
The Devil In the World Full of Evil

"Where is good there is evil, where are strong there are weak ones, how does one know which he is? Where the hero is seen as righteous, the devil is often villan to others. But what if is it lie?"

SonOfTheStorm · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Fall

The city was alive with lights, even at this late hour. High above the ground, a lone figure stood on the edge of a tall building, his eyes fixed on the stars. The night sky was covered in dark clouds, but there were some stars that seemed to be piercing through them.

The wind was picking up, and the figure's sweater flapped violently against his body. His legs were like cement, and he held on tight to the edge of the building. He looked down at the ground, which seemed impossibly far away.

"Is this really the way?" he muttered to himself. "It's not like anyone would care. The eternal sleep, it sounds good. I don't have family, no one will cry for me. This will be right, at least for me."

With that, the boy took a deep breath and jumped. Time seemed to slow down as he fell towards the ground. He could see his reflection in the windows of the buildings as he hurtled towards the earth. His heart was racing, and he knew there was no going back now.

As he fell, he closed his eyes and braced for impact. But then, everything went black. The boy felt weightless, as if he was floating in a void.

"Huh? What is this warm feeling?" he thought to himself. "Aren't I dead? Why is it so warm?"

In the distance, a white spark appeared, slowly getting closer and closer. The boy watched as it grew larger, and he felt drawn towards it. He wanted to touch it, to know what it was.

"What's this? Is this the cause of this warm feeling?" he wondered aloud. "I want to touch it."

He stretched out his arm, and his finger brushed against the white spark. Suddenly, the world exploded in a blinding light, and the boy felt like he was being pulled apart. And then, just as suddenly, everything went dark again.

"What's happening? am i still alive?"

The boy slowly opens his eyes, everything around him is blurry. He blinks a few times and looks up, seeing a silver sky and the crowns of trees. Confused, he talks to himself, "I thought I was dead, but what is this?" As his eyes adjust, the blurry images become clearer, revealing that he is in a forest.

As he tries to stand up, he notices bushes that he didn't see before and trees that look different. He talks to himself again, "Yes, this is definitely a forest, but what kind? It looks different." He brushes himself and jumps in surprise. "What's this again? There's no way!" He looks down at his hands and sees that he has the body of an eight-year-old child and feel little horns on his head. He can't believe what is happening, trying to understand how he ended up with this body.

He looks around and sees a pond hidden in bushes behind a tree,he rushes to it and splashes water on his face and looks at his reflection in water so clean he never seen one like that. After some time he sigh and look at himslef "Well, there is nothing I can really do about this, huh? I'll figure out the cause later. But first, what should I do now?" He stands up and sits on a nearby rock, thinking things over.

He recalls his previous memories, "Recapitulation. So, first, I jumped, and then I felt nothing. Out of nowhere, there was a white spark. I touched it and woke up here, with a body like this. Is this some kind of manga or what? Hahh, let's take into consideration that I'm in a different world and have this body. Did I reincarnate in someone or was I somehow created? If I did in fact get reincarnated, why was a kid in this dark-looking forest all alone? It's a dangerous place. Did someone leave me here? I really don't know what to do now. Oh! Right! in those mangas..there was some kind of system that popped up, but I'm here long enough and nothing showed."

Suddenly, his stomach growls, interrupting his thoughts. "Am i hungry? Well, my stomach does feel really empty. I wonder how long this kid didn't eat. I should go find some food." As he stands up and starts walking, he notices that the water in the pond starts moving. He stops and talks to himself, "Hm? Did the water move? I sat here for at least half an hour, but it was calm."

The boy stood by the pond, watching its surface move for some time. The movement didn't stop and his stomach growled again. "Oh right, haha. I almost forgot I was hungry. I hope i can atleast find some food here." He ignored the moving water in the pond and ventured deeper into the forest. There, he saw unfamiliar bushes and trees that he hadn't seen before. As he walked further, he spotted a bush with berries on it. "Finally, some food," he said to himself, but wondered if they were safe to eat. Nonetheless, he picked a few berries and popped one in his mouth. "Damn, that's sweet. They are definitely edible," he thought to himself and proceeded to eat more.

Suddenly, he heard a loud crunch, and the sound of a breaking stick made him look around. Fear gripped him as he wondered if something was there. The bushes began to shake, and the boy started walking back. Out of the bushes emerged a big white wolf, six times larger than the boy. It was covered in blood and scars, His eyes were red like a fire and its face scared him with its sharp teeth and growling.

The boy thought to himself, "What?! What is this monster?!" The wolf started walking closer to the boy, who felt he could not escape and was going to die. However, the wolf suddenly collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily. The boy noticed that the wolf's front left leg was broken and saw scratches and cuts all over the big scary wolf. He realized that the trembling he had seen in the pond earlier must have been caused by the wolf fighting someone.

The boy was scared, but he knew he had to save the wolf. "Even if he could eat me, something is telling me it's worth it!" he thought to himself. He rushed to a nearby tree and took two sticks, and then he tore a vine from a bush. He approached the wolf and started treating its broken paw. But when he saw the deep cuts and scratches, he felt helpless as he had nothing to treat them with. "What can I do about the cuts? There is nothing to treat them with. Is he going to die like this?!" he said to himself. Nevertheless, he sat beside the wolf and thought, but after some time, he still couldn't find a solution.

"I am sorry, Mr. Wolf. I can't find a solution to stitch the cuts. They are deep, you are going to bleed out. I am really sorry," the boy said to the wolf. The wolf closed its eyes, and the boy stood up, bowing to the animal. He then started to dig a hole with his hands, but it was nowhere big enough. Realizing that the sun was setting down, he decided to make a campfire instead. He found a couple of rocks and sticks, and after a long time of bashing them together, he finally made a spark and caught the stick on fire.

The boy lay on the ground and shifted his head to look at the wolf. "I will dig the hole big enough for you tomorrow so you can finally rest,.. atleast one of us" he said. He looked up at the sky, feeling his eyes slowly closing as he fell asleep.