
Damon's version

After that night Damon was restless, all he could think about was that beautiful woman, he wanted her to become his wife but how would his family accept a prostitute as a in-law .


( A/N : that night again 😒 he's the devil don't believe his side 😝😂)

walking in the CEO room , James start thinking of what to say or do to his brother , leaving the door half open James began

" Big brother , you know you're the best of best , you're so good at making deals" James keep on priasing his brother

" What's your needs ,little one " Damon replied in a mocking voice but show no emotion on his face

" Big brother, what are you saying" James continue sweetly talking to his brother " while as you ask there's this banquet I have to attend but there's an emergency so I would like to ask big brother if he can go for me , pretty please when strawberries on top " trying to ask cute James pout and fold his hands and rest his chin on them.

After that a loud laughing could be heard from the CEOs room.

"Aww just tie two ponytails and wear a pink dress with make up and then I may consider accepting this quest of yours .And also I'm not the big brother you are and everyone knows it now "

" Ok ok , then baby brother can you help big brother" James keeps on pouting and resting his chin on his folded hands

Still laughing at his brother Damon said "Do as I say and then I may consider it ok , I'll take my leave , Don't bother to ask why it's for a meeting , see you big brother at home in the dining room at 7 "

" You bastered you really going to make me do this I'm your big brother"

" Take your pick at 7 is the latest , big brother" Damon replied in a mischievous voice ,while locking the door behind him .

" Big Brother Damon why was big brother James laughing so loud that it could be heard through a sound proof door" Chrissy ask

( Chrissy is a family friend and also have a crush on Damon)

" I didn't know,must be something on his phone" Damon replied with a firm look on his his face.


"Mr. Lu I'll get everything ready for you" Damon assistant said

" Hmm , wait before you go call ,the family to come and your comings too."

" May I ask where too Sir "

"Over for dinner"

" Sir it would be a pleasure but I have to pick up my daughter from her nanny"

" Bring her alone as well"

"Then I'll take my leave "

" Hmm don't be late and remember the others "

After his assistant left Damon call on of his workers " Buy a Video game set "
