
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: In my arms

Mysterio's POV

It's been an hour precisely!.

One hour of freaking toture.

Now I'm grateful I atleast got the chance to see Babara twice in one day but the time was going slowly causing me to always glance at the wall clock while going through almost every document in my office.

They were going to the beach by 3 o clock and I had to wait a whole hour!!!.

Finally Dante walked into my office notifying me that they had already gotten there.

I couldn't just go there like that, so I waited until they had arrived so I could come in and see My Barbie all soaking wet!

Fuck Mysterio! You haven't even seen her yet, you're already giving yourself a fucking boner.

I nodded absentmindedly at Dante to get the car ready.

Le PARRERA'S Beach was actually surprisingly beautiful and spacious.

There were already a lot of kids her.

Being a 22year old guy in the midst of all these kids surprisingly didn't make me feel old.

Thanks to my good looks , I was good to go.

My eyes were immediately drawn to what every guy on this fucking beach was also looking at.


I felt like throwing a grenade at their fucking eyes.

They really had no shame , undressing my Barbie right infront of my eyes.

Like you're one to talk?!.

She didn't even know how beautiful she was.

Oblivious to the attention she was receiving in that dark red bikini that just complemented her skin so fucking well.

I let my eyes take in her presence. Damn! I would want to wake up with that every freaking day of my life.

She was perfect in every word of it. From her perfectly toned legs tightly placed in that exotic colored bikini.

Her hair held up in a high updo showing her flawless skin up her neck.

Fuck! I wanted to run my tongue down that neck all the way to the bridge between her perfectly sized breast.

I just got changed into my torso hugging briefs but I could feel a strain in my pants.

And it wasn't from the eyes ogling me but definitely from the redhead beauty relaxing in the sun.

What I wouldn't do, to have my head between those pretty legs of hers......

"You can go find yourself someone Dante...... No need to shadow me" I told my stiff right hand man who'd been standing right by my side like he wasn't in a beach for fucks sake?.

He didn't seem too pleased leaving my side but he left nonetheless.

I wasn't one whose request you refused.

Those who'd refused them didn't really have a life to come back to.

The Devil?

I couldn't help but chuckle at the ridiculous name the people had given me.

Maybe, just maybe if Barbie wasn't so caught up in her own little World she might have been scared of me too...... But I knew she wouldn't.

That girl rarely ever feared anything. That was one of the reasons I'd falling so in love with her wasn't it??.

I continued staring at her oblivious to everything around me.

She was the only thing I cared about.

She noticed my gaze flicking her eyes to meet mine and I saw her inhale a sharp breathe.

I fucking loved the effect I had on her!

It was like she could feel my need for her and knew exactly how to respond to it.

I ran a tongue down my lower lip watching her eyes follow my every action.......I wanted to walk up to her. So damn badly but I didn't want to scare her off

What would I even say?

She was the first to turn her eyes away from mine while walking to the edge of the water gazing softly at it.

I knew she couldn't swim.

There wasn't much I didn't know about her though.

Blame my skills as a pretty good stalker.

I turned around, wondering where her dickhead bestfriend was since I only saw the other white kid around her.

What was his name again?

Yes! Thomas Hill. Son of Senator Mathamoros late wife's only brother Paul Hill.

In a few years, he was gonna be the new "it" in the movies industry.

That was one of the reasons I hated this town, Everything just fucking revolved.

There was nothing new. The children of rich people got everything up until their last fucking generation.

While if you were not lucky enough to be born with a golden spoon, you'd die a wretch.

Fucking cunts!

I decided to get myself a drink still watching Barbie from the corner of my eyes as she argued with the Hill kid.

He seemed to be saying something while she strongly disagreed even as she looked at him with a hint of fear in her eyes.

The look of naked mischief was undeniable in his eyes and clear as day!. He continued talking, gesturing wildly with his arms to emphasize his point while the look of disdain just grew on Barbie's face.

I didn't like her looking that way....... Before I could even decide what I liked or didn't like,he had already picked her off her feet's quickly running to the water.

Oh no......

Don't tell me what I think he's going to do is what he's doing.


Didn't he know she couldn't swim........ By this time the look on Babara's face was pure panic as she struggled against his hold in her own little ways.

Before I could stop myself I started running towards her panicking slightly as he dumped her into the full middle of the water.......By this time the water was half way up his own torso.....

She landed with a splash......I paused half expecting him to go in after her to rescue her since he should obviously know she couldn't fucking swim.

But he didn't.....he only stood there laughing Maniacally as she struggled against the water in a pathetic way.

I ran faster than anything as I couldn't see her in the water anymore........ Panic finally started to appear on Thomas's face as I got closer flinging myself in the water right before he could gather his wits to do so.

I felt my heart tug painfully in my chest when I couldn't see her at first....... but thankfully enough I soon saw her floating close to the bottom.

I rushed towards her, quickly grabbing her in my arms as I dove out of the water, struggling to take her up land.

The panic I felt must have been greater than I thought......cos for a moment I forgot how to swim.

As I felt myself going back down with her, my eyes meeting hers which had just opened........ only to widen in fear when she saw we were going down instead of up.

I tightened my grip around her waist as she flung her arms around my neck like her life depended on it.

I quickly swam us up shore never taking my eyes off the drenched beauty that clung to me.

Her body fit right in my arms.

I shook my head once we got out of the water....... shaking away both the wetness and the foolish thoughts I didn't need to be having right now.

By now a small crowd had gathered where we were as I brought her back ....... She was unconscious this time.

Probably fainting when she saw herself falling in again.

I didn't even spare a glance at anyone putting all my focus on her as I pumped her chest trying to expel the water in her....... She didn't move and I felt a hand on my shoulder firmly.

Fucking Theodore Mathamoros!

He finally decided to show up after letting his bestfriend almost drown to........

I couldn't even complete the thought to myself....... Just thinking of the word death and My Babara being in the same sentence irked me greatly.

I couldn't lose her.

Not after coming this close to her.

"Wait!.... Let me do it" the kid said trying to give me a hard look as he stared at my hands that were still placed firmly on the chest of an unconscious Babara.

He liked her?!

Ofcourse I knew that, but she was mine and I wouldn't let some flimsy kid still depending on Daddies money take what was mine!.

I didn't even spare him a glance as I lowered my head to hers placing my lips firmly over hers as I pumped air into her mouth.

I couldn't ignore the faint taste of pineapple and strawberries as my lips met hers.

Just because I was doing this to save her didn't stop my body from having it's usual reaction whenever it saw her.

As if sensing my lips on hers, she parted her lips softly....... before letting out a cough as water sputtered out of her mouth.

I didn't get a chance to jerk my head back before she released her little pink tongue to wet her lips and it touched mine

The touch of her tongue on my lips was almost my undoing.

She tasted just as heavenly as I knew she would.

I had to stop my raging hormones.....I quickly got off her, picking her up in my arms while shooting a glare at those watching. They scrammed away as quickly as they came.

It was finally just me, Theodore and the fucking prick who almost killed my Barbie.

I wasn't fazed by the hard look Theodore was shooting my way cos I knew he was just jealous.

Something he didn't have a right to feel as he almost just lost his bestfriend

If anything he should be singing my praises for saving her life not glowering like I took it.

After settling her carefully on the recliner, I turned my glare first to Theodore.

"Where the fuck were you?" I deadpanned....... He looked momentarily surprised at my outburst but quickly composed himself........, "I..... I'd gone to get us some drinks" he stuttered giving away his obvious lie.

As someone who'd worked closely with liars, I knew one when I saw one........ And the lipstick mark on his neck didn't leave much to where he had been.

I glared at the lipstick mark giving him a questioning look " Drinks huh?".

I watched satisfied as he squirmed under my gaze...... fucking pussy.

"What's it to you anyway? She's fine right? So just leave. Besides she's My bestfriend not yours." He said firmly.

I gave him a bland look. If he wanted a reaction out of me, he wasn't getting one.

After all, he was right.

He was her best friend!

And that's all he would ever be.

Deciding to ignore him I turned abruptly taking Thomas by surprise as I threw a punch at him destroying his perfectly straight nose.

Good! A broken nose would remind him of this day.

He groaned holding his face

"What the hell man?!" He screeched. I decided I hated his voice.

He sounded way too whiny, with that weird American accent of his.

"That's for almost drowning her. Don't make me add more for being too slow witted to fucking save her, you stupid piece of shit!" I said as calmly as I could.

I was shaking with anger, and I wanted to kill someone.

I wished Thomas Hill would be stupid enough to talk back at me, but either he felt remorse for what he did, or decided to not talk back to The Devil.

But he just walked out angrily.

I glanced at Theodore who was looking at me in a puzzled way.

He seemed to be surprised as to why I was angry at Thomas

Ofcourse he didn't know that his little cousin had harmed my girl. Mine.

I gave one last look to Babara's sleeping form as I stormed off to my car to leave.

I was too pent up, if I stayed any longer I would shoot someone.

As I changed and got into my car, the only thought that ran through my head was Babara Santana In my arms.

I'm really just so happy with all the comments I've read.

All the words of encouragement just tug my little heartstrings so well.

Sorry to keep you all waiting, cos I always need time whenever I want to get into Mysterio's POV since he's a guy and all.

And pls note that Mysterio is not a good guy...... And what he feels for Babara is somewhat of an unhealthy obsession.

And we all know people do foolish things when in love 😂.

So just trust Mysterio like I trust him and we'll see where it takes us.

Also, I try my best to edit every chapter before posting but I might skip some mistakes, so I'm sorry for that.

And pls don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE.

It means alot 🥺.

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜