
the devil's soft spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · Urban
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Chapter 3: Her eyes

Mysterio 's POV

"Pls Boss, I promise I'll never make a mistake ever again" the bloodied up nobody cried out in agony.

The shot to his leg must not be too serious for him to still be trying to beg for a lost life....

I couldn't tolerate people who made mistakes, more so people who begged.

They disgusted me.

I fake groaned " Ok boy, give me one reason why I should spare your life" toying with him was fun.

I was still going to kill him, everyone knew that, so why didn't this bastard know that.......the dumb ones were always the worst.

"Boss pls, I have a family, my daughter would be celebrating her quintanilla in 4 days Boss.......I won't...mind...I...f.....if you would want her for your......" Bang......... The shot rang out

Fucking cunt.

I can't believe he tried using his daughter to get a way out

A 15 year old girl for fucks sake.....

I'd never felt so good about killing godforsaken bastards like I felt about killing this good for nothing low life.

Only men like him could even consider being with a 15 year old girl.

The only girl I'd ever felt like taking at such a young age was my beloved Babara or Barbie as she loved to be called

Babara Santana.

But even then I knew she was too young and i couldn't have her.

So I waited..... I waited patiently for 3 years, watching my queen grow into the redhead beauty I'd grown to adore wholly.

Dante rushed in seeing the bloodied mess on the floor

He knew not to question me and was already used to seeing this much blood and more.

Ok an Overall introduction....... I'm Mysterio Kieran aka The Devil.

Yh I know, Very dramatic.

But the citizens of New Mexico felt that way.

As the only son to late Mob boss Romeo Kieran and current Mob boss/Mafia.

My dad was known as the biggest mafia boss in history, people feared his name wherever he went.

But he showed mercy sometimes which apparently was the cause of his downfall.

He won't have killed this douchebag cos he wanted more men.

I chose fear over men.

That was what made me fiercer.....crueler......more powerful and very dangerous.

Nobody in their right mind would dare cross me and even mad men knew to steer clear of me.

But I had a weakness...

...Her .

She was my world.

The whole city looked at me with fear, mother's kept their foolish daughters away although my looks still brought them back.

While father's protected their sons.

I was feared and I relished in my power

That control I had was my drive. I loved it almost as much as my Barbie loved Sugar...

Just the thought made me chuckle....... My Sweet Barbie

Flashback to 3years ago.......

I could hear the sound of my feet pounding in the pavements of the empty roads.....I was bloodied and beaten, but I refused to speak. Omerta was more important that anything in my world.

So I escaped, just the thought of who betrayed my father almost made me convulse in anger.

He trusted him with his life.

I guess that was his biggest mistake then...... trusting that two faced piece of shit!

I came to a stop at a side walk bench , taking my time to catch my breathe.......my eyes immediately went to the far end of the bench at a girl munching noisily on something.

I wanted to shut her up so bad.

But it seemed like she felt my stare cos she turned to me scooting way too close for personal space.......I looked up and met the most beautiful dark blue eyes I'd ever seen in my short 19 years of existence.......HER EYES. I was left speechless with how beautiful this girl was.

Her plump glistening red lips sparkled in the night as she curled it up into a wide smile exposing her cute braces.....

...." Want some?" She asked me

To say I was shocked was a huge understatement.

No one had ever looked at me like that, it was either disgust or fear even as the young child of Romeo, even when I hadn't stained myself with blood, everyone still looked at me disgustedly......But this girl was different, just from looking at her I knew.

I stared at her intently, maybe she was sent to poison me

But one look at her and I knew I was wrong.

From her beautiful mass of red curls, gorgeous blue eyes and stunningly red plump lips

God her skin!

I could just imagine how a hickey would glow on that skin.

Shit Mysterio this was not the Time to think of her in such a way......She couldn't be more than 16 years old.

"How old are you?" I asked gruffly.

She took a huge bite of her donut before answering me "I'm 15, what are you doing around here?, You don't look too good, is that real blood?" She asked at once

So many questions.

She was just 15 but she looked good enough to fuck.....No no no no no man she was too young!. I internally warned myself.

I glanced at her "I'm running away kid, what's your name?" I decided to indulge her after all anyone passing by would not suspect a child like her talking to Romeo Kieran's son.

"Oh running? Well I'm also hiding from Pop too cos he'll scold me if he knew I ate donuts again.....Pop can be such a nag sometimes......I really can't be the only who loves sugar can I? So what's your name? Are you running from your dad too.......I bet he doesn't like your costume too , can I tell you something?" She continued talking.

She really loved to talk, alot.

I found myself smiling at her albeit creepily......"Yes" I managed to say.

"Well I've never seen you around here before and I was just wondering where you're from??" She gushed out grinning widely

I'm sure she didn't get to talk to alot of people often cos she was on a fucking roll.

"Mysterio" I said slowly, answering her first question, she looked confused for a moment "That's my name" I added and watched as her left cheek dimple popped up....... God she was beautiful.

I don't think I've seen a girl this beautiful before.

One of her parents must have surely been a model I mused quietly

"Ooh what a nice name , what does it mean?" She asked...

...did this girl take break from the questions.

I thought quietly, I've asked my dad the meaning of that name too many times......He finally told me though, on his death bed as he took his last breathe.....the thought almost brought tears to my eyes

But I couldn't be weak.

There was no chance for that.

"Dark, cryptic" I said.......she scrunched her petite straight nose biting her lower lip....... something she seemed to do when confused or in thoughts.

The action seemed to send a signal to my lower nether regions.

Fuck it.

I can't believe my groin can even think at a time like this

She was so young!.

But she didn't even know how hard this stranger was trying to not pin her down here and do the unthinkable.

End of Flashback.

For 3years I've been watching her closely, monitoring her like she already belonged to me....... which was true but she didn't just know it yet.

"Boss the car is ready" Dante said bringing me out of my thoughts.

I stood up, the blood on the ground was already cleaned up.

"Tell Celine I won't be coming back till later this night and you know who that information is for right?" I nodded at him

He knew very well who that information was for.

Definitely not Celine.

After my father died, I realized just how big of a dick he really was.......his concubines were numerous.

But I only accepted Celine, something I did cos of her two kids, Jake and Jackie.

I loved them like my very own kids but their mother.......not so much.

She'd tried to get into my bed once and I made sure she knew just her place in my life.

My father couldn't have picked a worse woman to have a child with Really!.

I got into my red lamborghini perfectly proud of myself for this car cos it was Her favourite colour red...

The drive to College was excruciatingly slow and boring cos well I didn't need College.

I just wanted a chance to be closer to what was mine and College was the perfect ruse.

I noticed a black motorbike on my way there and none other than my Sweet Barbie riding it with that two faced Senators son Mathamoros!.

Although I did business with him, he was obviously not trustworthy enough.

He was a stinking rat!.

But he was good for business though so I wouldn't kill him yet but his son.......I couldn't say the same.

I really wanted to put a bullet through his fucking eyes just for looking at my Barbie but I could see that she cared for him deeply so I wouldn't do that....... Atleast not yet.

The exact purpose of buying this car was fulfilled right the instant I saw Barbie staring at my baby intently.

She was almost drooling, I chuckled softly earning a shocked look from my driver.

I never chuckled.

I was going to pull down my windows and let my eyes feast directly on Barbie when the traffic immediately cleared up and they both sped away.


Ok guys another chapter done and hopefully dusted.

I decided this book would be from both Barbie's and Mysterio's POVS as I'd love for you guys to get an intro into both their minds

Yh I know this means more work for me but I'd do it for you guys🥺. Any other person could get a POV too when necessary e.g Theo or Celine but for now I'll stick to just both of them

Pls don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE. I love you all😉

Pls let's blow this up guys💜