
The Devil's Soul

Gasper Crowl is an inquisitive kid, the son of one of the richest men in Dratworth, who enrolls in a magical closed academy of higher magic The fanfic is a cocktail of Date a live, dark souls, nekopara, akame ga kill and the witcher. Single characters, items, and lands are taken from all of them, but you won't see any canon or anything else here. Everything is exposed as part of this world and nothing more. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Drathworth Academy. 1.2.1

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"...I was searching for the truth. I found it. I didn't like her.

Alex Mercer

It's the third hour, we're on our way home. I've tried everything: I've practised controlling the water by asking for a bottle of this liquid, but the shaking made it impossible to concentrate. I wanted to try to talk to the maid, but... I was horrified to realise one thing.

The maid answered all my questions, but as clearly and quickly as possible, without trying to continue the conversation. And... at home, almost everyone would be like that! And after the academy, this kind of communication is very unpleasant for me. How good it is there... Uncomplicated bickering with Vika... friendly conversations with Viktor, Kurumi, Lucy....

- Oh..." I sighed, dropping my head.

- Mister, are you alright? - The maid sitting across from me immediately jumped up.

- I'm bored... It'll be worse at the manor. At least we can train there. - I shook my head, remembering the training sword in my luggage.

- Well..." The maid hesitated. - I beg your pardon, but I dare report that I heard in the kitchen that your sister is arriving in a few days. Perhaps she's already there.

I perked up, disbelieving what I was hearing.

- Kira's... coming back? - But her mother.

- Miss Dareanna passed away. That's why Mistress Kira is coming. - the maid bowed her head.

- 'That's how...' I cheerfully perked up. Finally, that thing has died of the aids I asked for on my last birthday. And it's quite possible that my mum contributed to the process as well.

I remember that day, I was very upset when I found out that Kira couldn't come because her mother wouldn't let her. That's when I wished she would die of AIDS. To tell you the truth, I'd heard that phrase once from our painter, who was painting one of the rooms on the estate. But the only thing I realised was that it was some kind of cause of death.

- What is AIDS? - I asked the maid, who at that moment choked on air.


I looked happily at the stone walls around the manor, which were getting closer and closer. The gates flashed with purple Runes and opened a second later. The only thing I could see was the runes of Scientia. Apparently there's a recognition spell, which means it's probably a bunch of Runes or complex Runes.

I'll have to look in my textbook and decipher the spells on the doors. Oh, how exciting! In fact, we could just poke around the house and look for some spells.

- Mr Gaspero, we're arriving. Mr Kraul has ordered that upon arrival, you must go to his office. After that, you must change and begin preparations for tonight's ball in honour of your return. - said the maid.

- Immediately? And he won't meet me? - I wondered. - In fact, I'd like to rest from the road today, and I'm a little tired.

- I'm sorry, but that's Mr Kraul's order. - The maid bowed her head.

- Oh..." I leaned back tiredly, watching the houses and the workers scurrying between them.

I think it is worth clarifying the structure of our estate, or rather the plot on which it is located. The estate itself is surrounded by the village, which is located in an even circle around the estate, at a distance of 100 metres. This circle is enclosed by a wall. And inside, there are the houses of my father's regular labourers. My teachers, gardeners and so on. Then there's a lawn, a garden and a training ground designed especially for me.

In the meantime, we reached the fountain opposite the front entrance, after which a maid instantly jumped out of the carriage, holding the door for me. I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose, and then stepped out of the carriage, breathing in the smell of flowers from the garden.

- Follow me, please. - The maid said, and after waiting for me to turn in her direction, she headed for the manor.

I followed her with a sigh.


- Sir, I have brought Mr Gaspero. - The maid said clearly as she entered the study after knocking.

- Good. Now get out. - I heard.

Following the maid who immediately jumped out, I entered the study, meeting my eyes with the cheerful look of my father.

- Hello, Gasper. - he said cheerfully, looking down at some papers.

- Hi, Dad. - I nodded.

For some reason, I wasn't very happy to see him. Yes and... can't I take my mind off the papers for the sake of my son, whom I haven't seen for almost six months?

- First of all, there's a ball tonight in honour of your return. There's going to be an important man there with his daughter and--

- And you won't even ask me how I'm doing? - I asked sharply.

I felt resentment and anger in my heart. He didn't even ask what my life was like at the academy. Did I like it or not? My mum's words came to mind.

"Not all things in the world are as beautiful as they seem. And your father is one of those things." - sounded like Mum's voice in my head.

- Ahem..." dad frowned. - I think you've forgotten a bit of etiquette, which says that elders are not to be interrupted. For the first time, I'll forgive it, but...''

The vase standing in the corner of the room suddenly shattered. I bit my lip sharply, trying to calm down and keep the Darkness from bursting out. It was as if the magic was even stronger now, trying to destroy the object of my hatred.

In the meantime, the vase shards pulled themselves up to the pedestal, and gathered into a vase.

- Calm down. - came the cold voice of my father. - There will be an important man with his daughter, and I want you to meet her. She's your future bride.

I jumped in surprise, shielding my eyes from the shards of glass flying everywhere. All the windows in the room exploded, but at the moment of the explosion I didn't even have time to realise what had been said, so....

- Mum..." I whispered.

My father's face twisted with anger, but he only clenched the pen in his hands, which broke, and waved his hand, reattaching the shards and restoring the windows.

- Go. - he said coldly.

I went out in silence, ignoring the people gathered under the door. A woman's feet were in my way, but I didn't even look to see whose they were, pushing the girl aside.

It wasn't until I reached my room that I realised I was bleeding from my palms. I gritted my teeth, looking at the bloody tips of my fingernails. Entering the room, I went straight to the box of healing potions, made in case some maid found me with any wounds and was able to heal them herself with those potions without a medic calling.

Catching sight of a bottle with bright scarlet contents, and labelled: light healing potion, I grabbed it with my right hand. Opening it, I poured a quarter of the contents onto my left hand. The cuts immediately began to turn pink, and after a dozen seconds, they disappeared. The same thing was done with my right hand.

I put the bottle back in its place and lay face down on my huge bed, thinking about how I could do something bad to avoid marrying some girl.


In front of me, a huge field reappeared, ending in an ocean. I grumbled to myself, chastising myself for falling asleep.

- You don't have to worry. - I heard my mum's soft voice. A moment later, I was gently cradled by Mum's hands behind me, and I felt the back of my head being kissed. - you don't marry anyone unless you want to.

- But because...

- I'll figure it out. After all, parents take care of their children. - Mum smiled brightly. - but that doesn't apply to your father. - she suddenly turned dark. - Tell him that next time, I won't limit myself to breaking windows.

- So it was you after all? - I asked cheerfully.

- I, like any elemental, am somewhat like a deity. We can become possessed by our followers, however... if those followers feel great rage, hatred, and other such feelings, our powers become much stronger than the person we are in. At that moment, I was already in you, just not taking control of your body, just observing. And in that moment, I let a little of my anger show through. But be warned, I can only do that with you with my mistress's permission, and to disturb her... well, I will do it only in extreme cases. - Mum frowned.

- Okay... so, what am I supposed to do about that girl? - I asked.

- The girl? - Mum faked surprise. - There is no girl.

And at this point, I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room in front of me.


I thoughtfully looked at the Runes on my window, while checking the list of Runes on the table.

- Hiya!!! - came from behind me.

I jumped in surprise, but in the next second, I was hugged tightly, and a familiar scent wafted into my nose.

- Kira? - I asked in surprise.

- Come on, Gaspik. Didn't recognise your big sister? - smiling happily, asked the girl.

- Fuck you! - I took offence, returning my gaze to the Runes. - I'm actually doing an important thing here.

- What is it? - Kira raised an eyebrow, but when her gaze fell on the textbook ...

- You got into the academy!? - she squealed, and then she laughed and hugged me happily. - And I thought you'd be sent there only next year.

- Mum insisted. - I answered glumly, remembering the fact that Kira is already in her third year, which means that she will still mock me for being smarter, more experienced, and so on.

- Mine got nailed by an iron beam. - Kira said cheerfully. - That's funny. A recognised Expert mage with two Master level directions was killed by a snapped beam at a construction site in her own house. I didn't like the idea of building a separate two-storey building just for me.

- Yeah..." I grinned.

Kira and I were alike in almost every way. We shared all of each other's interests and hobbies. From games to sections of magic. And the only difference was her attitude towards her father. She hated him, like her mother, and I loved him dearly. Until recently.

- So, tell me. - Kira sat down on the grass in front of me. - What academy did they send you to, what did you learn there, how many women's hearts did you win?

- Hey!!! - I was embarrassed.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! - laughed the girl.

- I was sent to Narnount. - I said, angrily watching Kira rolling around on the grass laughing.

With that phrase, the sister instantly lost her mirth, receiving a huge dose of surprise.

- Really? You've been put away in the most expensive and best academy on the Human mainland? - The girl asked, rising slightly.

- Not put away, but sent away. - I answered indignantly. - But yes, that's her. It's really cool there... but some students, still with their own weirdness. - I smiled a little, remembering how Kurumi and I used to steal wine.

- Wow... What did they teach you at the best human academy?

- In six months? - I raised an eyebrow. - Well... levitation, telekinesis... Runes... a little bit of poetry management....

- You were taught Runes! ????? - Kira screamed.

- Well, yeah... why is that? - I was surprised.

- Runes are only taught from the third year! - the girl was indignant. - We've only started studying them this year! - But suddenly, her voice changed to a gloating one - But our Runes teacher said that at the first class after the holidays, he'll let us try to apply our first Runes! - she proudly raised her index finger in the air.

- Hmm, we've already done them. - I shrugged, burning a Terra mark on the ground, then filling it with mana and cutting the channel.

In the place of Runes, instantly began to grow an earthy hill, which stopped only when it reached the level of my navel. However, I was sitting, so the hill was not very big....

- Holy shit. - Kira briefly characterised her state of mind. But then she suddenly perked up. - Listen, you haven't had fencing lessons yet, have you?

I shook my head negatively.

- Listen, let's have a sparring session? They taught you the basics at the manor, didn't they? - Kira asked, smiling brightly.

- Why not? - I shrugged. - Only, I have to run to my room, okay?

- Yeah, yeah... waiting for you on the training ground.


I stood in front of Kira, getting into a stance. The girl looked at me expectantly, twirling a practice rapier in her hands.

- Elven? - She raised an eyebrow as she examined the blade.

- A rapier? - I mirrored.

- Okay, let's get started already. - Kira grumbled, then lunged for the attack.

The first blow, she decided to choose a simple jab to the chest. I easily deflect the blade to the left, then try to reach her side. Kira jumps back, and is already on the defensive, defending herself against my quick, chopping blows. After the fourth strike, I cross my blades sharply with her, coming in close. She grins in my face, and at that moment I kick her knee. The girl, not expecting this, falls to her knee as I walk into her back. The blade flying at her shoulder hits her rapier, which she manages to bring up. And at that moment, I grab her wrist, followed by a knee strike to the bend of her elbow. The bone crunched loudly, after which I bring the blade up to Kira's neck.

- AAH!!! - screamed my sister a moment later.

I looked at the fencing teacher who ran up to us in surprise.

- Gasper, what are you doing!?!?? - Wailed the one, falling down next to Kira, casting a healing spell on her.

- What's wrong? - I wondered.

- YOU BROKE HER ARM!!! - yelled the teacher. - And you're asking, "What's the big deal!!!?"?

- Well, what's the big deal? - I continued to wonder. - I've come out of training in worse condition.

- But you didn't get your arms broken, did you?!?

- They did. - I shrugged. - and a lot of times. And not just my arms.


- You know, it really hurt. - Kira frowned, rubbing her arm.

Our manor doctor quickly jumped to Kira's painful cries, and in half a minute had her arm back to its original form.

- I'm sorry... it's just that I'm used to somewhat more violent contractions. - I smiled.

- With whom? I thought you said you didn't have fencing lessons yet?

- There's a club. I was invited there literally as soon as I arrived. - I shrugged. - And then, the head of the club took over my personal training. Saur Rones. He broke my arms, legs, ribs... But, as you can see, I got to the third-year level pretty quickly," I grinned. - I grinned.

- What kind of scumbags do you have in your ninth year if a freshman can throw Runes and take down a bandit with a single sword? - Kira laughed a little nervously.

- Well... you're kidding about the bandit... Though with magic I can take down at least five of them. - I proudly concluded.

- Wait a minute... What makes you so sure? - Kira squinted at me. - Have you fought before? Let me guess, it's in that city, where you go every month?

- Yeah... - I nodded doomedly, cursing my long tongue. - We... with one of my classmates were taking a walk... and we stumbled upon them.

- Ooh..." Kira smiled cheerfully. - So we're already walking with girls? And who is she? What family is she from? Probably some rich people, right?

-Mm-hmm... -I nodded. - The Bloder vampire clan.

Kira's face began to slowly contort, becoming more and more dazed.

- You... went out with a vampire? - the girl asked in horror.

- What's the big deal? - I wondered. - Kurumi is a very nice girl, you shouldn't think so prejudiced about her.

- She's a vampire! Gasper, what were you thinking, when you went away from the company, alone with a vampire!?

- Screw you. - I took offence, getting up from the ground and heading towards my room, glancing at the setting sun. The ball is coming up... And I've already seen a couple of high-profile guests already arriving.

- Yes, yes! Gasper's right, I am a very decent person! - came from outside... Kurumi's voice.

I slowly turned towards the source. And was forced to catch my jaw. Not far from me, stood Kurumi, dressed in a long, black dress, with a huge scarlet bow on her back.

- Kurumi!?? - I said.

- Hela, hi, hi, Gasper! - She waved at me, smiling, and then began to walk closer.

- Is that her? - came Kira's dumbfounded shout from the side.

- What are you doing here? - Ignoring my sister's screams, I asked the vampire.

- My father brought her here. Allegedly, some kind of ball for one of his client-supply partners. I just don't understand why it's being held at your father's estate.

- Clients? - I answered a question with a question.

- Well... people who have been ordered to the scaffold. But, sometimes, they are sold to noble vampires to feed on without killing. - Kurumi explained.

A picture instantly formed in my head, but I didn't want to accept it. For my father to actually be a slave trader?

- Okay... I'm insanely happy to see you here. - I changed the subject of my thoughts, smiling.

- Me too. - Kurumi smiled back, and then whispered conspiratorially, "Let's take a look at the cellars here, shall we? There must be some interesting things in there. - and then, after a few seconds, she laughed. - You should see your face, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!

- Come on..." I grinned.

- Hey, get away from him! - Kurumi's voice rang out, and then... the vampiress was knocked back a few steps by a sharp, very strong gust of wind.

I shifted my gaze to Kira... and was stunned. She was now standing with her arm out, having clearly used magic a few seconds ago. And that threatened a fight... in which Kurumi would simply tear Kira into several pieces. I mean that literally.

- Kira! What are you doing!?!? - I resented you.

- Gasper... back off. She's dangerous. - Evilly flashing her eyes at Kurumi, Kira turned to me.

- Oh, oh... I see your friend doesn't like me. - Kurumi grinned, showing her fangs. - But... I have to admit, you Gasper really do have to go. Judging by the look of you..." the vampire grinned, looking at my dirty and wrinkled black t-shirt. - You're obviously not ready for tonight's event.

- Ahem... I guess I am. - I agreed. - I'll see you at the ball, then.

- I look forward to it. - The vampire smiled sweetly, then turned and walked away.

- Kira... You..." I started angrily.

- Brother, you shouldn't get close to her. - the girl seriously interrupted me. - Not only will your beloved daddy be horrified by it, but the vampire clan she belongs to won't be happy about her bonding with a human. And given the cockroaches of pure-blood vampires, who are very vigilant about the purity of their offspring's blood ...

- I don't care what my father thinks about it. - I snorted, and Kira's eyes widened in surprise. - He's going to marry me off to some rich man's daughter. So he sent me to Narnaunt, which is also famous for being almost year-round, without having to take care of me at all. And if what Kurumi said is true... Okay, I have to go change.

- Uh-huh... - Kira nodded. - I have to get ready too.

- I'll see you at the ball then. - I waved my hand, heading to my room.