
the devil incarnate

ken who was a genius and had a dream of dating the most beautiful woman in the world, from birth and living happily with his parents is betrayed by his mother and is sent to prison for 9 years, after being betrayed by his mother he becomes cold and all his feelings die. after coming out of prison he is mysteriously summoned to another world where he is trapped in a dungeon. now how will he get out of there, how will he live in this cruel world, will he be able to find a woman? follow me on Instagram - sick_9ine

sick9ine · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The day I get out

"Here I bought you some clothes for when you go out," said the jailer

"Thanks, CIA."

the day of getting out of here was here and I was getting ready to get out, CIA was doing the paperwork and she even bought me some clothes for me, cause there was no one that came to visit me. not even my father.

after getting out I directly went to my home and as expected I was not welcomed there.

I was roaming around in the starry sky aimlessly without knowing what time it was or what was going on and suddenly a bright light covered the dark starry sky and it devoverd me whole. as it was happening I fell unconscious.

when I woke up it was dark and I couldn't see anything and then I heard a voice a creepy voice asking me.

"boy what is your name"

"What- who is this, no, first of all, where am I what is this place," thought shiva

"What is your name boy"

the voice was coming from behind and when I turned around I felt that I was going to die, that pressure, every cell in my body told me to run as far as I can. I wanted to run I wanted to hide but my body wasn't able to move even an inch. that old man's presence alone was breaming with death, his being in front of me alone was enough to make me piss my pants. and I really did piss them.

he was chained up his chlothes were all roughed up and he had many wrinkles on his face, but even tho he was chained up, he looked and gave off a feeling of a king.

it didn't feel like he was asking me my name it was more like he ordered me to tell him my name and in fear I instantly told him my name.

"I- name ma, my, my name is shi- shiva"

"so shiva, I know I summoned you out of nowhere but please hear me out"

"ye- yes, wh- what is it"

"no need to fear me shiva I won't harm you"

"so-sorry sir"

"hohoho, no need to be so formal shiva, just call me nio"

" yes nio, why did you bring me here"

"shiva I have a request to make of you"

"what is it"

"Will you save a boy for me"

"what do you mean by that"