
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs


That night David called the group telling them everything was ready and they have a target the next day.

The next day Damien woke up and did his normal routine. He took a shower, brushed his teeth and put on his uniform. After that he went to the living room and talked to Nemuri. They ate breakfast together and Damien made his way to his school.

When he arrived at the school he saw his two friends David and Jackson walking into the entrance of the building so Damien sped up and caught up with them. While they were walking to class they were talking about what they should wear for tonight.

"Can't we just wear our old clothes" asked Damien.

"I agree, can't we?" Asked David.

"We need to be known and plus we are a group now not individual 'performers'. We need something so people could recognize us" Jackson explained.

"Why would we want people to recognize us. We are assassins and we need to blend in end the job fast" Damien said.

"David it's up to you now. Do you want to match with cool costumes or regular clothing" Jackson asked.

David took a second to think. If they had something for people and clients to recognize then it would be easier to get more clout. Even if people/heroes did find them they could teleport out with Damien's ability. 'More clout means more money. Having people recognize us would mean being more reliable, but it does have many cons' he thought to himself.

"I guess we can try it. What costume do you have in mind" David said.

"I knew you would come around. I was thinking that we get a black robe with red clouds on it. It looks super cool. I already sketched the idea for it here look" Jackson said handing them the sketch.

They saw the sketch and thought that it wasn't bad. "We also wear out masks so no one would see our faces" Jackson added. They liked the idea and and couldn't wait but Damien said something "how will it be ready by tonight". Jackson had a smile on his face as he said "I already have the robes, all we have to do it put the red clouds on it. We can go to a manga cafe and put the clouds on it until the time comes. You guys do have your masks stupidly right". Damien and David nodded and opened the door to their class. They got in and sat in their seats waiting for class to start.

(End of school)

Damien and his group were walking to a nearby cafe. When they got near their they saw a arts and crafts store so they went in and bought a brush and red paint. After buying it they walked a little more and saw an Internet cafe across the street. They walked in and saw it had separate rooms so they rented on and got started.

Damien finished painting his black robe and was waiting for the clouds to finish drying. A couple minutes later David and Jackson finished painting and David asked Damien to teleport him home for a minute to get his mask. Damien agreed to it and teleported him. After a minute Damien got a text to teleport him back and Damien did so. When he came back they talked about who their target was and how he looked.

David told them. "This is the picture and he is in the mid rankings. His quirk is enhancement" David said while showing them the picture. The hero looked around twenty something and had short black hair and blue eyes. Damien looked over the information and the picture and memorized everything about it. He then asked David "where is he supposed to be" and David answered "he gonna be home. You saw the location of it we just need to look it up and we can go there quickly. The client said to show his head to him and he will give us the money.

Damien nodded and messaged Nemuri he would be put a little later with his friends.

After waiting for an two hours at the cafe the robes were ready. Damien put the robes into his darkness dimension and everything else such as their masks and David's bow he brought when he picked up his mask. They walked out the booth and thanks the cashier. They went towards a seven eleven and walked into the bathroom. Damien put on his old clothes. He put on his black turtleneck, black pants, black combat boots and put his black wolf mask on, and finally his new robe. (Imagine that and his long black hair down with the mask)

The rest finished putting their clothes on and since no one was in the bathroom they teleported to a building near the heroes house. They erased their presence and Damien teleported them to a tree in his backyard. Damien told them he will take care of him as they saw that the light was on in the heroes room.

Damien travelled through the shadows and appeared in his room. The hero was doing paper work and he didn't notice Damien as he was tired. Damien constructed a black katana from his darkness and sliced the heroes head off so fast that you could barely see the sword and his hand move.

Damien grabbed the head and opened the windows and body flickered to Jackson and David.he showed them the head and they teleported to the place David showed them and told them they would get paid there.

They appeared on a building with a helicopter and up there was a short fat man. "Hello Akatsuki. As you know my name is Gatō and I assume you have his head" Gatō asked.

Damien threw the heroes head to Gatō and the fat man looked at it with a grin. Gatō murmured under "you shouldn't have gone against me". The far man gave them a case of money which David counted on the spot and nodded. The amount was what they agreed on and before they left Damien said "contact us if you need something else". The group disappeared in darkness and appeared in an alleyway.

They took their costumes off and put their normal clothes back on. They then teleported in a alleyway near Damien house and before they walked out Damien sent his friends home by teleporting them. He walked out of the alleyway and walked until he got into his house.

He greeted Nemuri but Nemuri was too worried as Damien never left for that long. It was already almost eleven and Damien didn't contact Nemuri. She was worried and ran up and hugged Damien.

"You didn't call I was so worried you damn brat" said Nemuri while hugging Damien.

Damien was shocked and didn't know what to do. He was never showed this much affection and was confused. He dropped the bag he was holding and hugged Nemuri back awkwardly but Nemuri didn't mind. They kept hugging for a minute until Nemuri let go.

"Dinners ready let's eat" Nemuri said walking to the table.

"Let's eat" Damien said while walking to the table and sitting down.

After they ate Damien took a shower and went to bed as he still had to go to school the next day.

The Akatsuki robes some of you requested. I hope you liked it and for those who don’t like the name of the group its tuff. The name got the most likes and I said which ever one gets the most likes will be the name.

If you like comment, drop sones, and review.

Thanks for reading and have a great day

Damzcreators' thoughts