
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
57 Chs

Sports Festival 5/?

Jackson arrived at the arena and saw Todoroki standing there. "I'm going to beat you" Todoroki exclaimed.

"Ya,ya whatever. If you don't use your fire your gonna lose, but even if you use it, you'll still lose. So just lose quietly." Jackson said with a smile.

"I don't need to use my other side" Todoroki said with a cold look.

"Suit yourself" Jackson said with his smile disappearing.

As soon as the announcer said "start" Jackson accelerated his blood flow which made him boost his physical capabilities.


Todoroki shot a huge ice berg towards Jackson. The ice berg came rushing at him but Jackson had a calm look on his face.

*cut, floosh*

Jackson cut his finger and multiplied his blood creating a gauntlet covering his right hand. Jackson then punched the ice berg.


The ice berg broke into pieces and all you can hear were the crowds cheers. "Is that all you got" Jackson taunted Todoroki.

"Hmp" Todoroki snorted blasting another ice berg at Jackson.

Jackson then cut himself again but and multiplied his blood. "Blood creation, armored boots" Jackson muttered as he created boots made out of blood.

Jackson then moved out of the ice bergs way and sprinted to Todoroki. Using his boots he cleared the distance quickly.

"What" Todoroki was shocked.

Todoroki didn't think Jackson would be able to clear that distance in that short amount of time. Todoroki tried blasting ice at him but was unable to as Jackson grabbed his hand and put it behind his back.

Jackson then put pressure on his arm threatening to break it. "Give up or i'l break your arm" Jackson said.

Todoroki couldn't deal with the pain anymore and so he gave up "Winner Jackson" they announced.

"Well gg Todoroki. I'm kinda pissed you used your other side against a weak shit like deku but hey I got an even easier win than it would've been" Jackson said walking off.

Todoroki put his head down in shame. 'I could've won if I used the other side' Todoroki thought to himself clinching his fist.(No you wouldn't shoto. Don't dream. You would've got slapped around like a rag doll)

When Jackson returned to the Waiting room he was congratulated by his friends. "How was the fight" Tsuyu asked.

"Easy. I didn't even try" Jackson said laughing.

Bakugo hearing this gnashed his teeth in anger and looked at the three with determined eyes. 'I'll beat you guys. I swear I will' Bakugo swore to himself.

"Next match will start in ten minutes. Damien and Stefan will be fighting next" The announcer said.

The group looked at Damien. "I don't care how many bones you break, don't kill him. At least not in the open" David whispered to Damien.

"Ya I got it. I don't really wanna kill him" Damien said reassuring everyone.

Damien then walked out of the room with the group looking at his back talking about the match up.

"Do you believe he wont actually kill him" Mina asked.

"Ya I mean you guys what happened last time" Momo said cause Tsuyu to nod.

"It's fine don't worry. If he says he wont he wont" Jackson said in a laid back tone.

As Damien was walking out he saw Stefan standing there looking at him. "You need something" Damien asked.

"I will beat you today nothing more nothing less" Stefan said.

"Ahh~ don't be such a downer. It's supposed to be a fun match nothing so serious. *Burst* But if you want to be serious i'm all for it" Damien said unleashing his killer intent.

Stefan feeling the pressure dropped on one knee and was struggling to breath. Then all of a sudden the pressure lifted.

"Don't worry I wont kill you or be going all out. That way you'll have a small chance" Damien said walking past him.

"*huff, huff* What terrifying pressure" Stefan said breathing hard and struggling to get up.

"Damien and Stefan please come to the stage" the announcer said.

Damien walked up to the stage and waited a minute for Stefan to join him. Stefan walked to the stage finally getting a hold of himself.

"Start" the match finally started. Stefan made a light beam and shot it at Damien.

Damien made a sword out of darkness and cut it in half. When he cut it Stefan was already in fornt of him with a sword made if light.


Stefan did a horizontal slash, but was parried by Damien and his sword of darkness.


Damien tried hitting him with a vertical slash but it was blocked by Stefan. Damien and Stefan jumped backwards at the same time.

Damien made a bunch of swords made out of darkness which floated in the air. Stefan did the same with his swords made of light.


The swords were launched at each other at the speed of sound. Everyone in the stands had to cover their ears due to the swords breaking the sound barrier.

"Just like good old times huh" Stefan said with a smile reminiscing about the time Damien was still with him.

"Hmm, is it" Damien said disappearing and reappearing in front of Stefan and slashing at him. Stefan managed to jump back in time but had his shirt cut.

'What speed' Stefan thought looking at his cut shirt.

"Nice you dodged in time" Damien complimented him.

Stefan shot multiple light beams at Damien.

Damien made a wall of darkness in front of him which blocked the beams. Damien then disappeared from his place and appeared behind Stefan.


Damien kicked Stefan in the back making him fly forwards. The kick sent Stefan flying and was about to hit the wall of the stands.


Stefan stopped himself with gold angelic wings that the heroes couldn't help but complement him on.

Stefan then flew up into the air and started dropping light beams, swords, and arrows onto Damien.

"So you want to battle in the air" Damien said.

Damien then sprouted twelve black wings and flew up into the sky. Damien then used a feather made of darkness from his wings and shot it at Stefan at amazing speeds.

Stefan managed to move out of the way. He then flew towards Damien as fast as he could but as soon as he reached him Damien wasn't there anymore.

"Behind you" Damien said.


Damien punched Stefan making him drop down into the arena. Stefan caught himself before he made contact with the ground. He landed perfectly but not without being hurt. Damien's punch made Stefan almost lose consciousness.

"I'm gonna go all out now Damien" Stefan said as he materialized golden Armour. The girls in the stands couldn't help but blush as he looked like a hero in those fairy tails.

"You know you don't have to tell me your going full power right. Your not in a anime" Damien said making Stefan blush.

"I-I just wanted to let you know so you can be careful" Stefan said.

"Sure, sure. Let me power up too" Damien said.

"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Damien screamed making darkness spread through out his body.

"AHhhhhhhhhhhh. Now I Damien have powered up to my second level" Damien said striking a pose.

Stefan and everyone else watching the fight looked blankly at Damien. 'How embarrassing' Thought his friends and Nemuri.

"Lets start" Damien said making Stefan rush forward faster than he did previously. *Pow* Stefan threw a punch at Damien.

Damien easily caught the punch and held onto his arm. *BOOOM* Damien punched into Stefan's stomach sending him flying out of the arena. Stefan managed to make his wings again and keep himself in the air but he knew he wouldn't last much longer.

'Broken armor, broken ribs and out of stamina. Damn why is he so strong' Stefan thought trying to fly back into the arena but before he could Damien appeared above him and slammed him onto the ground.

"winner Damien" as soon as they announced that the crowd went crazy.

"Amazing fight", "WOW", OMG", "Hero vs Dark prince" you could hear all these comments form the stands.

Damien left the arena and walked back to the waiting room. When he got there his friends congratulated him.

Damien looked at David and Jackson and said "I'll be waiting for one of you in the finals".

"" You mean me"" both said simultaneously.

Damien chuckled and and before anyone else could say something the announcer said "Next fight will be in three minutes. Jackson and David make your way to the arena.

Both of them fist bumped and wiped the smile of their faces. They both left for the arena.

"Who do you think will win" Mina asked.

""David/Jackson"" Momo and Tsuyu said without hesitation.(Momo said David and Tsuyu said Jackson)

Damien laughed and said "David is stronger since his quirk is made more for one on ones, but Stefan could still win. But I know this match will be fun to watch".

The rest intently watched the TV screen as the announcer said "Start".

Another chap. I hope you guys like the fight.

Lmk if you liked it or not.

Damien basically went super saiyn. AS you guys read Damien is far above stefan's level. He didn't even go full assualt mode only covered his body in a bit darkness.

Btw you guys remeber the villain prevention place. Ya stay tuned for whats gonna happen to it.

I al,so havent forgotten about the mom. I want to give her a second chance but i also really dont. I know she pushed him away and abandoned him and i want her to die but i also believe in second chances. plus she didnt really abuse him and followed her husbands lead. Im more on the side of killing her tho.

Like one of the kill or dont kills in the comments I post the most liked one will be what I do. I already have a plan to have him get revenge and I already thought of one where she doesnt die.

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