
The Devil's Soul

Gasper Crowl is an inquisitive kid, the son of one of the richest men in Dratworth, who enrolls in a magical closed academy of higher magic The fanfic is a cocktail of Date a live, dark souls, nekopara, akame ga kill and the witcher. Single characters, items, and lands are taken from all of them, but you won't see any canon or anything else here. Everything is exposed as part of this world and nothing more. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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Drathwars Academy. 1.1.1

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Everyone knows I'm the champion. My ghost, wrapped in a sheet, will appear in every arena whispering "Ali-ee-ee! Ali-ee-ee!".

English writer Ali.

1643. 8 January. Earth's Firmament. The human continent. Dratworth. A closed academy of higher magic of the first class, Narnaunt. Reception room.

On a soft leather couch, sat two people. A black-haired man, with grey hair already beginning to show, was wearing a brown coat, and was also holding a black hat. The green eyes exuded icy coldness and concentration.

It seemed that if someone made a sudden movement, the man would immediately tear the unfortunate person apart with some powerful spell. However, his gaze instantly became tender as soon as he looked at the little boy sitting next to him.

The bright red eyes, coupled with the white hair, and the unprecedented beauty of such a young creature, would impress any girl, and guys would not hesitate to kill such a cute creature.

The boy was dressed in a blue down jacket, black trousers, and bright green boots, with small pieces of snow that had not yet melted. The shoes gave the boy a smart look, for because of their strange combination with the dark colours of the other clothes, the stranger's eye was instantly drawn to them.

The secretary looked at the boy with a slightly fearful, admiring and joyful glance at the same time, and then broke away from the magical projection, turning to the man:

- Mr Archmage Zoltan will be right with you. - The girl said evenly.

The man threw a glance at the secretary, nodding briefly.

And there was a lot to look at! A blonde, wearing special glasses for speed reading while working with the projection. Her size three breasts, coupled with her insane beauty, made the girl a very desirable game for any man.

Meanwhile, the girl addressed the man again:

- Excuse me... is this the Fifth Child who is entering our academy?

The boy raised an interested look at the man, stopping chattering his feet.

The man, on the other hand, wrinkled his nose. "Still, some bastard blabbed about enrolment ahead of time..." - he thought.

-Yes, that's him. Gasper, he turned to the boy. - introduce yourself and say hello.

The boy immediately smiled brightly, jumping up from the couch at breakneck speed. Hesitantly stretching out, he said cheerfully:

- Gaspero Kraul de Blod. A nobleman of the fourth rank! Pleased to meet you! You can just call me Gasper. - Already more shyly, he finished.

The girl instantly spread a puddle on the table with pleasure, looking at such a cute boy.

"In a couple of years, the girls will be all over him... And the grown-ups won't mind petting this cutie!" she thought. - she thought.

- I'm Gabriella! Just call me Gaby! - the secretary smiled. - I think you and I are going to be seeing quite a lot of each other from now on.

- Why should we? - the man interrupted her in surprise. - Do you think that Zoltan will call him to see you often?

- No... That's not the point. - Gabriella frowned. - Mr Headmaster said that this year, I'll be teaching Water Magic... And elemental magic is the most frequent subject for freshmen, especially Water and Earth, because of the most effective course of control development....

It was visible to the naked eye that Gabriella was afraid of the man and was talking to him very politely, but at the same time reluctantly. With the same Gasper, she would have chatted with much more pleasure.

- So you're going to teach me how to fight with water? - Gasper asked.

At his question, Gabriella was indignant.

- Why fight? You can't see everything as a means of destruction! - She raised her finger instructively.

- He's the one who's got it in for me. - grinned the man. - But in his curiosity and zeal for learning, he's just like his mother.

Gabriella turned a little pale, but still asked:

- Mr Kraul... aren't you afraid to speak of the elements? And if it's no secret, who exactly is his mother?

The man wrinkled his nose and rose abruptly from the sofa, shaking off his coat.

- If Zoltan sees fit, you will find out from him. - He said somewhat gruffly.

Gabriella instantly went back to her projection, afraid of angering the man even more.

Suddenly, the door beside her, leading to the headmaster's office, opened. A man of about fifty years of age entered the reception area. A small, already still-greying brown beard. He was wearing a long scarlet cloak, with strange patterns all over it. Also, black trousers and shoes peeked through.

- Barty! - smiling, he spread his arms out.

- Hi Zoltan. - Crowl also smiled, also spreading his arms.

The old friends hugged each other and at the same time looked at Gasper, who was currently chewing on a candy he had asked Gabriella for. He didn't even have to beg, though. The blonde simply beckoned him over to her while the men were saying hello and gave him the candy with a huge smile.

- Aah! So you are Gasper? Our dear Fifth Child? - Smiling again, the archmage asked.

- Mm-hmm. - Gasper nodded, unable to cope with chewing the candy and talking at the same time.

- Wonderful! I'm happy to finally meet you! - said Zoltan, reaching out to shake Gasper's hand.

The boy shook his hand without any hesitation, finally chewing the candy.

- Now, let's go to my office. - Zoltan smiled, nodding to Gabriella and walking out the still open door.


Gasper was surprised when he entered the office. In particular, he was surprised by the unusually long table, which could seat about 20-30 people. On the walls, hung magical certificates and awards created from hydraunem, the main precious metal in the Earth Firmament.

Beneath the diplomas hanging on the walls, were various magical devices. Gasper had absolutely no idea what they were for, as he hadn't had much training in that regard until his current age. The main emphasis was on such things as: etiquette, the code of the nobleman, the basics of swordsmanship and magic of Darkness. However, in the latter, Gasper had achieved unprecedented success. Although he only knew how to release mana at the right point, which was the ace of any spell, and which everyone knew like two times two, the boy could form almost any spell, just by visual description. At one of his Darkness training sessions, his mentor, tired of his student's questioning, demonstrated an ordinary shadow ball. And what was his surprise when Gasper repeated the spell exactly in a few seconds!

Except that this "teacher" on Darkness, specialised in elemental magic, and Darkness was engaged in as a hobby, which was a bit crazy for mages. And he only knew three spells: shadow ball, shadow spear, and shadow grab. There were very few teachers of this not very popular magic. And it was not popular because of the necessary predisposition of the magician, without which the magic simply ate the incapable student. However, of the elements, it was the most powerful, about twice as powerful as Chaos and Fire.

- Have a seat! - Zoltan's voice tore Gasper from looking at the instruments.

He sat down opposite his father, in the seat nearest to the archmage's desk, and prepared to listen. After all, now they were going to talk about his future.

- Yes... - Zoltan stretched out in his chair. - This year is something.

- Indeed. - Bartolomeo grinned. - As many as three Children in your academy.

- Yes... - the archmage stretched out even more contentedly. - Darkness, Order and Fire. And both are girls with their own quirks... Though it's probably just heredity from their fathers. Your son must have picked up a lot of his mother's character, too, right?

- Yes... Mostly her curiosity. - Kraul smiled.

- That's... good. All right, let's get down to business," the archmage became instantly serious. - The training will last nine years. You will only be able to visit him during the summer holidays, but he will leave the academy with his class and a number of teachers. Once a month, they will go to the city, for necessary personal items. All his needs will be taken care of by the academy. He will live with Fourth and Third.

- Three Children in one room? - Bartholomew raised an eyebrow sceptically. - Okay, the Fourth Child, she is a master of Order, which eliminates any possibility of conflict between her and Gasper, but the Third... Fire and Darkness are very fiery in terms of battle, and their eternal competition....

- Don't worry about that. - Zoltan smiled. - It won't happen. And if anything goes wrong, the Fourth will calm them down.

- All right, - Barty waved his hand - I'm sure of my son's survival, so do as you wish.

- Of course. - Zoltan nodded. - The bags, the servants are already carrying them to the room. The school year starts in two days, so it's time for you to say goodbye to your son. In the meantime, I'll go talk to Gabriella.

The archmage rose from his leather chair and headed for the exit. After the door slammed shut Bartolomeo looked sadly at Gasper.

- I really don't want to part with you... however it is necessary. - He began with difficulty.

All the confidence that had been with him all this time vanished in a flash, leaving anxiety and sadness.

- Don't worry, I'm not mad at all. In this academy, I will finally become a super-powerful mage! - Gasper smiled brightly, putting a thumb of his fist up.

- Yes. You will. - smiled Bartholomew. - Your mother will support you along the way. By the way, when was the last time she spoke to you?

- 'Mmm...' Gasper hesitated. - 2 days ago. She said that her mistress invited everyone to some show of some toy of hers... Brrr... Poor man, whoever he is.

- Ha ha ha..." laughed Bartolomeo. - You're as straightforward as ever. You have yet to learn to think before you speak.

- So, goodbye? - Zoltan's voice came from the doorway. - In that case, Gasper, go with Gabriella, she will show you around the academy and take you to your room.

Gasper got up from the table, he gave his father a final smile and waved goodbye.


- Shall we? - Gabriella smiled.

- Yeah!" I said cheerfully.

The girl headed down the corridor, and I quickly rushed after her. For a tour, she was moving too fast, so I had to almost run to catch up with her.

- Stop! - she suddenly said, stopping. And I, not keeping my balance, collapsed on top of her.

Thankfully, I don't weigh very much, and Gaby easily withstood my onslaught. We were standing in the corridor, where we had a wonderful view from the windows. In the distance we could see the tops of forest trees covered with white snow, and from them to the castle, stretched a huge field, completely covered with a white carpet. Inside the academy, two towers could be seen at the corners of the grounds. One with a bright red coloured top, while the other was yellow. Below us was a rather large courtyard with large stone, or even metal, round slabs. I believe we had such in our manor... For sparring serve sort of. To the left of the courtyard, there was a rather large glass building with huge Runes on the glass itself.

- "So," I heard Gaby's voice next to me. - we have four towers at the academy. The Tower of Fire, the Tower of Air, the Tower of Water, and the Tower of Earth. These - she waved her hand at the towers in sight - are the Towers of Fire and Air. They are distinguished from each other by the colour of the Recharge Stone. What's that? Read the textbooks. At this academy, that's the way it is. Something you don't know about terms or magical processes? Go read about it. If you don't, you won't be able to understand anything in class. There's a battle court down there. It's where sparring, swordsmanship training, and magic games are held. And that glass building over there is our greenhouse. It's where the ingredients needed for alchemy lessons are grown. By the way, if you need to brew a potion for personal use, you can only buy the ingredients. Well... or barter from other students. That's all for now. Moving on. - she nodded to herself, pulling me by the sleeve.

We started wandering the corridors again. At the same time, Gabriella continued to talk:

- Now we are walking along the floor with living quarters. And on this one, the eighth-year students live. In total, the academy has four complexes of living quarters: west, east, south, north. Each has four floors. Each floor has 7-8 rooms. Each room has 2-3 people living in it. In the academy there are also search charms, that is, you should wish, and you will get information about the location of the room of the desired person. So you won't get lost. At the centre of the academy is--

- Gabriella! - I heard a shout of joy from the corridor on the right.

A black-haired, young man was running towards us, dressed a bit inappropriately for the weather. Gloves, with cropped fingers, a grey, light coat, with sleeves rolled up to the elbow, which would have been more appropriate for spring, and a dark red scarf around his neck.

- What do you want, Fountain? I'm actually giving a tour to a new student. - Gaby said irritably.

The named Founter, ran his gaze over me, then literally froze.

- You are, aren't you..." he began dumbfoundedly and excitedly. - The fifth child?

- That's him. - Gaby answered for me. - Come on, tell me what you need, and Gasper and I will go on.

I looked around for something interesting. My gaze came across a poster on the wall, with a bird's eye view of the academy, as well as a rather large text.

"A closed academy of higher magic of the first class, Narnaunt. At this academy, young mages are taught by the best of the best! You won't have to worry about your child like you would at any other academy! We monitor the safety of children 24 hours a day, whether they're human, vampire or werewolf. Yes, yes! We accept vampires, werewolves and dryads! But don't worry, the castle's enchantments will prevent one race from attacking the other, and we take care of their food! Therefore, our academy is the perfect option for your child's education! The price of tuition for all nine courses: 5 Hydraune Coins."

I almost whistled in surprise. With that amount of money, one could quite easily buy a huge tract of land, with commoners, the main manor, and livestock. And in this day and age, that's a huge fortune. What can you do, crisis and famine due to the recent full mobilisation against the invading orcs from the Orcish mainland.

The North Elves are now at war with the South Elves, so we won't be attacked. And there have never been any attacks from the Wildlands or the Swamps. And the swamps were in no hurry to be attacked. There are very dangerous creatures living there, and the soil is not suitable for habitation. And the Wildlands are also inhabited by terrible monsters. True in this direction, like 50 years ago, people went on a campaign, but it ended unsuccessfully, which was very predictable. After all, it can be said a completely different world! Still don't know what kind of creatures live in the centre of the Wild Continent.

Meanwhile, Gabriella had finished with Founter, apparently deciding to introduce him to me.

- Gasper, this is Fountain Bluster. He's a Fire magic teacher who will soon be teaching you that element. - she almost hissed through her teeth. - Now let's go!

Gabriella yanked my arm, almost running away.

- Good-bye, Mr Bluster! - I shouted before we rounded the corner.


- Moving on. - said Gaby, catching her breath. - In the centre of the academy, are the halls of learning. Darkness, Light, Chaos, Order, Alchemy, Artefacting, Demonology, Blood Magic, Runes, Healing, Mind Magic, everything except Necromancy and Angelic Summoning. Necromancy is taught in a special Necropolis located in the catacombs beneath the academy. Angelic summoning is much more dangerous than demonic summoning, and it is taught at the top of the Central Tower. That's where the dining hall, library, kitchen, and teachers' dormitories are located. So... that's about it. Ah yes! The training facilities are located between the Water Tower and the Earth Tower. Now, that's definitely it... Any questions?

I shook my head briefly.

- Great! - Gaby smiled. - In that case, we'll go to your room, settle you in, and introduce you to your roommates.

- Roommates? - I interjected.

- Lucy Ordinem and Victoria Flame. The Fourth and Third Children. Lucy has the power of Order and Victoria has the power of Fire. I hope you two will be friends. Although, I must warn you, Victoria has a very hot temper. So I hope you'll be sensible. - smiled at Gaby.

- Is it that bad? - I asked sceptically.

- Mm-hmm. - Gaby nodded. - By the way, we're here.


- Oh..." Gabriella smiled nervously, rubbing her temples with her hands. - This is Victoria. And apparently she hasn't been told who you are. - Gabby turned the corner where the roar had come from. I followed her.

But what I saw, I really didn't like. My bags, crumpled and slightly scorched, lay in various positions in front of the open door. In it stood a white-haired girl with scarlet eyes, about my age. Her hair was up to her waist, and her slightly lecherous clothes made me blush and look at her face. She, in turn, had seen me, and was now looking at me with dazed eyes.

- Victoria Flame. - Gaby began menacingly. - Explain yourself immediately.

I, having recovered a little, walked over to one of my bags, carefully opening it and examining the contents. Thank goodness the very flimsy, but still runes-based defences had withstood all those blows, and the items were intact. I methodically began to approach each bag, inspecting its contents, then putting them in a neat pile.

- And this..." I heard Victoria's voice.

- Your new flatmate. Gaspero Crowl. The Fifth Child. - came Gaby's slightly mocking voice.

I, on the other hand, continued to check my bags nonchalantly.

- Nice to meet you. - I said, glancing at Victoria.

- Ohhh..." I heard an unfamiliar female voice.

Looking towards Victoria, I saw a girl standing next to me, also my age. Scarlet eyes with white hair testified that she was the Fourth Child, Lucy Ordinem.

- And you, I take it, are Lucy? Nice to meet you! - I smiled sincerely, waving at her, while lifting my bags with my other hand. But I only had enough strength to lift two of them. So, I quickly grabbed 2 more with my other hand and looked at Gabriella expectantly.

- All right, let's go to the room first! Victoria, help Gasper bring his bags in, since you've scattered them.

The girl didn't object and quickly picked up a bag each, heading into the room with them. Her face was full of anticipation and joy.

Lucy, meanwhile, had followed Victoria into the room. I followed with little difficulty. And Gaby, picking up the remaining two bags, was the last to enter.

The room was quite spacious. About 4 metres wide and probably about 7 metres long. Against the far wall, there were 2 bunk beds in the corners, the ground floors of which were covered with linen and the upper floors were empty. Between them, there was a door to the balcony, through which peeped a wooden table, with 2 drawers under it. Above it was a large window, which could probably be opened, judging from the handle on it. On the table itself, were piled various vials of perfume, lipsticks, magazines, dresses, and the like. Closer to the entrance, symmetrically standing dressers adjoined the beds, on which various books were already lying. Above the dresser to my left was a window. Then followed two bookcases, each divided into two compartments. Apparently, for each inhabitant of the room there was 1 department. And finally, there were 2 wardrobes with Runes on them.

I knew a couple of Runes, but these were unknown to me, so I couldn't decipher their meaning.

- So," Gaby began, turning to Lucy, who had her back to the bed, and Victoria, who was sitting on the opposite bed. - Your new flatmate's name is Gaspero Kraul de Blod. He is, as I said, the Fifth Child. I don't know what he owns. I haven't had a chance to find out. By the way, can you tell me? - She looked at me.

I silently created a ball of Darkness in my hand. After holding it for a few seconds, I summoned the energy back, and it dutifully retracted into my palm.

- Darkness, then..." Gaby said cheerfully. - 'It's going to be a full set. Order from Eternal magic, Darkness from Elemental magic, and Fire from elemental magic. - She giggled.

The rest of the girls just looked at me interestedly, occasionally throwing irritated glances at Gabriella, clearly wishing she would get out.

The girl caught a couple of those glances, then said sharply, smiling brightly:

- Okay, okay, I'm out of here! Get to know each other. And don't forget that in 2 days already a new school year starts! - She said, after which she slipped out the door.

I sighed, throwing my bags in the corner, after which I headed over to the dresser, on which was a set of underwear. Taking it in my hands, I wondered which bed to lie on. Looking at Victoria thoughtfully, I quickly dismissed that option. I didn't like her very much. Not after kicking my things.

So I headed over to the bunk above Lucy, spreading out the mattress and sheet. The rolled up blanket, I threw at my feet without unfolding it.

I hung my legs down, about to start a conversation, when I remembered the down jacket I'd been a little hot in at the academy. I pulled off my outer garment and hung it on the hook on the corner of the bunk that was specially designed for clothes. After that, I spoke:

- Now, we can get acquainted.