
The Devil's Soul

Gasper Crowl is an inquisitive kid, the son of one of the richest men in Dratworth, who enrolls in a magical closed academy of higher magic The fanfic is a cocktail of Date a live, dark souls, nekopara, akame ga kill and the witcher. Single characters, items, and lands are taken from all of them, but you won't see any canon or anything else here. Everything is exposed as part of this world and nothing more. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Drathwars Academy. 1.2.2

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To the man who allowed his child to be killed, cut off all that he produced him with!

That's a strange version of the Bible.

I stared unhappily in the mirror while the maid tied my tie on me. My pleas for her to get off my back, since I could do it all myself, were met with a nonchalant attitude, arguing that it was an order from my father.

- How long until the ball? - I asked, remembering that Kurumi would also be at the ball, thus adding a couple of... dozens of points to my desire to go to the ball.

I hated this sort of thing, mostly because of the constant need to control myself, as well as to put up with the various fat guys, all of whom were obliged to say something like, "My girl, will be a perfect match for him, I swear to you!".

- 30 minutes to the official start, but the guests have already started to gather in the hall. - replied the maid.

- 'I see...' I nodded, 'is everything ready?

- Yes, sir. - The servant girl bowed to me as she left the room.

I took another sad look at the dinner jacket, which looked terrible on me, and nodded to the maid, pointing to the door. She obediently slipped out, and I smirked as I opened my wardrobe, throwing off my jacket as I did so. My eyes caught on the black cape, which was also allowed at balls, but... a dinner jacket was preferable, but somehow I didn't care. I hate that kind of overly formal clothing.

I threw on my cloak and examined myself in the mirror, then nodded in satisfaction. I looked much better than I had before. As I pushed the door open a little, I saw the maid waiting to escort me out, so I quickly closed the door.

What am I going to do? She's going to make me change my clothes again! I grinned, then headed for the window. That's how levitation came in handy....


I looked around at the hall, which was full of various important people, all in groups, talking to each other about uninteresting things. I had already seen Kira, however, I still wanted to find Kurumi, and....

But then, my thoughts were interrupted. Namely, a blue-haired girl with a bob haircut, about my age, wearing a blue dress with white inserts, judging by my intuition, worth more than my entire wardrobe at once.

- So you are the Third Child? - with a slight interest in her voice and an absolute nonchalance on her face, she started the conversation.

- Actually, I'm the Fifth. - I answered in the same tone. - And who are you?

Who does she take me for, that she didn't say a banal "Hello" or "Hi"? Probably some "daddy's little girl" who's used to getting everything around her....

- What a cheeky thing to say!? - The girl was outraged. - How dare you talk to me like that, Amelia Dratworth, the daughter of the king?

- Ah, so you are the monarch's daughter? - I raised an eyebrow.

- You are," the wench began indignantly.

Suddenly, my father jumped up to us, who, throwing an angry look at me, began to apologise to her.

- Your Highness, don't listen to my foolish son, he is a worthless impudent and worthless compared to you! He is a fool who cannot see your splendour! And I can only beg for one thing. Tell me, has your brother arrived with you?

- Yes, he's around here somewhere. - the princess replied with a glance round her surroundings. - But I never heard a word of apology.

- Gasper. - my father spoke coldly to me. - apologise to Her Highness immediately.

- Go to hell! - snorting, I replied indignantly.

- Oh, oh, I see you're in a bad situation, Gasper. - I heard Kurumi's cheerful voice behind me. - As always, though.

Turning around, I saw the vampire herself, behind whose back stood a completely grey-haired man, who could be about 30 years old at most. The scarlet pupils of his eyes told me exactly who was in front of me.

- Hello, Kurumi. - I said, holding my breath. This is where I could really get my head blown off. Literally. That princess can't do anything to me now, and after the ball she won't care. And no one will arrest a child who can kick a grown-up wizard in the face for the whim of some petty princess.

After all, the books say that one of the foundations of the First Child's power was his complete control of his mana, which even the best mages in history could not manage. Although my control is far from perfect, I still think I can defeat at least one guardian. Let's ignore the fact that the Kingsguard is a lot stronger than the regular guards.

- Ahem, so you're the Fifth Child that Kurumi's been telling me about? - The vampire asked with a slight smile.

- Father!" Kurumi exclaimed indignantly after my surprised look.

- 'Yes, Mr....

- George Bloder. - introduced himself as... Kurumi's father. From the realisation of this fact, my brain began to shake a little, due to nerves. My muscles, however, could not physically allow this process, otherwise all those tortures from my childhood etiquette coach would go to waste.

- It's good to see you here. - came my father's cold voice. - But let me step aside with my son for a few minutes.

- Hmm... Well, then, we await your return. I can't wait to find out what your son is so interested in my daughter. - Lord Bloder replied with a slight smile.

- Father!" I heard another outraged shout from Kurumi, while my father was dragging me out of the hall with a painful grip on my wrist.


- What do you think you're doing!? - my father shouted angrily as we stepped out into the corridor.

He swung to hit me, his palm coming towards me... as my reflexes kicked in, I caught his arm... And after a moment, I realised that the blow was too weak.

As I looked up, I saw my father's arm being blocked by another one, apparently a woman's. Tracing my gaze to the body of the one protecting me, I froze with a single guess in my head.

Behind me stood a girl in a black, rich dress, with long white hair and scarlet pupil eyes. The face was unfamiliar to me, but nevertheless, the guess of who was standing in front of me kept burning my brain.

- If you knew how much I want to dispel you here and now. - With a soft smile, she said, turning to my father. - Not only what you did after our last meeting, you also tried to hit my son.

- T...you!?!? - My father recoiled in horror.

- M-mum? - I whispered in disbelief, but the girl continued to stare at my father.

- Those to whom you wanted to sell, and there is no other word for it, our son, are now lying on the road, choking on blood. 21 men, one woman and one nine-year-old girl. All their deaths are on your conscience. Well, you don't have one, what am I talking about?

- You..." the father said in even greater horror.

- But your time has not yet come. I must not deprive Gasper of the pleasure he will have next summer. Your mind will die slowly and your physical shell will suffer, unable to die permanently. Now, run. Run in terror. I want to be with my son in the real world. There's not much time.

At that very second, my father took off, running as fast as he could. I turned to my mother, staring at her questioningly.

- You look so funny. - She smiled brightly, ruffling my hair.

- How? - I asked briefly, ignoring the ruffling of my hair.

- I told you before... We can possess our followers. That girl was dying in the woods, so I eased her agony. - Mum shrugged.

- So you killed the people my father wanted to give me to?

In response, Mum just nodded.

- Thank you. - I said, smiling a little.

- Until you learn to stand up for yourself, I will protect you. - Mum smiled, hugging me. - Now, let's go. I want to show you something.


I looked suspiciously at the dark gap between the trees. Mum and I left the estate and headed for the nearest forest, which people were afraid to go into for some reason.

- Why did we come here? - I asked, stepping over another stick.

- I have a present for you. - answered my mum, walking in front of me. - You know what a personalised sword is, don't you?

- Hmm... Yeah, they're kind of swords that battle mages get during their lifetime and use until they die.

- Well, yeah. A certain mage's personal sword becomes part of his soul over time and it becomes... difficult for other people to use it. And sometimes even deadly, depending on the specifics of the sword.

- I didn't understand the last part. - I'll be honest.

- Ancient artefacts, as it's called nowadays. In fact, they are weapons created by the elements. Personally, I've created five items in my time. 3 swords, a spear and a bow. That's why they're considered the most powerful. Two of the sword users are now in the King's service, the bow bearer is also there. The spear lies in the snows of the mountains, stuck in the skull of a troll, and the last sword is in the possession of a traveller who is now in Carnaseir. The other elements have more artefacts, especially Fire, Water, Earth and Air. But their weapons are far weaker than mine. Not only are they themselves several orders of magnitude weaker than me, but they prioritised quantity over quality. But let's continue talking about my artefacts. In fact, I created not five, but seven artefacts. Two of them were too powerful to send to the human world, so I kept them. The sword and the mace. And I'm going to get one of them.

- Wait... but you're not going to..." I started in surprise, realising where she was going with this.

- You're perfectly capable of taking the sword. Not use it, just take it. You're too weak, even for its weakest trick. But when you fully master the sword... Believe me, you'll be unrivalled in swordsmanship. We're here, by the way.

Next, Mum closed her eyes and a portal formed in front of her, with absolute blackness inside. It immediately smelled familiar and familiar, and I was a little taken aback.

- Don't you feel anything? - she asked.

- Hmm... it feels strange..." I replied. - Like coming home after a long reception at some baron's house.

- Hee hee... That's good. This portal, goes to my dimension, where there is nothing but darkness. My home, where only two can survive. Me and you. But don't keep it open too long. This forest is already so full of Darkness that it can even be sensed by ordinary people.

Mum raised her hand, then slipped it through the portal. And a second later, started to pull it back out. But her hand wasn't empty anymore.

The tip was a dark grey, rounded shape. The handle, on the other hand, was completely black, with a strange aura around it. But after a second, when the blade appeared, I realised that the aura was more like a haze and enveloped the entire blade. The base of the blade was particularly unclear. It was as if there was a severe narrowing of the blade there, but around it, a very dense ball of mist with strange golden gaps. Further, half of the blade was white with large black broken lines that looked like cracks. And the rest of the blade was completely black.

- Murasame. - Mum said briefly while looking at the blade. - There is also its brother, the sword Muramase, which I also created. It is on the king's guard. This one is more powerful and deadly. Take it. - she said.

At that moment, a scabbard appeared around the blade, and Mama handed me the hilt. I exhaled, worrying for some reason, and then took a firm grip on the hilt. At that moment, Mum let go of the sword... and my consciousness faded.


I struggled to open my eyes, seeing the ceiling of our medic's office in front of me. There was a rush of activity around me, and I fell back into sleep.


I opened my eyes, rising sharply. I was lying on a perfectly flat field, completely covered with green grass. I couldn't see the end of it, which made me realise that I was in my inner world. However, the coal-black clouds surprised me, as they had been white before.

- Son, then... - I heard a thoughtful female voice behind me.

I turned around and saw a black-haired girl dressed in black leather armour with rare gold inlays. Her eyes, however, were completely white, so I couldn't see the pupil, which blended in with the whites.

- Who are you?" I asked, looking around. I couldn't see my mother, but she wouldn't have shown up like this.

- My name is Murasame. - answered the girl. - I am the blade that was made for killing. Quiet and graceful. But at the same time, I am capable of destroying entire cities with a single attack. And I'm very glad that Mistress has decided to summon me after all. I was beginning to think I'd be in the Void for eternity. And I must say, I'm glad to have a master like you.

- Why? - I asked in surprise.

- I've always wanted to serve my mistress, but I realise it's impossible. You are her son, carrying her power. You're the perfect host for me. Your energy system seems to be designed for me, but maybe it is.

- А...

- But you have a long way to go in training. Your body and soul have completely finished synchronising with me and have strengthened greatly. Speaking of your body. Thanks to my specificity, your physical shell will grow and develop 175% faster until you reach the age of 18. After that, development will be 195% slower than normal human development. So, don't procrastinate with your training, which will be a huge earner. And if you need me, just think of me and I'll materialise.

- I mean, faster by..." I began indignantly, but then, the surroundings faded.


I opened my eyes, immediately shaking my head from the darkness surrounding me. And then, I froze, because there was a silhouette standing over me. The unknown person reached into his pocket, then pulled out a silhouette of a knife.

A picture of what was happening instantly formed in my mind. Night. A bunch of guests from noble families. Someone wants to kill me at a time when I can't even resist. Meanwhile, the dagger reached towards my neck... and I couldn't remember how to cast a single spell.

Stop. Murasame. That's it! I instantly felt my palm tighten around the hilt of the sword, and it felt as if the sword was an extension of my hand. Although, with what I understood from Murasame's words, it is an extension of the soul.

I instantly swung the blade. The sound of the blade entering flesh was heard, and my hand poured with euphoria. The pleasure that oozed from the sword made me groan involuntarily, but at some point, everything instantly stopped, and I felt something warm running down my right cheek.

Lifting myself up, I looked around the room frantically, noticing a body lying in the corner of the room. Rising up, I stumbled and ran towards the exit of the room. As I ran out, I saw the sleeping guards of our manor lying to the right and left of the room's entrance.

- What on earth is going on here? - I whispered, then ran towards Kira's room.


I stared in shock at my father's body lying beside my bed. There was blood all over his torso and a huge cut on his left side. His face was contorted in horror, signifying instant death. How in the world did I hit that?

Throwing a glance at the clock, I sighed. 4am. Right now, the manor resembled a hive of activity. Everyone's fussing about, calling everyone they can. And in a couple of hours, a squad of guards will arrive to investigate the situation and report to the High Council. The High Council will in turn issue a verdict.

- Mr Gasper, may I ask you a few questions? - The doctor standing next to me asked me timidly.

- Yes... - I replied.

- What... what kind of weapon did you receive that caused such changes?

- Hm? - I raised my eyes questioningly at the medic.

- The fact that you found yourself a personalised blade I understood at once. But... Your body... It seems to have accelerated in development. And if this continues, your lifespan will be cut in half! Maybe we should--

- No. I can't answer that question. And I shouldn't unstrap the blade, my body will stop when I turn 18.

- But how--

- Enough. I do not wish to answer. - I said sharply. - Tell me, what happened to the guards?

- They were stunned by Mr Kraul's spell. I've already checked that. But. why did he want to kill you? You're the--

- Well, I'll talk about that with the guards. Right now, I'd like to talk to Kira. Where is she? - I asked irritably.

- In her room, sir. - The medic bowed to me.

- Good, then I'll go there. - I nodded, taking one last glance at my father's corpse, noticing that my temper had changed a bit, too. Before, I wouldn't have treated it so coldly.