
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs


Before All Might could count down Tsuyu asked All Might "Sensei, I think you should change the teams. Damien doesn't like Stefan and it could turn out very bad".

All Might hearing this said "Young Bakugo doesn't like young Midoriya. I have faith it won't turn out bad just like with Midoriya".

Everyone hearing this could only sigh and have faith that Damien won't end up killing his brother. Bakugo was no exception as he was thinking 'Stefan don't you die before I beat you'. All Might then counted down and Stefan's team walked into the building.

While they were walking Damien and Jackson were having a fun conversation. "So Damien which body part you gonna break" Jackson asked. Damien hearing this chuckled and said "I could break every single on. I hope he won't die though".

Stefan while walking broke the silence. "We have to bring back the old Damien I know he's still in there". Alice heading him cheered up and said "ya we can't let him be like that. We have to win".

Damien then told Jackson to guard the bomb. Damien then proceeded to walk down to the second floor where Jackson was. When he got down he stared daggers at both Jackson and Alice."you don't think you have a chance to win against us do you Damien" asked Alice. "Ya I know you're strong but we are close in strength. Adding Alice would just bring your downfall" Stefan said.

Hearing this Damien wanted to laugh out loud but kept it in. "If it wasn't for me wanting to be a hero I could kill you guys in a instant" Damien said. Both Stefan and Alice did t believe him and charged at him.

(For Stefan's costume search up arc angel ludociel and that's exactly what he's wearing)

Stefan drew his one handed sword and coated it in light energy. He then slashed at Damien. Damien disappeared and reappeared behind Stefan. Before Damien could hit Stefan Alice sent a fire punch at Damien. Damien then Dodged left and kicked Alice. The kick sent Alice flying three meters away, "you can't even handle that kick when I didn't even use my quirk. *sigh* too weak" Damien said. He then looked at Stefan who seemed angry and was gnashing his teeth. "How could you do that to Alice!" He screamed. Stefan then used light to enhance his strength. Similar to how Damien uses darkness to cover his body Stefan used light. White marks appeared on his face as he rushed towards Damien. Damien then summoned his katana. He quickly unsheathed it and covered it in a substantial amount of darkness and slashed at Stefan who charged and him with his sword. As soon as Damien hit his armour it broke into pieces. The force behind the slash made Stefan fly through two walls.

I'm the spectators lounge All Might was amazed at Damien power. 'What a kid. His power is unreal. Is this his max power though. From the clips I've seen he is still holding back' All Might thought. The students however knew what was going to happen next.

Damien the disappeared and reappeared in the same place with Jackson. "Bring her here" Damien said to Jackson who walked towards Alice. Damien then disappeared and reappeared back with Stefan. Stefan was almost unconscious. "Brother come back to us" Stefan said with a smile.

Damien seeing this smiled back at him and held his hand. Stefan seeing this said "you're ba-" Damien interrupted him by breaking his arm. Damien then grabbed Stefan's head and lifted it up. He then smashed his head into the ground several times. While this was happening Jackson forced Alice to watch but put his hand over her mouth to not interrupt Damien. Damien then broke Stefan legs. All you could hear were muffled screams and bones cracking. Damien then appears in front of Alice. Jackson let her go and then Damien grabbed her head and smashed it into the ground. He then grabbed her arms and broke them. As he was going to break her legs All Might appeared and grabbed his hand. (Btw this happened kinda fast so it's not like it went on for minutes and minutes)

"Damien the battles over" All Might said.

"All Might let go of my hand or you'll lose yours" Damien said looking up and into his eyes.

Seeing All Might not let go of his hands Damien sighed and said "haha just kidding. Well we win Jackson hooray".

"Hahaha hooray" Jackson cheered along with Damien.

They then walked out of the building smiling. "How did it feel" Jackson asked.

"Refreshing. Can't wait for the future" Damien responded.

"But is he really your brother. I mean he's so fucking" Jackson said.

"It was too easy" Damien said with a frown.

They finally reached the room everyone was in and got stares from everyone. One thought was in everyone's head 'how ruthless'. All Might finally appeared after bringing both Alice and Stefan to the infirmary to get healed.

"How could you do that to your brother Young Damien" All Might asked.

"He's not my brother" he stared at All Might. He then Continued "and honestly it's not my fault he's so weak. His dad should've trained him more. Oh wait he's dead" Damien said mockingly. (Btw no one will ever find out he killed his dad)


All Might punched him with one hundred percent of his power due to being angry at what he said about his dead friend. Before he could pull back Damien went into his Assault mode which covered his hands, and half his face. Damien then redirected All Mights punch and then proceeded to hit his left side. All Might then went on the floor while David and Jackson surrounded his. Jackson made two daggers white David boosted his fist. All Might started coughing out blood which made Bakugo run at Damien. Damien seeing this disappeared and broke Bakugo's arm and walked towards All Might.

"You could've killed me if I wasn't strong enough All Might s-e-n-s-e-i. How are you going to repay me. Should I take an arm, a leg or should I kill you for wanting to kill me" Damien said which made All Might flinch.

Damien then unsheathed his katana and place it on his neck. "Now everyone who saw this won't say anything or I'll kill you. And All Might, this counts for you too, unless you want to die keep it a secret. Oh and if you do tell I'll kill you're precious student" Damien said but whispering the last part to All Might. Hearing this he flinched.

Damien knew about ofa as it wasn't hard to tell. Deku's power wasn't used to his body and was too strong.bakugo also always said deku was quirkless. He also asked David to look at blocked information on All Might and found his fight with All for One. This villain had the quirk to take quirks so he thought there could be a quirk to give quirks. He also saw All Might and deku always together or secretly talking. It was either they had a secret love relationship or he passed on his power. Damien took a chance and said what he did. When he saw All Might flinch he knew he was right about the quirk.

All Might knowing Damien found out about ofa nodded and Damien and his group left the room. All Might and the students in the room were shaking and no one had the courage to speak. Minutes past I'm complete silence until Kirishima spoke up. "I say we don't speak about it anymore. I certainly don't want to die". Everyone quickly nodded even Bakugo who was holding in the urge to cry from the pain.

Time passed and instead of going back to class Damien teleported back home. He took a shower and waited for Nemuri to finish her day so they could eat together. When she got back home they did what they normally did. They ate, chatted, played video games and watched movies.

I hope you liked the chapter of beating up Stefan’s and Alice. Honestly putting together Deku’s all mighty successor isn’t hard, so I hope it makes sense. And for the information David got, it was stated in the anime that they had to hide the info about the fight with afo (I think).

All Mights now Damien’s bitch and dw no one will tell anyone about what happened. and I hope you didn’t expect Damien to just sit there not doing anything after all Might tried to hurt him.

No beta mc.

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