
The Devil's Soul

Gasper Crowl is an inquisitive kid, the son of one of the richest men in Dratworth, who enrolls in a magical closed academy of higher magic The fanfic is a cocktail of Date a live, dark souls, nekopara, akame ga kill and the witcher. Single characters, items, and lands are taken from all of them, but you won't see any canon or anything else here. Everything is exposed as part of this world and nothing more. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Drathwars Academy. 1.1.4

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A week later...

"... Thus, Fire magic does not allow for household chores, and is designed specifically for combat. Also, it, like Chaos, is much easier to control negative emotions, unlike the other elements. Rage, rage, anger, anger, all of this, amplifies fire magic several times, allowing, in theory, to get the combat potential of such, S spells as: Supernova, Ashes, Apocalypse, and the like, with a regular fireball."

And then, I couldn't take the strain, and collapsed to the ground from a metre high. Today, after class, I headed to my room, where I hovered over the floor with my magic control and began reading a textbook on the basics of Fire magic.

This method of control training was the main, and the most effective to date. In fact, I decided to use it. The first practice in the basics of magic started yesterday, and we were just practising telekinesis. It was quite easy for me, as well as for Lucy and Vika, but the others... struggled with it until the end of the pair. And I have to say, not everyone made it.

- You lost. - came Lucy's voice, lying on the bed reading a book.

- Rrr..." came Vicky's voice, also lying on her bed, reading a book on Fire Magic as I was.

The make-up kit on the table rose slowly into the air, and then floated into Lucy's hands, with a slight strain on her face as she controlled the flight.

- I told you it wouldn't last ten minutes, but twenty. - shrugged her shoulders. - Well done Gasper! Thanks to your, so far, the best control among us, I won the right to paint my nails first.

- Oh..." I exhaled tiredly, pressing my back against the table. - This is really exhausting.

- You'd better go to bed. We'll need a lot of energy tomorrow! - Lucy exclaimed, at the same time smearing her hair with some strangely glowing scarlet cream. - By the way, who are you going out with? - she asked mockingly, smirking.

- S-s-s-date????? - I asked dumbfounded.

- Yeah," Lucy shrugged. - Almost everyone uses their time in the city for dating. Vika and I already have dates. - She waved her hand in the direction of Flame, who was frowning.

- That's how..." I replied with a laugh. - That's not surprising.

By the way, the first class of my club was held. Actually, on it, we practised either a spell, or the simplest techniques of reflection and striking with swords. By the way, fencing hasn't given me anything new so far, but Darkness... I was shown the Void spell. It creates a very thick, dark fog, through which only the caster can see. In principle, for fights with a lot of weak opponents - it's the best. However, a more or less strong mage of at least "Apprentice" class will dispel this fog in 10 seconds.

- Ooh! Gasper, did you really break up with poor Kurumi? Oh, only a week in the academy and already you've broken a girl's heart!!!!! - Lucy said theatrically, raising her hands to the ceiling and giving a sad look.

- HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-!!!!!! - A wild laughter erupted from Vicky's side.

- Oh, come on. - I took offence. - All you guys do is make fun of me....

- No, seriously, Gus! What's up with you and Kurumi? - Continuing to occasionally giggle, asked Vika.

- Nothing. - I mumbled, trying not to blush. It didn't work.

- And your red face tells us otherwise. - Lucy said mockingly. - We've gotten to know you well enough to understand you a little. It's up to you. - Lucy finished more seriously. - It's more important to get ready for the trip into town tomorrow.


I looked around at the small, closed wooden wagon... and the freshmen climbing in and out of it. By my calculations, the wagon should have run out of room a dozen students ago, but they kept getting in.

- Most likely, the Runes of Space Expansion. - Lucy, standing nearby, said thoughtfully, also watching the students enter.

- Couldn't you have found a more decent carriage? - I asked, looking at the rotten planks.

- An illusion for brigands? - Lucy raised an eyebrow.

- Hmm... maybe. - I nodded.

And so it was our turn to climb. As we climbed in, I almost gasped in surprise. It was a huge hall, more suitable for royal balls than for transporting students. There were multiple, gilded figures on the walls, and a huge golden chandelier with magical lights hung from the four-metre high ceiling. All in all, it was top class. In the corner of the room, there were many armchairs, with a few beds. Why there were beds, I couldn't figure out.

Eventually, the students broke into groups, talking about various topics. About half of them, though, were in pairs. I mean, clearly in love. Except that the mood was spoilt by one couple that happened to catch their eye. Namely, two blokes. Kissing. I almost threw up and hurried to turn away from them.

Vika and Lucy were also with some two guys, obviously from third or even fourth year. Sighing, I found Victor, with whom we had managed to become quite good friends, with my eyes, but... even he was with a girl!

Oh, come on!

- Hello, Gasper. - I heard Kurumi's voice behind me.

My mind instantly flashed back to the girls' jokes from yesterday, along with today's jokes from my mum, who was too lazy to visit me to make fun of me.

- Hi Kurumi. - I replied surreptitiously, fighting a pounding heart and a slight blush.

- I have to admit, it's really beautiful here. - smiled at the girl. - I expected less... much less.

- Yeah..." I muttered.

- By the way, don't you have a partner? - With a strange note in her voice, Kurumi asked.

- N-no. - I looked away embarrassedly.

- Oh, that's great! I've been meaning to take a walk around the city with someone! - Kurumi exclaimed, and I almost burned with embarrassment. A walk with Kurumi? Isn't that what they call a date? Or am I confused?


The trip went quite... stressful for me. During the whole trip, Kurumi and I chatted about various topics, which made me happy on the one hand and embarrassed on the other.

However, everything has to come to an end, and after 2 hours we finally reached the city, where we got off at a large, central square. Our escort was necromancy teacher Pharus Gremlin.

- Now, here's the deal. Listen up, don't get involved in fights, try not to provoke them. If you are provoked, get out of there. In self-defence, the use of combat spells is allowed. However, do not overdo it and do not kill ordinary people. At 6:00 p.m. tonight, everyone should be here. Also, you have magical tracking installed on you, so if you do anything... naughty, know that we will find out about it, and then issue a punishment. Also, you can beam all your purchases into the crew's luggage with these artefacts. - he waved at the table next to him, where small round balls with Runes on them were lying. - I will not detain you any longer. - Mr Gremlin finished his speech, and then together with some girl, to whom he was giving compliments, went out.

- Gasper, let's go. - I heard a whisper at my ear, after which I was sharply yanked by the elbow, forcing me to run.

My kidnapper turned out to be Kurumi, who was now merrily looking through the shop window at the girls scurrying along the street, occasionally shouting my name. By the way, we had run into a lingerie shop, which made me instantly blush.

- Kurumi... why did we run in here? - I asked, trying not to picture the vampire in some of the outfits here.

- I don't know..." she said falsely. She didn't even try to hide her falseness. - At first, I wanted to say that it just happened... but maybe I'll buy a couple of them at the same time? Can you help me pick one out? - Kurumi shot her eyes at me while smiling brightly.

From such a prospect, my imagination went even further, throwing me different pictures... then it smoothly moved to those where, together with Kurume, I was already standing... and then... and then....

I shook my head sharply, trying to remove the representation of the following scenes.

- I don't think so. - I squeezed myself out.

- Come on, you! - Kurumi objected. - You'll just see how I look in some of the lingerie sets, and then you'll tell me which one is better. In a case like this, a guy's look is much more....

- NO! - I waved my arms, retreating towards the exit.

However... as soon as I blinked, Kurumi was already gone. And I was picked up from behind by someone's thin arms, not giving me a chance to escape.

- No, no, no. I need that underwear, and I also need you to make the right choice. - Kurumi's voice sounded at my ear. I was already covered in sweat as I watched them carry me towards the locker room.


I literally fell out of the shop, while trying to catch my breath from embarrassment. Kurumi, with several bags full of underwear in her hands, came out of the shop smiling. Hastily throwing on my insulated hood, I barely had time to save my hair from the public scrutiny that would have ended with me being torn into souvenirs.

A couple of... yes Kurumi, there, probably, tried on 30 sets... and made me choose... I from embarrassment, almost burned in that chair. And when the chair and the floor beneath me began to creak, threatening to break, from the pressure of my magic, Kurumi finally finished.

- Now, let's go to another place. I've been wanting a hat for a long time. You can help me pick one out too. - Kurumi smiled while using the luggage teleport artefact in parallel. Both bags disappeared in a white glow, after which I was grabbed by the hand again, and led down the street.

Well, hats are not so terrible compared to underwear. Our next stop was a hat shop... And besides us, there were four other girls from our course. They instantly flew out of the shop when they saw Kurumi trying on a green, small hat, and then looking at me questioningly with a smile. Oh, what's going to happen now... What rumours are going to start... Oh.....

- Not good. - I honestly admitted when I saw the bright purple, huge hat on Kurumi in the black coat. - You'd be more suited to a small, black hat with some red patterns on it.

- Yes? - Kurumi was surprised at my unexpected recommendation. - Thank you. I'll look for it now. - smiled at the girl, running down the rows.

- Um... Gasper? - I heard a familiar voice behind me. It was Aria, holding an all-red hat. - Can you please tell me what I look like? - There was something in her voice... not anger, but something similar. Hmm.

- It suits you. - I smiled, looking at the girl in the red cap. Still, the hat wouldn't have suited her. Not the right figure, or something...

At my compliment, Aria jumped happily, and saying something like "thank you", disappeared between the rows. In general, Aria's behaviour, especially around me, was quite strange. She stood there silently, listening to Victor and me talking, but for some reason she blushed and ran away. Yeah, I guess all vampires are weird. But making me evaluate my underwear... that's too much.


Shopping. Now I know why the main characters in the books were so bad about it. Dresses, boots, scarves... Now, Kurumi and I went to the park. On the way, I sadly glanced around a small coffee shop, and my stomach quacked in confirmation.

- Are you hungry? - Kurumi asked in surprise after following my gaze, after which she shamefully lowered her eyes. - Oh... I'm sorry, I forgot that you need to eat more often than me. Come on, I'll treat you! - Kurumi exclaimed more cheerfully, grabbing my palm and then pulling me towards the cafeteria.

The contact with her gave me an electric shock, and unconsciously, I began to smile stupidly.

There were a lot of people in the café, but we managed to find a table. I had to keep my hood on, because my hair would have caught my eye, and that would have been very, very bad.

However, I still didn't let Kurumi pay for me, paying for the portion from my own account. And then... complete chaos ensued....