now tell me the story detail." He requested

"Of course... I shall begin from how she gave birth..." The nurse began her narration.


Mr. Darkling reached outside and called for Charles.

"Sir." Charles answered.

"There's a rat. I don't like rats, get rid of her. I won't give you any more details." He said.

"Sure." Charles replied and entered the car after him, it was a mission to take on later. He had already given him a clue on the gender when he said 'Fetch HER' that was to lessen Charles' burden.

Unfortunately, Mr. Darkling had already seen her, what betrayed her was her shadow, plus she didn't conceal her aura enough for him not to notice, as a matter of fact he knew the moment she started eavesdropping, he just intentionally let her go so he could test out Charles's new hunting ability. It seemed like he wasn't planning on making whatever happened in the ward a secret.

"Let's see how things goes from here." He said to himself

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I'll also appreciate it if you send me your power stones. Is 'The Devil King's Host ' not worth it? ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ

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