
The Devil's Soul

Gasper Crowl is an inquisitive kid, the son of one of the richest men in Dratworth, who enrolls in a magical closed academy of higher magic The fanfic is a cocktail of Date a live, dark souls, nekopara, akame ga kill and the witcher. Single characters, items, and lands are taken from all of them, but you won't see any canon or anything else here. Everything is exposed as part of this world and nothing more. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Drathworth Academy. 1.1.2

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My God, it's a shame I don't know so many people! But more than that, it's a pity that I do know some people.

Dmitry Gorchev. The rescue plan.

- And now, we can get acquainted. - I said with a little smile.

The girls, as if awoke from sleep, had already opened their mouths for questions.

- So, as you have heard, my name is Gaspero. To my friends, I'm just Gasper. My life, until this day, has been rather dull. Manor, training, hosting important guests. In life, I'm more of a rebel. I dare say I'm a little frivolous. It's a pleasure to meet you.

A couple of seconds of silence passed before Victoria spoke.

- I'm Victoria Flame. Third Child. You can just call me Vika, since we're roommates now. Until this week, I lived in the country. A week ago, we had a visit from the mages from this academy, who instantly realised who I was. They picked me up and put me in training for free. I'm glad to meet you! - She smiled brightly.

I shifted my gaze to Lucy, who also smiled a little and spoke:

- I'm Lucy Ordinem. Came here five days ago. My mother decided to give me to the academy, and only seeing me, Mr Headmaster accepted me, saying that for such students, he himself should pay parents. Nice to meet you too, Gasper.

I smiled back, and then jumped to the floor, intending to unpack my bags.

- All right, can you help me unpack the bags? So I don't put anything in your places. - I asked.

- Okay. - I heard Lucy's calm voice.

- Sure! - I heard Vicky almost shout.


- Ugh..." I exhaled.

As I looked around at the clothes, textbooks, and books that had been packed away, I felt an almost physical pleasure.

It turns out that the Runes on the wardrobes made special artefacts out of them. That is, you climb into the wardrobe, close the door, and a second later you find yourself in the clothes you need, and yours remains in the wardrobe.

That's how I changed into my academy uniform. White shirt, pale bodied waistcoat, grey long coat, black trousers and shoes.

- How long is it until lunch? - Vika asked, turning to the clock. - AAH!!! It's already five minutes past seven!!! We're going to be late for dinner!!! - screamed the girl, grabbing Lucy and me by the hands and dragging us towards the door.

A few seconds later, Lucy and I were running after Victoria, barely keeping up. We even hit one of the teachers on the way, but he didn't even yell when he saw the three white hairs of eight-year-olds.

And then... Victoria flies into the canteen... the eyes of everyone here turn to her... and then Lucy and I fly in. Vika, ignoring the stares of everyone here at me, ran to the serving area. I don't understand why they didn't use a magical system of serving food here, like they did in our manor.

With all this attention, I was a little embarrassed. There were many people staring at me before, because of the nobility, but here..., firstly, there were more people, and secondly, almost all of them were nobles.

Among them, I even saw a few vampires and a couple of vampires. They were mostly upperclassmen, but one vampire looked like us. Maybe our future classmate? Fascinating... Before, I had only seen vampires in books.

Meanwhile, Lucy tugged at my sleeve a little, and after making sure I was awake from my stupor, she followed Vika. I took one more look at the crowd and rushed after her.

Man, even the cook was looking at me like I was looking at... I don't know... a long coveted, royal pot that she had just been given. AAH!!! I don't want to feel like a pot!!!

With those thoughts, I got my portion and headed after the girls. At the same time, I noticed that no one was taking their eyes off me. Numerous whispers were going on in the hall, merging into one unified hum, among which it was impossible to make out anything.

We sat down at one of the empty tables on the first row from the entrance. Having looked round the tables further down the row, I came to the conclusion that there was a row for each course. At least, everyone here was my age, and the other rows also showed this system.

For dinner, we had apple juice and... porridge. I think it's called oatmeal. I watched it with a little surprise, while watching Lucy and Vika eating it. But the academy is the best... and they feed porridge. What kind of food is this for nobles?

Sighing, I threw one last glance at the hall still watching me, and then began to eat.

This porridge is really good! I'm surprised they didn't have it at the manor. It's so good! I can see now why Lucy and Victoria enjoyed it so much. Although... they're not really nobles, so maybe they're just used to it.

Eventually, the noise of normal conversation returned, which I accepted with relief. Still, I wasn't comfortable with the attention.

- Were you getting so much attention, too? - I asked the girls. Victoria gave me a disgruntled and annoyed look, then went back to her porridge. Lucy, on the other hand, replied:

- Before, Vika was the star. Now I think everyone's gonna be talking about you. Vic, calm down. - she turned to Three.

- I'm fine. - She muttered, rising from the table with an empty plate and glass, and then headed for the special table with dirty dishes.

- Eh..." Lucy sighed. - I was offended after all. But don't worry, she'll get over it.

- I didn't really kill myself. - I answered, finishing my juice.

It's good... I was rarely given it at home. Mostly we drank liquid nectar. Some kind of drink that was very useful for magic. But it tasted very sour, so I never liked it.

- Let's go. - Lucy said to me, getting up from the table. I followed her.


After Lucy and I had done the dishes, half the room (almost entirely female for some reason) rushed to do the dishes. And, as a result, in just a minute, we were overtaken in the corridor by a small group of students. I think they were sitting across the table from us. There were two guys and two girls, one of them being the vampire I'd been eyeing in the cafeteria.

- Hi," the black-haired guy with blue eyes said to Lucy and me. - I'm Victor. And you, another Child?

I nodded briefly. Lucy hummed, then smiled and winked at me and headed further down the corridor.

- Gasper Crowl. - I said, shifting my gaze from Lucy to Victor. - The Fifth Child. Nice to meet you.

- COOL! - shrieked the boy. - The 3 Great Children are going to be my classmates!!!

I shifted my gaze to his companions and companions. The second, a red-haired, pale kid, a little shorter than me and Victor, was looking at me with a disdain that I didn't really like. Even though my father had warned me that there would be those who didn't believe in my power, I still felt a great deal of anger and irritation towards this guy.

After holding my gaze on him for a couple of seconds, I hurriedly changed the object of observation, because I could feel the magic that started to bubble up from my anger and wanted to tear the offender apart. However, after such a thing, I would not have good relations with my classmates, so I had to be patient and calm down.

Next, I saw a blue-haired girl looking at me and the redhead with concern. She gave me a slight bow and then introduced herself:

- Sitri Augain. It's an honour to meet you. - she said, almost doing a stand-up pose.

I was a little smug, but after a second, I smiled at her.

- You're welcome. Nice to meet you, Sitri.

The last one standing, standing to my right, was the scarlet-haired vampire. She'd been drilling me with a look of admiration, happiness, and excitement for a couple of minutes now. Hmm... What's she doing here?

- I'm Aria. Aria Bloder. I'm so happy to meet you! - the girl practically jumped up and down.

- Me, too. - I smiled. At my smile, Aria, with eyes full of pleasure, looked up to the ceiling. - Ahem, it was nice to meet you all, but I'd like to know something from my housemates.

- You live with girls!?!?? - screamed Victor, in a voice full of pain and jealousy. - But at the academy, no one is allowed to live with the other sex!!!! Who are they? And what's the number of your room? - The guy squinted his eyes and a strange smile appeared on his face. Funny kid...

- Victoria Flame and Lucy Ordinem. Apparently because we're all Great Children. - I shrugged. - Number..." I raised my eyes to the ceiling, thinking hard. - Eleventh, I think...

- So you're our neighbour! - exclaimed Victor. - I, and two other guys, live in the tenth!

- And me and Aria in the twelfth. - smiled good-naturedly at Sitri.

I glanced at the vampire, who was pacing the corridor. I didn't understand why.

- Pfft! - came the redhead's voice. - Why are you so attracted to him? He's just an upstart who doesn't really know how to do anything.

I was furious at his words. How dare he say that to me? I should teach him a lesson. I was about to create a ball of darkness to smash it into that jerk's face, but Victor's cry calmed me down instantly:

- Hey! When we have the test fights the day after tomorrow, then we'll talk about strength! And now, stop swearing!

Test fights... that means a lot of people will be watching... which means I'm going to smash this guy in front of the whole course!

- All right, I'm out of here. - I waved my hand, then went to my room.

Somehow, in a way I didn't understand, I clearly knew the shortest way to it. Is this the spell Gabriella was talking about? I wonder...

With these thoughts, I reached my room, where Lucy was.

- Where's Victoria? - I asked Lucy, who was reading a romance novel, judging by the cover.

She looked up from her book and then looked at me, glancing at Flame's bunk.

- I think she went out with a fellow student of ours. Never mind, she's often out of the room.

- So..." I stretched out, then glanced at the cover of the book again. "Romantic Death." Yeah, that's a very catchy title. - What are you reading?

- It's about a couple. He's a werewolf and she's a vampire. They're in love with each other and they're trying to hide it from their own kind. I'm surprised you haven't heard of this book. Six months ago, it was a smash hit with women. - Lucy said with a little surprise in her voice.

I grinned wryly at her remark, then explained:

- You know, my mum doesn't really read books.

Lucy's face showed understanding, then amusement, then apology.

- But you know... No, I'm not complaining, but... Still, I think it's nice to have your mum around you all the time. Tell me, does he talk to you?

- Does he? - Lucy asked, her eyes wide with confusion.

- Your father. - I explained, climbing up the stairs to my bunk.

- Aaah..." came a voice underneath me. - Yes, in my dreams he sometimes talks to me... rarely, but still. And with Vika, he hardly speaks at all, as far as I know.

- Really? - I was genuinely surprised. - And my mum talks to me a lot. Sometimes even, creates parks where we walk with her.

I remembered the last time she did that. A couple of months ago, I think... Then, she and I were passing by a lake with ducks, near which she started talking about this academy. And when I told my father what she said... He went to write a letter to Principal Zoltan almost immediately.

- Really? - Lucy was amazed. - Although... Mothers always care and please their children more than fathers... - she sighed sadly, and I thought about her words.

There was truth in them. During all those years of living on the estate, my father met me, almost always, only at meals. And Mum played with me quite often.

I glanced at the clock hanging over the entrance. It was five minutes to seven in the evening. I was usually in bed by 9:00 and awake at 7:00 in the morning. Something to do.

An occupation that found me. Namely, terribly angry Vika, who burst into the room, and then collapsed on the bed face down.

- Did you blow me off? - Lucy mocked.

Blown off? What does that mean? By who? I know sewing is some kind of maid mending holes in her clothes. And sewing? So it means to make a hole in someone? Did someone kill someone?

- Get off! - Victoria's voice, muffled by the pillow. - It's all his fault! - Without raising her head, she pointed her finger in my direction.

- Huh?" I asked stupidly.

What's my fault? I don't understand.

- He overheard some kid from our course talking about his meeting with him. - she pointed her finger at me again. - and then he told him he had to go, so he rushed off to listen to this stupid story. RRR!!! - Victoria roared.

The pillow slowly began to smoulder in a few places, and the Runes on the bed showed a little. Hmm... It looked like some kind of defence... A couple of the Runes looked familiar to me, but the rest of them didn't. And a second later, the room became a few degrees warmer, which was quite noticeable.

- Calm down. - I heard Lucy's taunt again. - Gasper wasn't guilty of anything. In a couple of days, everyone will more or less calm down, and the guys will start chasing you again.

- RRR..." Vicky growled, but the girl didn't object.

I laid back on my pillow with a smile, closing my eyes. And after a few minutes, accidentally fell asleep.


I looked around at the huge field, completely covered in green grass that was moving slightly in the breeze. Below me, there was a wooden chair, and next to it was a carved table with a funny dragon pattern on the edge.

- Do you like it? - I heard my favourite voice.

I smiled happily and turned round. Behind me stood the same smiling, white-haired girl, dressed in a black dress.

- Mum..." I whispered, and then jumped up from the chair, hugging her.

I heard her laugh happily, after which she hugged me back, crouching down to the level of my head. Scarlet eyes travelled over my clothes, which was the academy uniform I had fallen asleep in.

- How was the academy, and your roommates? - She looked at me with a mocking look.

- Why are you looking like that? - I was surprised. With her, I was never afraid to ask anything directly.

- Hee-hee... - my mum laughed. - When you grow up, you'll understand the meaning of my words.

- By the way, did you look at that entertainment of your mistress? - I suddenly remembered.

Mum sighed sadly, then raised a slightly tired look at me.

- I am Darkness. I am obliged to follow her orders and requests. And, therefore, I was obliged to come and watch this mockery.

- What was it? - I asked.

- Oh... a guy - a vampire, in another world, fought another powerful vampire, after which he devoured him. He was insane before that, I could see that, however after the absorption... He needed to be killed. I understood that, my mistress and everyone else understood that. And she dispelled the bloke. - Mum finished sadly. Then she smiled again. - You know, Gasper, you're about to start school. You'll make friends, but you'll also make enemies. But the most loyal friends for you can only be the Child of Order and the Child of Fire.

- Why? - I asked in confusion.

- Because you are, you might say, relatives. After all, Fire and Order are my younger brothers. All right, never mind. It's too early for you to think about it, but try to get along with them. I see you've made friends with the Daughter of Order, but the Fire Child has made you angry. But I think it's going to be a long journey. Maybe even endless.

- Mum, I interrupted her. - Look, Lucy said that you treat me a lot better than her dad or Vicky's dad.

- Yeah, that's true. - she sighed. - I'm the first element. Almost the oldest in the universe. All other elements, came into existence after the creation of all material things. However... in all my time, I have only given birth to a child once. And that was you. You know, I never realised how wonderful it is to have a child before. Mistress only allowed us to have children 100 years ago, after the First Child, fathered by Light, amused her. Even though Light was punished for giving man a part of himself, we were allowed to have children. And such young elements as Fire, Air, Water... began to frolic in the web of small worlds. You'll find out what that is in the textbooks. So, as a result, they had a lot of weak children. The Third Child is the strongest of Fire's children, so he devotes very little, but still at least some time to her. Many of his children don't even know who they are. Order is much more modest, but he also has quite a few children. And by nature, the elements, which are personified by men, devote much less time to children. And me, I only have you. And I don't want another child. So I will never leave you or stop visiting you. You know that. - she finished by kissing me gently on the forehead. - and now it's time to wake up. There's someone here to see you. - Mum grinned, hugging me.

The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes. The familiar ceiling of my room was in front of me, and the door was banging intensely. Sleepily, I glanced at the clock and mentally groaned. 6:11. Who's got a pain in the arse to wake us up so early?

Victoria must have come to the same conclusion, and then she got up irritably and strode to the door. I lowered my gaze in embarrassment. The girl was dressed in just a nightie, and she'd either forgotten about me or had simply forgotten about me. Beneath me I also heard the rustling of the blanket.

- What do you want? - I heard Vicky's angry and sleepy voice.

- Is Gasper Crowl awake yet? - I heard a familiar boy's voice from behind the door. Victor?

- RRR!!! - Vika growled, then angrily pulled the deadbolt off the door... and then something clicked in her head, and she gave me a fearful look.

I raised my eyebrows questioningly, trying not to lower my gaze below her face. Vika lowered her eyes to her clothes... then jumped into the wardrobe with a wild squeal. So she'd forgotten about me after all....

I looked down at my uniform, which I'd fallen asleep in without undressing. To my surprise, however, it wasn't wrinkled and clean. Another spell?

Meanwhile, Lucy also got out of bed and climbed into the second wardrobe. And as soon as its doors closed, a rather large company burst into the room.

Fifteen people... and I can see a few in the corridor as well. The company I met yesterday was also here, but to my delight, the redhead wasn't.

- Good morning, Gasper! - Victor shouted. - 'Sorry, I wanted to come alone, however they all followed me.

"Hee hee hee..." - Mum's laughter sounded in my head. Her presence made me cheer up dramatically, jumping to the floor.

And then I noticed another scarlet eyed girl in the crowd besides Aria. A girl, about ten years old, with long, black hair tied in two tails with scarlet bows. Her left eye was covered by fringes, but only the right one was recognisable for who she was. She was dressed in a black dress, which suited her perfectly. In fact, she was a real beauty.

Looking at her, I hovered a little. She noticed it, and then smiled welcomingly, starting to come closer. For some reason, I panicked, looking for help from the people around me, asking all sorts of questions. I even heard a woman's question, "What kind of girls do you like?" which made me panic even more.

Meanwhile, the unfamiliar vampire came closer, pushing the crowd away. I didn't know where to go. Just then, I noticed Aria's eyes darken sharply, looking enviously at the girl. What's she doing?

The crowd slowly began to quiet down, and the magic in me, just beating, reacting to strong emotions. It was getting harder and harder to hold on to it, but I continued to endure.

- Sis, why don't you introduce me? - came the sweet, mocking voice of this girl, addressed to Aria. Are they sisters? More like stepsisters. They don't look much alike.

- Gasper..." Aria turned to me, gritting her teeth. - Allow me to introduce my half-sister, Kurumi Bloder. - Aria almost spit out her name.

Kurumi... It's a beautiful name, though it's clearly a vampire dialect.

- W- nice to meet you. - embarrassed, I said. - Gasper Crowl.


I leaned back in my chair with a weary sigh. That crowd had finally left. For almost an hour, they'd been beating all sorts of personal information out of me, and by the end of it, I had the urge to stop restraining the magic and let it kick all those people out. Kurumi was sitting on a chair in the corner of the room, occasionally giggling when I was asked a particularly lewd question.

My state of mind, all this time, was extremely strange. On the one hand, I wanted to run away from the room to avoid looking stupid, and on the other hand, I wanted to watch Kurumi more.

As a result, the crowd only left my room for breakfast, which starts at seven. Getting up, I followed Lucy and Vika who were leaving. On the way, I pondered over what was happening. What was that all about? Why the embarrassment? I don't understand...

With these thoughts, we reached the dining hall. I was stared at a lot less, but still... To my great joy, Kurumi was sitting at the first table, which indicated that she belonged to our course. So, she's just advanced beyond her years.

By the way, for breakfast, there was a salad consisting of cabbage, radishes, onions, parsley, and cucumbers. Salads, I've never liked salads in my life. Unless they consisted entirely of tomatoes. However, these same cucumbers, radishes and parsley I can say I hated. But there's nothing to be done. I'll have to get used to it.

For dessert, which, as I learnt from Lucy, was only for breakfast, there was cherry ice cream, which I loved so much. Too bad Kurumi couldn't be seen from our table.

As I was finishing my ice cream, I had a serious thought. Where could I hide? Because from the looks of the surrounding girls, and my fellow students, I could tell my imminent fate. Namely, a repeat of the morning's interrogation procedure, half of which I never answered.

After finishing my dishes in a hurry, I hurriedly handed them in, and then, almost on the run, headed for the library, which was a floor below. There, I grabbed the book "Magical Creatures", and then ran to the courtyard, where I found a warehouse of materials and hid. The winter was not very cold this year, and the clothes I was wearing were enough to keep me warm.


My back was against the wall, and I took a breath, trying to calm my racing heart. My throat felt uncomfortable, and I wanted to spit out the saliva I'd been stuck with.

At the same time, I looked around the room where I was. There were bags of all sorts of things everywhere: powders, sponges, mops, soap, rags, that sort of thing. Apparently, this was where they kept the tools that the servants used. Not a lot of them here, but still.

There was only one single window in the rather small, wooden room. I looked out of it for a while, and then hastily hid myself. There were guys and girls from the junior year running around the courtyard. There was even one couple of girls I seemed to have in the morning.

Exhaling, I leaned against the wall, opening the book to the first paragraph, which I read to pass the time. I'll sit here until lunch, and then... I don't know what I'll do.

So... "Magical creatures," then... Well, let's read it.

"In this world, there are many dangers to beware of. "One of them being demons and angels. Almost any graduate, any academy, will be able to summon at least the lowest demon of the fifth rank, but the average statistics of summoning, on the final exam, students are "the highest demon of the third rank." But... let's not forget about angels. Anyone knows that our Earth Firmament - is in close contact with the Hell Firmament and the Heaven Firmament. Both angels and demons appear in our world quite often, bringing great inconvenience. So, let's talk about demons. They are divided into 3 categories: inferior, exalted and superior. Inferior have in themselves 5 ranks, divided into which by the criterion of strength. Inferior demons of the first rank, the maximum can kill a dozen knights, but cut them down, is not difficult. Exalted are divided into 4 ranks. The fourth rank, has some sort of accelerated regeneration, as well as superhuman strength. Their magic potential is already at the average level of an Apprentice rank mage. The first rank Exalted ones, can quite easily destroy a large village of about 500 people. And now, we come to the higher ones. There are three ranks in total. The first rank, is the strongest in the army of the demon king, and can for a couple of days of non-stop fighting to destroy a large city. They are opponents against which even mages of the rank of "Expert", do not dare to go out. Weakness, as is known is the beheading, and subsequently chopping the body into 7-10 pieces. Now, let's talk about angels. They are much more dangerous creatures than demons. One weakest angel, is able to destroy a dozen "Adepts". They are divided into two categories. Angels and Seraphim. Seraphim are able to wipe out an entire army, which was demonstrated in 1341. Then, a Seraphim, the first and only one in history, appeared during the war between elves and humans. He appeared closer to the army of humans, whom he practically exterminated. However, the creatures of the Celestial Firmament are almost entirely composed of Light mana, and the First Child, whose name is unfortunately not preserved, completely absorbed the Seraphim with his Light magic. Summoning angels is highly discouraged, as it is very difficult to cast mental shackles on them, unlike demons. A huge contribution to this article was made by Augustus Penetrator. He was devoured by a demon in 1642.".

Indeed... An expected demise for a researcher like this Augustus. Even I knew not to play with demons. At least not with strong enough ones. I turned the page. Oh! "Vampires and Werewolves"! Just learning about...

The door opened, and I broke out in a cold sweat. Found it. I'm screwed. I was about to yell, "HE'S HERE!!!" but I didn't. I looked at the door and froze.

- Hello, Gasper. - Kurumi smiled.

- Hi... Kurumi. - I replied in embarrassment. My heart started beating like crazy again, and the blood rushed sharply to my face. What's wrong with me?

- Oh, you remembered me! - The girl was genuinely surprised, and then smiled. - I thought in that heap of acquaintances, you would forget me. - After that, still closed the door and came closer. My left hand started to twitch a little, and I was about to jump up in front of her, but suddenly she sat down next to me. - I can see you're having a hard time. - she smiled.

- Y-yes..." I nodded.

Her gaze fell on the book, on the "Vampires and Werewolves" paragraph. She put her hand over mine, making me shake, and then closed the book. At my questioning look, she explained:

- Not all vampires are as described. So when you do read it, don't be prejudiced against me, okay?

- Yeah. Sure. - I smiled embarrassedly. - And... can I ask a question?

- Yes, of course you can. - Kurumi smiled. Her smile made me feel an unprecedented pleasure.

- It's certainly not very cultured, but... how old are you?

Hearing my question, Kurumi giggled and I was embarrassed. I shouldn't have asked...

- I'm 8. - she replied. - Vampires... pureblood vampires develop physically much faster than humans. However, our bodies stop developing completely when we reach the age of 18. But... I have to admit, you also look ten, not unlike an eight. Not squeamish about blood? - Kurumi giggled.

- No!!! - I objected sharply.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! - Kurumi laughed out loud. - I was joking.

- But... Aria doesn't look like you.

- That's right. - The girl gloomed a little. - That's why she's not a pureblood vampire. Our family is one of the richest and wealthiest among vampires, and we serve the human king like any other top vampire, which gives us the right to walk and live freely in human cities. Now, we have a main line and a parallel line. The main line includes me, my brother, my father, my mother and their parents. And the parallel line includes people who were transformed as infants. Aria was one of them. True... my father treats all of his children the same, which often annoys me. He just sent me to a closed academy so he wouldn't have to take care of me.

Hmmm... And yet something similar happens to the Fire children, just like mum said. He abandons them, with their power and fear of her, without caring at all.

- I... understand you a little. - I nodded thoughtfully. My heart stopped pounding and my embarrassment disappeared. - My father rarely spoke to me, either. He always prioritised his business over me. And my mum... that's a bit different. She played with me when I slept, but still... I wish she was in the material world too.

- And your mum..." Kurumi began questioningly.

- Darkness. - I anticipated her question. - My mum is darkness. Hmm... I wonder if all nobles go through that? The lack of attention from their parents?

- No. Kurumi sighed. - Many are the ones who get that attention to the fullest. And you know what pisses me off about people? It's that when they have something in abundance, they don't value it. Money, beauty... love..." Kurumi looked at me thoughtfully.

- Yes... - I nodded - Very often, I have watched servants who love each other bicker and break up. At the time, it only caused me incomprehension. However, now...

And then, Kurumi rested her head on my shoulder. My heart accelerated again, and the blood rushed to my face.

- Kurumi? - I said with a slight stutter.

- You can't? - The girl asked.

- No... it's just unexpected.


I opened my eyes. There was a huge ocean in front of me, the waves stopped a metre from my feet.

- I wonder..." came my mum's voice behind me. - What will my grandchildren be like? Judging by what's happening, I'll have them very soon.

- Mum!!! - I was indignant, blushing at the same time. - What are you talking about?

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! - she laughed loudly. - Hee hee hee hee... I must confess that this Kurumi will be the perfect wife for you. You two are quite similar.

- MAMA!!! - I shouted indignantly.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!