
the devil's soft spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · Urban
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Chapter 8: I'll do anything

Barbies's POV

I settled for a light blue flair summer dress while tying my hair into a tight high updo with  the edges hanging mid-back.

I contemplated putting on mascara but decided against it.

If I wanted to enter water, the last thing I needed was running mascara down my face.

Finally satisfied with my Overall appearance. I stepped out of my room to see Theo in his same clothes from School.

"You're not gonna change or what?" I asked giving him a puzzled look.

He turned his gaze to me, silent for a few minutes as he took in my appearance.

What was wrong with Theo this days?.

His heated gaze might just be the end of me, cos the way his eyes traveled down every inch of my skin gave me goosebumps.

He finally noticed my redened expression cos he said "Yh Tommy's bringing them over here" he mumured...... His voice seemed to have gone up a notch.

He sounded almost breathless.

I shrugged, plopping myself on the sofa where he sat down. But his gaze still followed my every move.

"Take a picture Mathamoros,  it'll last longer" I teased him.

He gave a nervous smile turning away...... probably ashamed for being caught ogling his bestfriend.

I knew I shouldn't be teasing him but I just couldn't help it.

He shuffled closer to me picking up my hands as he rubbed it with his own rough ones.

I was seriously beginning to get worried.

Was he maybe sick or did something happen with his dad?

I knew Senator Mathamoros, probably from the times I'd spent in his place during my sleepovers with Theo and he seemed like a cool guy.

Although he always insinuated that me and Theo were dating.

Yh....... Probably a day after never.

Relationships were always complicated and I wouldn't trade my awesome friendship for one of those.

I glanced at Theo to catch him watching me intently again Wierd.......

I caught my lips between my teeth nibbling slowly....... I couldn't help that nervous perk of mine. He caught my action and released a low groan.

"Theo is something wrong, you know you can tell me anything right?" I asked , trying my luck to see if he would share with me what was bothering him.

He turned away and it almost broke my heart thinking he didn't want to talk to me about it.

I eased out if his grasp....... putting space between us but he turned abruptly back to facing me again......."It's not that Babara......it's just, I don't know how to tell you. I do want to tell you....... I just don't know if it's the right..." Before he could finish off his nervous rambling which was wierd cos I never told you this but.....

Theodore Mathamoros was never nervous!.

Which only meant one thing. Whatever was bothering him was pretty serious. And he'd used my first name Babara.

Not Barbie or "B" or Santana

Ok this was Shit serious now.

I thought of the only time he'd ever been this worried about something.

It was a year ago, when he thought his dad was going to send him away to Miami. I had cried too that day and Theo himself was at the point of tears.

Thankfully enough, his dad changed his mind and let Theo stay. I didn't know what I would have done without him. But right now, he looked almost as worried as then, if not more.

And I wouldn't lie , I was also worried.

But before he could continue, the door turned open and Tommy came inside along with two bags probably what Theo was going to change into.

"Hey guys.......Why the long faces?" He said dropping the bags while coming towards us quickly. Probably worried for his cousin and friend.

"It's nothing Thomas" Theo interjected before I could say anything.

Which only strengthened my suspicion that whatever was bothering him was serious.

Not like I was gonna tell Tommy anyway. Theo was closer to me than he was to his cousin so if he didn't want me to know yet. I had doubts he would want Thomas knowing.

Sensing the tense atmosphere around , I decided to lighten up the mood.

"So Tommy, how's your new school?". I said chirpily.

Two reasons I said that?.

One, Thomas didn't like being called Tommy.......at all and,

Two, he hated his new school.

Tommy couldn't go to Le PARRERA like us cos his field of study was only found in a different school.

Which meant he didn't have us around.

But Tommy was more of a social butterfly....... atleast to the girls.

He had a surfer type body..... smooth chiseled face, dark blonde hair that looked almost brown, a cute upturned nose and plump pink lips.

So generally speaking, he was good looking.

And his Slight American accent made him hard to not like.

But he really enjoyed our company so he wasn't so fond of his new school that much.

"Yayy! Way too ruin my mood Barbie" he fake cheered with a false smile on his face.

I let out a laugh....... "And stop calling me Tommy......for fucks sake it's Thomas!!" He groaned almost pulling his hair.

Teasing Tommy was my best passtime activity.

"It's not my fault your mom gave you the name Tommy" I said, giving him an innocent look like I didn't know how much it upset him to be called that.

"She gave me Thomas...... you're just a bully" he sulked away throwing a bag at Theo, which Theo caught smoothly.

"If you want to get back at her just call her........" I quickly knocked Theo down throwing myself at him before he ruined my life completely by telling Theo the one name I couldn't stand being called, Barb.

If Tommy knew I didn't like being called that, he wouldn't even care if I stopped calling him Tommy, he'd haunt my life.

Oh no!.....

I was beginning to regret ever messing with Tommy.

"It's nothing Thomas...."I gave heavy emphasis to the Thomas, so he'd understand that I was going to stop teasing him and just drop it.

But ofcourse he didn't stop.....not at all.

"Tell me Theo..... you've watched me get totured repeatedly by her. You know what I've been through.....Let me have my revenge cousin, tell me" Tommy said all too dramaticly.

Listening to him you'd think I really did all that. Just a few here and there teasing.

Maybe even calling him that name infront of his crush and letting her mock him.

Nothing too much.

Ok, maybe you went too far Barbie or maybe I should just start calling you Barb since that's what the world will know you as once Theo tells Tommy and he's done with you!.

I gulped nervously at my own deranged thoughts.

Still! Tommy was exaggerating it. He was being very dramatic.

What do you expect from an upcoming actor Barbie?

Yes, you heard right. Thomas Hill was an upcoming actor, probably soon to be SuperStar.

And in this town where looks was everything, he was good to go.

I looked at My bestfriend nervously, he wouldn't tell him right?

We were best friends.

Still I gave him my biggest and brightest puppy dog look....... If there was ever a time to use this eyes, it was now!!.

He glanced at me, with a funny look and I swear I saw mischief dance in his eyes.

Oh Shit!

"What would I get if I don't tell him?" He asked blandly, like if I didn't agree the next thing that would come out of his mouth would be it.

I saw the incredulous look Tommy shot at him from the corner of my eyes.......Like he couldn't believe Theo was even considering not telling him.

Before I could open my mouth, Tommy quickly said......" I'll get you Natasha's number bro......I know you've been dying to get her and she's playing tough. But I know she likes you.......I could even hook you guys up" he quickly rushed out.

I glared at Tommy.

How desperate was he to hear it?!. Jeez, his desperation made me realize just what he'd do once he found out.

And that caused fear to freeze in my throat.

I saw Theo thinking about it

He can't possibly be?

He couldn't do that to me.

Thinking of the offer Tommy made, I couldn't help but gulp nervously.

What could I possibly give that would match that?

I knew who Tommy was talking about.

Natasha Roosevelt

Freaking Natasha Roosevelt.

Theo's been chasing her probably since forever...... actually 3 months but still that's the longest Theo had chased anyone.

Knowing that she liked him confused me more as she always acted like she couldn't be bothered with his pursuit of her .

Honestly enough,Theo didn't even like her that much, and everyone knew it. But the chase was good. He'd used almost all the tricks in his books to get her to bed but she'd turned everyone of them down.

I was mildly proud of her. And she was beautiful though.

She'd dyed her hair blue all through highschool....slim waist, light brown eyes although she always wore blue contacts, small perky pink lips and in Theo's words a banging body.

What could I offer that could counter what Tommy had?


That was the truth actually..... nothing

Think think think Barbie.

I groaned looking up to the two guys infront of me, Tommy already had his ridiculous smirk sitting on his handsome face knowing that I'd already lost but no Boy! I wouldn't go down like this.

I finally cast my gaze at Theo before hurriedly saying

"Anything........ I'll do anything" I said loudly.

Tommy scoffed at me, probably wondering how that was better than a chance with Natasha Roosevelt but I knew that maybe, just maybe, he might consider.

Theo knew how lazy and unwilling I was, so if I said I would do anything, then like hell I would regret it!

"Anything?" Theo's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

I smiled at him giving Tommy a  cocky smirk of my own.

Tommy looked like cold water had poured all over his body......his smirk vanishing and replaced by a confused look.

"What the hell man?" He yelled.

Probably still in disbelief that Theo was letting go of a chance with Natasha Roosevelt for me.

"Absolutely" I answered back ignoring Tommy's outburst.

Honestly guys with this story, the ideas just keep coming in cos I formerly titled this chapter "His Touch" but then this funny argument between them came into my head and i decided to try it out....... Hope y'all love it.

Y'all can give me your ideas in the comments section between who you want for my Barbie,

Mysterio or Theo?

Maybe, just maybe, your votes in the comments just might influence my decision.

And lastly I want to dedicate this chapter to my dear friend @Katherinaedesi.

I may not exactly know her, but her words of encouragement in the comments really made my day.

Don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and SHARE. I'd really appreciate it 🥺

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜