
the devil's soft spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · Urban
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Chapter 4: Fiery temper

Barbies's POV

We finally reached the end of the hall to the MP auditorium used for the Orientation Scheduled.......gosh my feets were aching, this school was fucking huge.

I cast a glance at Luca..... we'd talked alot on our way here

He was a really lively and fun person to be around. And he talked non stop about his bandmates.

Nearing the door of the hall, I quickened my pace to get in as fast as possible...... but soon regretted it when all eyes landed on us after our entry

Luckily I was able to catch Theo cos it was just his turn to introduce himself.

I wondered why Professors wasted their time on introduction.

They'll still forget anyway.

"Late on your first day Mr Dwarte and Miss....." The professor said, at first I thought he was upset but it seemed like he was very familiar with Luca.

Cos his thin lips pulled up into a smile

Ofcourse who wouldn't know Luca Dwarte.

He was in the fucking limelight, more reasons I should stay the hell away from him.

Theo was more than enough to handle already........ didn't need another superstar adding on.

I realized the Professor was waiting for me to fill in my name Oh shit! "Santana Sir..... Babara Santana" I replied trying my best to sound as meek as possible.

"Ok, well then......you both may take your seats........As you must already know, all classes this year will be together whatever your field of study as you're only expected to gather grades on General Studies Courses" he finished off as I pulled Luca to where I'd spotted Theo

Some girls were still glaring at me as we walked by.

I knew how this must be looking.......like I was friends with all the cool, hot and gorgeous guys......

But you couldn't exactly blame me.

I'd only just bumped into Luca so it was sheer luck.

I landed with a huff on my seat....... finally I'm settled.

I shot Theo my best angry look before looking away "Come on.......still upset with me Santana?" He said with a smirk


If he won't take me seriously then I wouldn't talk to him either. Hmmpf.

I turned my head away from his view.....from the corner of my eyes I could see Luca chuckling softly.

I fought a smile.

"Are you guys together?" Luca asked.

I almost choked on a spit

Me and Theo? Dating??.

I could laugh.

"No" "Yes" me and Theo said at the same time.

You could already guess who said Yes right? Well not me.

I shot Theo another glare......it seems like I was gonna spend my whole day glaring at Theo cos he just seemed to push all my buttons today. Ugghhhh....

"Come on Babe, just cos you're upset with me doesn't mean you should lie to our new friend over here...." He nudged my shoulder playfully

I shot him another glare rolling my eyes.

"Ofcourse not Luca......who would date someone as obnoxious as Theo over here" i said smiling a bit too much.

The smirk on Theo's face vanished as soon at it had appeared. It seemed like the smirk appeared on my face next.

But it was gone as soon as the next words came out of Luca's mouth " Oh well then, you won't mind going for a concert with me this Friday right?" O Boy, I was done for......

Now what do I say to that?

Was Luca Dwarte really asking me for a date now? I thought nervously nibbling on my lower lip.

As if reading my thoughts he added " Like a kinda date sorta thing......" His Mexican accent coming on strong.

Something I noticed was a nervous perk of his. Awwn Cute.

Well shit sherlock what was I going to do??

Should I turn him down nicely?. Yh maybe.......But it seemed someone had other plans of helping me, "Too bad Singer, we already booked tickets to the movies for Friday night...... Shit! That's really sad though, maybe some other time, or maybe never......." He trailed off in fake hurt.

I tried to stiffle a laugh but it was obvious from the look on my face.

It was obvious what Theo was doing, we didn't have anything planned out though....... I'd already helped him out alot of times in this way, so this was easily the best he could do.

I almost felt bad about the lie when I saw the look of dissapointment on Luca's face but I was strong.

"Yh I'm so sorry Luca.....um maybe some other time ok?" I sighed softly pretending to be greatly upset about the whole thing.

"Well we can always go some other time then Barbie.....

I'd wait for you...... But if you guys cancel, just give me a call ok?" Luca said putting up a brave front.

I blushed.

He was really sweet and all but I didn't think I was in any way ready for anything with absolutely anyone.

Yh my pathetic virgin ass.

Theo was about to say something else before the doors burst open revealing the Greek god/owner of that red beauty outside.

I gulped harshly. Damn!. This guy was hot...... my eyes trailed down to a tattoo peeking out the edge of this tight white vest under an expensive looking jacket.

New Money.

I looked away as his eyes filtered to mine...... There was just this intensity in his gaze that made you feel so small under his stare, like he was peering into your very soul.

"Mr Kieran, welcome" the Professor whose name i found out was Professor Bermudes said curtly.

He quickly averted his gaze from the stony strangers' not even bothering to ask him his name.


I sucked in a breathe. God his voice.......how could a person sound so good, his voice was a mixture of husky and sultry all in one.

And damn to hell he knew it!.

A smirk was placed on his face as he walked languidly to a seat at the end.....he was enjoying watching the Professor squirm under his gaze.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice the hush of silence that had fallen on the hall after the handsome stranger said his name..... Mysterio seemed familiar but where had I heard such a name from?.

I stopped racking my brain when the indistinct voice of a brunette not too far away came to my ears.....

"I heard he works for the mafia" she tried to say softly, but with how quiet the hall was, I doubted anyone could hear her........the guy besides her answered her like it was a question she asked "No Shelly, he is the mafia........ haven't you heard of Mob boss Kieran??" He said looking at her incredulously like he couldn't believe anyone wouldn't know that piece of information already.

I shrunk in my seat.

The Mafia?.

He couldn't? Right? How could someone this good-looking be involved in something so dangerous...... The more I thought of it, the more the idea settled in my head, Ofcourse he looked dangerous and Powerful enough though.

You're overthinking Barbie.

It wasn't any of my business either way.

Not like we were gonna be best of friends or anything so whatever he did was his problem.

That thought seemed to settle me for just a minute cos I could feel the burning stare of Mysterio's gaze on my neck .


I was already turning red from how his gaze seemed to undress me.

Didn't he have something else to do? Well besides stare intently at a random stranger.

"Why's that Mafia guy staring at you?" Theo broke me off my thoughts settling his arms warmly around my shoulders  leaving a sort of comforting feeling there.  So I wasn't the only one who noticed it

I'm sure other people must have noticed it also. Shit!.

Ugghhhh finally the horror is over.......as someone who loves education immensely even I couldn't help but groan out in relief when Professor Bermudes was through.

Everyone must have been thinking the same thing as me cos the look of pure relief on our faces was obvious.

Firstly, the class was wierd cos The Professor kept trying to avoid Mysterio's stare.......like just looking at the guy could kill him.

Ofcourse not. Right?

And half way through only Mysterio left the class after receiving a call.

And honestly I felt more at ease.

Cos that guy could stare. Fuck!.

I brought my thoughts back from the creepy stranger and turned to find Theo immersed in a conversation with a bimbo on the other side.......

Luca had already excused himself saying he had band practice after giving Theo and I an odd look.

I shrugged it off.

I decided to let Theo take his sweet time with the bimbo cos one look at her and I knew she'd claw off my eyes if I interrupted them at all.


So that brought me to walking all by myself down the hallways as I settled for waiting for Theo by his motorbike.

My mind quickly went to the croissants he promised me.

Hmmm......I moaned softly just thinking about them.

I was already close to the Schools official parking lot.....

....more like an open space though when I heard voices.

Which wasn't wierd as people would obviously be there preparing to leave but this voices where very distinct meaning one person was talking while the rest where just listening...

Hurrying my steps to get there quickly and find out what was happening. I got a slight shock

I say slight cos well it was kinda expected, after all he was hot......

But Mysterio Kieran was huddled practically eating the face out of a girl.....

Scratch that. Two girls.

I inhaled sharply, well seemed like someone liked PDA alot.

His eyes immediately met mine as I saw them. He continued eating the face of the girl while still holding my gaze and the hot look in his eyes was starting to make me feel slightly uncomfortable down there.

Was I turned on??

Shit! That was wierd, but he didn't stop ...... No, he continued holding my gaze while shoving his tongue down the throats of the first girl, as the other one trailed her hands down his chest...

I would have felt uncomfortable being watched like this but I guess Mysterio liked the attention.... I shrugged and was about to walk away when I heard the voice clearly..... infact very clearly .

The person hadn't meant for me not to hear it cos she was very loud when she said it.

"Redheads and their disgusting behaviours..... utterly disgusting, they're all just a bunch of lowly call girls"......she said, rather scoffed in my direction.

She definitely wanted me to hear that...... but why?

Did she know me?

Was she one of Theo's conquest out for my innocent throat.

It was then I really looked at the girls Mysterio was with.....well for starters they were all redheads and I don't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me....... but they had features distinctively similar to mine.

What kind of wierd kink is he into?

I shook the thought off my head and wheeled my face to see the girl who had said that.

Ok I was taken aback that she wasn't blonde......not being stereotypical or anything.

Ok I was being hugely stereotypical.

But blondes are really always the bitchy ones.....not this raven haired green orbed girl staring right at me.

Examining her features, I could tell she was supposed to be pretty but the ugly scowl on her face prevented any such thing from happening.

Ugghhhh....... seriously, a confrontation this early?

Come on this was my freaking first day here.

I rolled my eyes at her, giving her a cool smirk......I saw how  uncomfortable my look made her and oh the joy it brought me.

If you want bitchy I could give it to you doll.

"I would give you a nasty look but I can see you've already got it yourself"........I trailed off, coming to stand right infront of her......

"Were you seriously born this stupid or did you take lessons?" I asked not taking my eyes off her while giving her a  matching glare.

By now everyone had stopped to look at the open confrontation......I almost felt nervous but thinking of my mom who was also a redhead,I felt my anger rising again....... She quickly comported her features giving me a wierd smile "Says the Slut!" She spat out at me....... Oh no you didn't baby girl

From the corner of my eyes I saw Mysterio contort his devilishly handsome features into one of pure rage....... Wierd.

My only response to her was a chuckle........ I stared at my nails wishing I could instead use them to rip her eyes out......" Honestly girl, I don't know what your problem is, but I'm guessing it's hard to pronounce since all that's left your mouth has been a bunch of stereotypical rubbish........ Even your stereotypical nonsense is wrong since you can clearly see that those girls dyed they hair.......not like it's any of your business what they choose to do with themselves anyway" I spat distastefully at her.

Just looking at her repulsed me greatly. Bitch!.

She looked greatly offended by what I said cos for a moment she was silently glaring at me...... Ofcourse I matched her glare with one of mine.

"Huh.....you act like you're any different, like we didn't see you flirting with first the senators son and then the most famous singer in the country......puhlease, like you're one to talk".

I let her words sink in slowly.....I won't lie, they hurt a bit cos Theo was my best friend and well Luca was just a nice guy to be around.

Was it really my fault?.

I acted like her words just shrugged off me not letting her know my true feelings on the topic.

"Jealousy is a disease dear... Get well soon, and as fun as it was seeing you trying to fit your whole vocabulary in that one sentence......I have a life I gotta get to. So see you later sweetheart" I took 3 steps away from her as I turned and walked out the gates of the school.

I didn't even bother waiting for Theo anymore.

Shit guys, I'm so pumped up.... well who else thought that Barbie could have such a fiery side to her....Not you, hahaha.

Well I'm sure most of you would hate Mysterio cos of the two girls but pls understand his character. Although fictional he's not a bad person well if you exclude being a cold hearted murderer lol

But seriously once you read his POV next you'll understand why he did what he did so y'all give him a chance ok?

I'm so happy, finally got this chapter done with....... my longest chapter yet and although I have exams coming I promise to write up everyday.

Can't keep y'all waiting now can I?.

Also don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE. It really really means alot to me.

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜