
Solving the Boredom

Kuro smiled and said,

"Okay then, I shall take my leave."

"Then why did you even pay me a visit. Just to taunt me."

"Not really I was just here to see I you are doing well."

"Then I must say that I am not doing well. What do I even do at this point, peeking around humanoids and monsters?"

"Yes, and by the way don't use omnipotent vision."

Omnipotent vision is a spell reserved for only higher beings that allows them to see everything that is happening in their world.

"So in directly you are telling me to be a part of the world."


And then Kuro immediately vanished without saying a single word.

"Okay then, time to peek around."

The Devil used the skill 'Partial vision manipulation'.

"Let's see who should I see. Well since there won't be any humans coming around this dungeon that easily,hm..... I am thinking about an elf. System, show me the an elf who is both skilled and has a good nature."

A window popped up in the air titled partial vision and in there was an elf.

Attributes of the elf:-

Strength 70 (magic based 60, physical 10)

Agility 60

Defence 30

Vitality 20

Support 55

Luck 49

Class - Mage

Elf special - Life span is boosted by a 100 times.

"Well that's pretty decent stats. Show me her introduction."


Name: Aerin


"No no no, not like that, I want to hear it from her own voice."

Starting Introduction:-

"I am Aerin, an elf from the elf village of the mighty kingdom of 'Skyreach'. I am just a regular old elf nothing much special about me but I have a dream of learning the beauty of magic. That's why I am an adventurer and with my fellow companions I want to create a world where magic is beautiful not just a weapon. And on my way, I want to help everyone as much as possible with my magic so that they also believe that magic is not just a weapon or a tool, but it is rather something much more than that."

Introduction complete, changing voice settings.

"That's a pretty good motive, I wanna see how she manages to achieve her goal but I also wanna help her achieve it, what do I do? What do I do?"

The Devil looked at the window again.

"Let's just watch her for now, judging by the looks, I think she is clearing a dungeon right now."

"Hey, Albert! Use taunting cry to attract, Aerin, attack from behind the moment strike it's leg."


"The boss crab is a lot powerful for such a low level dungeon. We might die if we are not careful."

"Hey Gale be careful, the boss is aggressive towards you."

The boss casted a massive fire ball towards the strategist Gale.

"Oh no"

"Gaaallleeee" Screamed Albert.

But at the very moment the fireball was about to hit Gale,


Aerin swap places with Gale.

"What the hell, you can't just die like that."

The devil paused the time.d

"What do I do? What do I do? I can't just save them like nothing, I have no choice, I can't just let a prodigy die like this. Use spell 'Physical instinct manipulation' now I have to make her use the next spell the moment time starts, barrier magic won't work, it takes a lot of time to become powerful and she is not me. Resume time and use spell 'Divine touch'."

Divine touch, a magic discovered by the Devil, even at a low cost of mana, a tiny barrrior envelopes the body, and anything that touches it just vanishes and gets absorbed in the body in the form of mana.

"AAAeeeerriiinnnn" Screamed Gale

"This is the end I guess. It was a fun time with you guys."

Then suddenly Aerin felt a jerk in her body, as if the body is moving on its own.

"Use spell Divine touch."

"What is happening to my body. What did I just say."

Suddenly the fire ball vanished.

"Use spell God's hand."

"What the heck am I saying."

Suddenly a heavenly huge hands appeared from sky, breaking the ceiling of the dungeon and crushed the boss and vanished.

"Man that was tough, if I hadn't absorbed the fireball, she wouldn't have enough mana to cast the God's hand."

Albert and Gale came from behind.

"Thank god you are alive. How did you managed to kill it in one strike."

"I-I don't know, i-it was as if l-like someone was controlling my body on my behalf, I don't even know what spell I cast to defeat it."

"That's okay", said Gale, "At least we are all okay for now, let's just take the treasure inside the chest and leave before something worse happen."

The moment they opened the chest, they were all feeling weird about the loot, they never saw a loot like that. The first reward was simple, it was a really high grade magic wand, but it was the second reward that confused them. It was a letter for someone named Aerin.

"What, I didn't know a loot table can contain something like that.", Gale replied in shock

"A-a letter for m-me!?"

Then Albert said,

"There is no time for it, we will read it after going outside, other wise we might get surrounded."

"That's right, let's just get out of here for now, I will carry Aerin since she used a lot of her mana."

"Let's just go for now."

Then the got out of the dungeon avoiding any monster encounters and reached a nearby village to rest.

"What the hell happened in the dungeon today." Said Gale.

Albert who was watching it all but was injurd replied,"When Aerin was about to die from the fireball, I heard her casting some spell called divine touch and after that she casted, another unknown spell called God's hand."

"At the time, I wasn't the one controlling my body I don't even know how those spells are casted, I haven't even heard of it at all."

Then Gale said while pointing on the letter,

"Hmm... Then may be this related to that incident. We won't read it, since it is meant for you, It might have some personal information related to you. Here!"

Gale passed the letter to Aerin.

Aerin opened the letter.

"It is not a letter related to personal information, it says, 'The answers you seek can only be answered in the forgotten dungeon of the Devil, the Demon Lord Dungeon'."

"Hmm... So where and what is this Demon Lord dungeon?" Said Albert.

"It says you have to find me on your own."

"Damn it, where do we even start the search if we don't know where it even is."

"Do you think the guild would have any records for it?" Said Gale.

"I don't think so, if it really was that popular I would have known about it." Said Aerin.

"I guess we have really no choice but to say screw it." Said Albert.

Then the caretakers of the house enters, an old lady who knows a lot about the village,

"Ho-Ho-Ho were you adventurers just talking about the Demon Lord dungeon? It's a really mysterious place."

All the three shouted at the same time,

"You know about that dungeon."

"Well it's a tale that has been going on for a long time that the mysterious forest has a dungeon that far exceeds the thinking of humans and the Demon Lord himself resides in it. It is also said that you can't just stumble across that dungeon, either you are the one trying to find the dungeon, or the dungeon chooses you to find it."

"If that's the case then it might be that the dungeon chose you Aerin." Said Gale

"Then let's departure to the mysterious forrest tomorrow."

And then all of them went to sleep.

In the middle of the night Gale mildly woke up because of some mysterious sound coming from outside, when he came back to his senses he realized that Aerin is not inside.

He went outside to check what is the source of the sound, when he saw Aerin practicing magic.

"Aerin what are you doing outside this late in the night."

"I-I was just testing out the new staff, it is quite unique."

"What's so unique about it?"

"While holding this staff, I don't have to chant to cast magic. It's as if it reads my mind and chants the magic itself."

Gale, in disbelief said,

"You really are half awake."

"No I am telling the truth."

"Then it would be a really great staff, can I give it a try?"


As soon as Gale laid he hands on the staff. The staff moved and hid behind Aerin.

"Not any mere humanoid is allowed to touch me!?!"

They both shouted in utter surprise,


The next day,

"So yesterday you guys realized that it can talk and now it is sitting or standing or whatever.... Eating food with us."

"Hey I have a name you damn it! It's Tenebris, Tenebris the mighty. I am a 2nd rank demon. I am the 8th most powerful demon in the higher relm."

Albert tried to grab the staff but the staff jumped into Aerin's lap and said,

"I told you no pathetic human is allowed to touch me."

"Am I?" Said Aerin.

"Yes sweetheart."

Both Albert and Gale shouted,

"You are a Simp!"

"I am not a simp, you idiots. It's a strict order from my master to only let Aerin the elf use me and selfdistruct if someone tries to use me by force."

"And who the hell is your crazy master that you are so devoted for that you can even sacrifice yourself?"

"Don't call him crazy you piece of scum! He is always watching, and my master is the Devil, the Demon Lord himself."

"So do you work for the Demon Lord." Said Aerin.

"Yes and I have been tasked to make your journey to the Demon Lord dungeon safer."

"Come to think of it, whenever you talk to us, you scream at us and when you are talking to Aerin, you are always so gentle, believe it or not you are a simp."

"No I am not!!"

Then the staff banged Albert's head,


"Hey mister staff, yesterday when I was about to die in a dungeon were you the one who saved me?"

"No, his majesty might have saw something in you, he was the one who saved you."

"Why the hell would a Demon Lord save an elf."

"Well I don't know the reason but he ordered me to keep you safe until you get to the dungeon. If you don't I have to take you by force."

Then the Devil shouted in the mind of Tenebris,

"No you wouldn't. It's her choice."

"Keeeeiikk... I am sorry, I am sorry, I won't take you by force, it's your choice."

"Well that's a sudden change in personality." Said Gale.

"Did something happen, mister staff."

"Master shouted in my mind to not to force her say he just wants to meet you but it's entirely you choice."

"Well then, I think we shall pay him a visit." Said Gale.

"Are you dumb, he is a Demon Lord, he would kill us all." Said Albert.

"If he wanted to kill us all, this demon was enough."

"Point to be noted, I am the third most powerful Demon to ever set a foot on this land. And I you don't trust master, I will tell you one of his doings to prove that he is not a bad person. Have you ever heard of a story when a sorcerer tries to summon a demon by sacrificing elves."

Both Gale and Albert replied, "Nope."

But Aerin said,

"Are you talking about the Royal sorcerer incident?"


"Aerin do you know about the story."

"Yes, not so long ago a sorcerer tried to summon a demon by sacrificing 2 elf souls but then as he was carrying out the ritual, a demon appeared in front of their eyes, at first they thought the ritual was a success, but then the demon revived the elves and said, 'our Lord has ordered us to instead of taking souls as offering, he will take the summoner's good deeds as an offering', as a result the ritual was restarted based on the directions given by the demon. I remember the story because my father was one of the sacrificed elves, after the ritual father said, 'who would have thought, even demons have hearts'."

"Now do you want to meet him?"

"Hey staff, are you dumb." Said Gale.

"Why now?"

"Who wouldn't want to meet such a fantastic person."

"That's the spirit."

"Now what are we waiting for", said Aerin and Albert, "Let's go!"

The devil watching from his cave said,

"It's the first time I really want to meet someone."

"Kuro you were right, this really is fun and exciting."

"As the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover."

The Devil started thinking after seeing Kuro and said,

"Wait why are you here again."

"Well, because I just captured a glimpse of excitement in your eyes."

"You really are a hard a worker, even at this time, you are thinking how to see my emotions."

"I am not even doing anything, you are the one doing the work for me."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember, I just told you to watch humanoids, you are the one who gained excitement out of it."

"Hmm..... You never try to take the credit do you."

"Well then I should take my leave."

Then kuro vanished.

The devil spoke to Tenebris using long range communication and said,

"Don't keep me waiting for long Tenebris."

"Yes my Lord I will come here as soon as I possibly can."