
The Devil Inside(mha)[dropped]

Follow the Mc on his journey to find himself in a world with super powers(quirks), Will he become a hero or villain. *this is for fun, I’m super bored during this quarantine. * don’t own MHA ****MY IMAGE IS FROM DANGAN RONPA I DO NOT OWN IT. IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN AND CHANGE IT COMMENT. *the anime for the photo is https://***.crunchyroll.com/danganronpa-the-animation If you enjoy the story, review it and drop some stones. Don’t write hateful comments or reviews. I do accept critical feed back and comments that can help make this story better. If you don’t like it give reasons why and how I can improve.

Damz · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

1st grade

Damien and Stefan were on their way to school and they couldn't wait. Damien was jumpy and Stefan was feeling butterflies. They were two years younger than the first graders and didn't know what to expect. After a couple of minutes they finally arrived and went up to class. At the front of the door they met Alice who was walking in circles due to how nervous she was.

"Hey Alice, you ready to go in" asked Damien.

"Ya I'm just a little bit nervous" she responded to him with flushed cheeks.

"Don't be, if anything happens we'll be here" exclaimed Stefan.

As the bell rang, the three walked into class. Shortly after the teacher came in and asked the three new students to got up to the front. "These are the new students, they are two years younger than you so treat them well. Now introduce yourselves".

Alice stepped up first and introduced herself. "Hi everyone, my names Alice and my quirk is fire manipulation. I hope we could all get along". As she said that all the boys were blushing due to how attractive she was. Following Alice Stefan introduced himself, "hello everyone my name is Stefan and my quirk is light manipulation, I hope we could get along". The girls started cheering, and some looked like they saw a knight. Then Damien stepped forward and the whole room froze. He had long black hair and striking red eyes. "Hello everyone, I'm Damien and I hope to get along with all of you. My quirk is darkness manipulation, and it allows me to control shadows and darkness" he said while smiling devilishly at the girls. Though he was only four he watched many romance movies with his mom, which led him to act like this in front of older girls. 'He's done it again' Alice and Stefan thought. They both knew his tendencies around older girls since he's done it before at a park when an older women asked for them to play with their daughter. They both sat apart from each other with Damien being in the window side next to a girl with blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

"Hello, I'm Francesca" she greeted Damien.

"It's nice to meet you, lets get along" he responded.

Class went on and both Damien and Stefan showed that they are above even their class. The teacher put a math equation hard enough for second graders but they both solved it easily. The teacher was stunned for a minute but remembered they qualified for second grade, but their parents said they wanted them with people with relatively the same age as them. Lunch quickly came by and Damien had to go to the washroom. He started walking towards it but three kids came up to him and started trouble.

"Hey you little four year old baby. Just because the girls found you attractive doesn't mean anything. You have a villainous quirk, which makes you a villain" exclaimed a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Ya" his lackeys simultaneously.

"Just because I have a strong quirk and I'm better looking than you, doesn't mean I'm a villain. You're just jealous. And about having a villainous quirk, it doesn't matter, you trying to bully someone makes you a villain" responded Damien.

He then went to the washroom and did his business. When he got back he walked towards to his brother and Alice who were surrounded by the kids who tried to bully him. He then decided to just sit at his seat since he didn't want to start trouble with them. When he got to his seat a bunch of girls ran towards it asking him many questions. Some even repeated the questions they asked. Damien started to become annoyed and just put his head down.

"Are you ok" asked a girl

"Ya I'm fine my head hurts a little, Im gonna rest a bit wake me up when the bell rings. I'm a heavy sleeper hah" he said with a fake laugh.

He looked to his side and saw a lot more guys on Stefan's side. He didn't understand why only girls approached him. 'Did I do something wrong' he thought to himself while putting his head down.

While this was happening Stefan was with Alice talking to the previous boys that had tried to bully Damien. They were talking about their favourite heroes, which all of them loved All Might. They also talked about their favourite sports and how they passed time. The kids also asked if they were really four since Stefan and Alice both looked at least six. Due to training and eating very healthy they all grew taller than their actual age which made them look older. The brown haired boy who tried to bully Damien called Anthony then brought up why Damien was antisocial and why he was rude.

Anthony then made up a story of how he threatened them to leave him alone after they tried being friends with him. They also said they're ugly and weak compared to him. Though both Alice and Stefan agreed in their minds they didn't want to be mean on the first day so Stefan just explained he could be a bit moody.

After lunch school passed by quick and their butler picked them up since their parents were on patrol. They went into the car and drove home. When they got home they unpacked their things and finished up their homework. After homework they changed and went outside to spar. They sparred for quite sometime and the result went in Damien's favour. After the spar Stefan asked why he was rude to the boys and Damien didn't bother explaining so he just went to take a shower. He then took a quick shower and went to his room until his parents called them for dinner. He went downstairs to be greeted with an amazing smell. He then saw they were ha I got turkey, mash potatoes and gravy, he indulged in the food and went to bed.

Days went to weeks, and weeks went to months. They spent their school life like this for a total remainder of the year. Going to school, Damien being alone or with a couple of kids from the other class and Stefan being with Anthony and his group. Damien felt like they drifted apart and became less brothers and more acquaintances. Though he knew they were brother and still loved him, they weren't as close as before. Stefan didn't really talk to him at school or that much at home aside from breakfast, dinner and the spars they had. The only close relationship he had was with Alice. She was always there for him when his brother wasn't. He began to grow a lot closer to her and really liked her. She was always nice to him and cared for him. Near the end of the ninth month his brother stopped training with him and slacked off.(9 months in a school year)

As school ended Damien said good bye to some of his 'friends' from the other class and went home alone. His brother instead of going home went over to Anthony's house to hang out. During the car ride he felt alone and want his usual self anymore. He realized as a four year old that many people didn't approach him because of his quirk. At first he thought it was because of how the girls liked him but he overheard many kids talking about how he would become a villain.

'It's finally time for summer, I'm gonna train like crazy' he thought while he got out the car and ran to his room. When he got home he changed and went to the training ground in the back yard. He first trained on his quirk and practised the control and some of the moves he created. He created a blast of darkness that destroyed his garage the first time he used it. He also created monsters and mythical monsters such as a dragon out of his darkness. He would also spar using a darkness clone since his brother didn't spar with him anymore. After practising his quirk he focused on sparing using his katana. A while back Damien found a way to store items in a alternate space of darkness and would be able to store bring out his katana at will. After training he ate and went to bed.

Summer passed quickly for Damien as he always trained. His training payed off and was already able to beat some of the guards. tough they didn't try their hardest as he was only four, it was still impressive. During the last day of summer Damien, Alice, Stefan, Anthony and his group all went to the park. Damien would've declined if not for Alice's persisting. At the park they played heroes vs villain, and the villain ended up being Damien. Due to this fact Damien was angry but he didn't want to seem childish and lash out. So he went along with it and played with them until he caught everyone of them easily. The next person who was the villain(it)was Anthony. He counted down before going immediately to Damien. He found Damien quickly since him and his group planned to teach him a lesson during the time they hid from him.

"Do it now boys" Anthony ordered his group.

They then went behind him and held him down. Damien's guard was down and didn't expect this outcome.

"What are you doing Anthony" exclaimed Damien.

"We have to teach a villain a lesson" he exclaimed while he punched Damien in the face.

As he punched him he fell on the ground since Anthony had a enhancement type of quirk. They all decided to jump in on Damien when he was on the ground. They beat him senseless and Damien didn't do anything since his parents told him not to because they could end up hurt and a hero doesn't hurt others. They kept hitting him until he was bloodied, and when they thought he had enough they walked away.

Damien was crying and was wondering 'why me, just because my quirk is darkness doesn't mean I'm evil. I don't care anymore, if a hero is supposed to take beating from dicks then I don't want to be one'. Damien then got up with darkness coming off his body and glowing red reptile like eyes. As the kids turned around they were scared shitless.

"M-monster" exclaimed one of the bullies.

"You're the villain not me, you brought this on yourself" explained Damien.

As he teleported in front of the kid who spoke his punched him hard but he didn't let him fall back. He grabbed his arm and snapped it in two. The other kids tried to run but he made a cage to trap them inside. He then teleported into the cage and beat and broke everyone of their bones except Anthony. Damien wanted to leave him for last. After he finished beating up the other kids he looked at Anthony. Anthony could see his red reptile like eyes glowing, due to the fear he felt he pissed himself.

"P-please don't , I'll do anything" begged Anthony.

Damien however didn't accept the apology as he would have been heavily injured if not training as much as he did. He walked towards him and broke his arm. He then round house kicked him in the face, making him pass out. As soon as he did that his brother Stefan and Alice saw this. They were scared and shocked. Stefan yelled at the top of his lungs and said "what the hell why did you do this to my best friend. Explain" he said while going in for a punch.

"They started everything its not my fault. They beat me up and called me a villain. I tried to hold back but I was too angry. And don't even try you're too weak Stefan, you stopped training for these idiots. I'm disappointed" he told Stefan.

"Shut up" Stefan yelled.

"Calm down, if what he said was true then it wasn't his fault" explained Alice.

"All of them have broken bones, he went too far" explained Stefan to Alice.

While they were talking Damien had his head down. It looked as if he was contemplating but then they all got scared. Damien was smirking, and when he finally looked up he exclaimed "it felt good, they always bullied me and I took it, but I couldn't handle it anymore. If defending myself makes me a villain. I guess I'm a villain".

Both Stefan and Alice were shocked. Stefan then called his mom and told her everything. When they arrived they saw the result of the event. They quickly called and apologized to their parents and when they got home Damien father beat and called him terrible names no child would ever want to hear.

"You villain, you should be like Stefan. You disgust me, you're no child of mine. You're better off dead" he said while spitting on Damien who was on the floor.

After getting beat he was told to go to his room. While he went upstairs his parents called the number on the form for the 'villain prevention' facility. They then signed him up and were told that they should drop him off the next day. Damien in his room was cursing everything. And wondered why he was the one getting punished for defending himself. Damien went to sleep without dinner and bloodied that night and when he woke up he never expected that this would be his last night in his home.