
The Devil's whisper.

There was a time when i was God's favorite, I was the most powerful deity, the first created, I was simply perfect. I have been alive for far too long, and many more years await me, i guess that's one of the cons of immortality but the worst thing to me, is that the love of my life was taken away and now i must live without her, they took the one thing that gave, if any, true meaning to my stupid existence. Falling in love was not what he wanted for me, nor it was the purpose for what i was created, no, it was she, who gave me a reason, a purpose to exist, to be happy for myself, a code to live by.. I thought jealousy and selfishness was born when humanity was created, but i was wrong, he couldnt accept that the love and attention that we were supposed to feel only for him, he who humanity refers to as "God", was being taken away and given to someone, he himself had created.. I'm going to take everything and anyone he ever cared for away from him, just like it was done to me. From that day on, I promised to make his creation suffer... For as long as I live there will be no peace. No human will live without fear at the very mention of my name. Lucifer was blinded with revenge. Madness and pure hate against the universe. For it was those who he considered his flesh and blood who betrayed him. The being he considered his parent had killed the one being Lucifer ever loved. The universe turned it's back on him and now he would be the one turning his back on everything. She is the reason for everything that happened, but will she be the reason for which Lucifer could change once again?

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Lucifer's Pov:

For next couple of centuries Samaheda and I became busy creating from scratch all other deities and assigning spiritual duties to each of them, and after that was done we watched upon humanity, it didnt take long for Samaheda's miss calculations to show, apparently he saw no flaw on allowing humanity to reproduce on their own and for their life spam to be almost as lasting as a deity's, there was a population overgrowth.

Samaheda had to make two more deities, he named the first one Margaret, she was temptation, her duties were to make the hearts of the humans weak, physically, emotionally, and morally, place upon them illness so eventually by nature or situation they would die, as it also happens that anyone who had the misfortune to meet her gaze would not see her actual form but as to what their heart truly desired, her eyes were meant to see the true nature of one's soul, human or deity were all the same before her eyes, neither or could withstand a chance against her abilities, she would be the ultimate judge; after her disguise and eyes revealed to her what she needed to know, she delivered the souls to Marcus who walked them to the next step but if the soul was far too tinted with darkness she would take divine justice into her own hands. The night she and Marcus were born they were both gifted with their respective divine object, for Margaret it was the divine sword "Amira" all Margaret had to do was elevate the sword in any direction and the descendant air of the sword could cut the flesh, obtain the soul of the objective only to make it's worst feared nightmare consume them a multiplied 1000 times and re-live it just as much before banishing them from the cosmos, this purposes only intended for the corrupted ones  if i may, Margaret's justice was the nightmare no soul divine or otherwise would wish to meet. 

 . The second deity was named Marcus and he was to carry the souls of the humans who's names were written in the book of the dead and the souls Margaret sent him, his divine object  were the whips of sorrow "Akira" and" Ashura" the whips were to tangle the objective and reveal all the sorrow, crimes, and regret the soul had (Akira) all the blessings, goodness and peacefulness (Ashura) both whips would be tangled around the intended target and whichever whip had the heaviest weight in, would consume the soul to either return the suffering caused till it banished them or set them off to their reincarnation, Marcus was too special, just as Margaret had her eyes, Marcus had his voice, to anyone who heard and directed a word to Marcus was bound to tell the truth, if the being tried to lie, his insides would burn from the inside out with the fire and heat of the sun itself, the more/worst the being lies, the more intense it gets.

Crowned to be equal in every way to Samaheda, leader, elder of all deities, and light guide for humanity made me the strongest and deadliest divinity in the realm, only to be second by this two with their powerful nature and divine objects, we became the trio of which no being could help but shiver when in our presence, the mare weight of our being would make the atmosphere become heavy and hard to breathe in. My closest sister and brother. 

When Samaheda made the book he made a back up of it, and hand them over to Margaret and Marcus, the book not only did it record the specifics of the deceased, but it would also trap a pinch of their soul into the book once it was recorded, that way the souls count and place could not be lost, a simple summing and the soul would be at hand, first they were taken to "terre mort-vivant" a place in where humans souls were collected to be sentenced for their actions by Marcus' whips or Margaret's almighty sword; for those who did good on earth, they were given the gift of reincarnation but with no obvious memory of their past life, some of them held strongly to their past fore they loved that life so much that they don't want to forget but for them, those memories are just dreams or flashbacks that they don't understand so they forget them eventually, for those who did wrong were eradicated in the process, the only record of their existence *ever* was in the book, he keeps the original and Margaret keeps the mirrored book...

"Till the world stops being the world, my children, you both will take the souls of those who are ready, you will take them to " terre mort-vivant" give them a fair judgement, and to the corrupted ones.. !oh my beloved children!.. offer no mercy" Samaheda dictated.



All creatures have weaknesses, as for humans there are many, they were made far too fragile and the most effective place to destroy a human is their hearts, this was no error of manufacture, this is how Samaheda purposely designed humanity, fragile, dependable so they were to always be in need of him, of us, to implore for his almighty presence.



Following the tragedy of one of our sisters, an upgrade was later on added to us the divine.