
The Devil's Secretary

The world-famous hacker, Dexter, is a woman and she is the daughter of one of the most prominent families of aristocrats, going by the name Daisy Chen. Daisy has stayed away from her family, and juggled from one job to another in disguise or while cross-dressing as her alibi 'Dexter'. It never once got her into trouble, not until she chanced upon him. Ryle Harper, the CEO of Harper Societies, manages a multinational company on the surface but danger lurks beneath every façade he presents to the world. Daisy had decided to tread carefully around the man but trouble always comes uninvited. One night. One mistake. A stranger. An unprepared pregnancy. To keep her façade of being a man and not offend the devil, she did what was feasible… She disappeared without a trace. However, two years later, she finds herself facing him again only to realize that the man was, all along trying to track her down. By a twist of fate, she becomes his secretary again but this time, their deal comes with certain conditions and a time limit. But when destiny rolls its dice and Daisy has to assume the position of the head of her family, how would she escape Ryle's clutches again? Would she want to? Or would he let her? ... “Look at me,’’ his eyes darkened as he stepped towards her. With every step he took towards her, Daisy took a step back until her back hit the wall. The curtains swayed in the night wind, the glow of the pale moonlight illuminating the dark room where she could see the danger lurking in those hazel eyes. She averted her gaze. He pinched her chin and turned her face towards him, ‘’Dexter?” his fingers grazed up to her wig, ‘’Or shall I call you Daisy now? Daisy Chen?” he leaned closer to her, whispering next to her lips. Her lips parted but before she could utter a single word, her wig was tugged off. Her long dark hair came cascading down, answering all his unanswered questions. ''Tell me Daisy, or there are more ways I can make you speak,'' his hand reached inside her shirt, his long fingers grazed on the expanse of her delicate, bare skin, ''You believe me, right?" he whispered. She shivered, partly in pleasure and partly in denial of that pleasure that she felt.

Auroraaa · Urban
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209 Chs

An alluring maid

The guard was kicked down from the gap between the railing of the last two stairs before he was dragged to the dark space under the staircase. 

A leather jacket fell on the floor, followed by a black T-shirt, and ripped jeans. 

After some moments, a handsome guard stepped into the living room and casually walked away. 

A few other people stopped in their tracks when they saw the unfamiliar face but noticing his uniform, they thought that he must be a guard from Master Chen's private group of bodyguards. So, they bowed to him and retreated respectfully.

Near the entrance of the servant quarters. 

''It's past midnight already,'' an older maid looked at the young girl who picked up cleaning materials. 

The young maid nodded, ''I know but Madam Chen hates dirt. The whole mansion is in a mess after the guards came in to look for that thief so they assigned us to clean different portions of the mansion. I am assigned to the second entrance of the mansion.'' 

After coaxing her mother, the young maid went to the second entrance of the mansion. 

The place was empty and combined with the thought that a thief was still inside the mansion, she was suddenly wary. 

She did care about her safety but she accepted this command because even if she stayed in her room to protect herself from the thief, then no one would protect her from Madam Chen's wrath when the woman woke up to the sight of the messy mansion. Either way, she was not safe so she sucked up to it for her salary. 

The sound of airy footsteps made the hair on her body stand on full alert. 

She hugged a pillar for her dear life when the lights in the dimly-lit hallway started flickering. 

The cleaning things in her hand dropped and just as she started to run away, she lost her balance. 

She thought she was going to fall to death right there but an arm wrapped around her waist. 

''Ah... Ghost...'' her words died in her throat when a palm pressed on her mouth and under the pale glow of moonlight, she saw a face that made her heart race. 

Every feature was like that of art. The man's light ash blonde hair was unruly just like the look in his eyes. 

The young maid's heart thumped as she glanced at the man dressed in a guard's uniform. She had never seen him inside the mansion before but the Master's guards never revealed themselves unless there was a precarious situation. He must be someone of an important position amongst the guards given his powerful aura. 

''Lady,'' the handsome 'man' snapped his fingers in front of her eyes, ''I asked, are you fine?" 

''F-F-Fine. Thank you, sir,'' the young maid blushed as the man pulled her up. 

Since she was in a daze, her body collided with the man's and she blushed even harder. 

''It's risky at this hour and there is even a thief inside the mansion. It's not safe for you to roam around like this,'' the 'man' said, the sound of his deep voice made the young maid tremble. 

The girl bit her lips. 

Realizing that the man was looking at her, she opened her mouth and stammered, ''A-Ah...'' So there was really a thief? She had heard the rumors but hearing it from this person's mouth confirmed it, ''T-The Madam hates dirt so we need to clean it before she sees it and loses her temper or fires any of us...''

The 'man' suddenly knelt in front of her in a smooth movement and tilted his head to look at her, ''Pardon me for this,'' Like a gentleman, he loosened the straps of her black uniform heels and removed them from her feet, revealing the red blisters on her skin as he said, ''You should cherish yourself first before thinking about anything else. Jobs will come and go but there won't be a second you if something happens to you.'' 

The young maid was so touched that she started crying. Other than her mother, no one had cared for her. Only she knew how much pressure she had to deal with in this huge mansion. 

Right there and then, she decided to give her whole heart to this angelic man in front of her. 

As soon as he stood up, she pounced on him. 

The 'man' seemed stunned. His green eyes shone with a hint of awkwardness but as the girl in his arms cried harder, he raised his hand and patted her back. 

Just as she started to calm down, the hand on her back shifted to her neck and with a soft strike, she was knocked out. 

The second entrance of the mansion had a garden in its perimeter that lead to the exit gates a few meters distance where guards were patrolling intensely after Master Chen's orders. 

Behind the bushes in the garden, a 'beautiful maid' with short blonde hair stood up. 

The 'thief' glanced at the real maid who was earlier crying in his arms. She was lying in the grass, unconscious, decently dressed in the guard's uniform that Daisy had swapped with hers.

Daisy stared at the unconscious maid for another moment before letting out a sigh, ''Damn,'' she cursed softly but unlike before, her voice was not deep and masculine. 

Instead, it was a feminine voice, soft and clear. 

Daisy reached out towards her head and and tugged at her hairline. 

The blond hair was lifted off and a lock of dark hair slipped from the gap. 

By the time the whole wig was removed, long black hair was let loose and the handsome thief from earlier was completely transformed into an alluring maid. 

Any man who saw the sight would be toppled over just like that. 


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