
The Devil's Secretary

The world-famous hacker, Dexter, is a woman and she is the daughter of one of the most prominent families of aristocrats, going by the name Daisy Chen. Daisy has stayed away from her family, and juggled from one job to another in disguise or while cross-dressing as her alibi 'Dexter'. It never once got her into trouble, not until she chanced upon him. Ryle Harper, the CEO of Harper Societies, manages a multinational company on the surface but danger lurks beneath every façade he presents to the world. Daisy had decided to tread carefully around the man but trouble always comes uninvited. One night. One mistake. A stranger. An unprepared pregnancy. To keep her façade of being a man and not offend the devil, she did what was feasible… She disappeared without a trace. However, two years later, she finds herself facing him again only to realize that the man was, all along trying to track her down. By a twist of fate, she becomes his secretary again but this time, their deal comes with certain conditions and a time limit. But when destiny rolls its dice and Daisy has to assume the position of the head of her family, how would she escape Ryle's clutches again? Would she want to? Or would he let her? ... “Look at me,’’ his eyes darkened as he stepped towards her. With every step he took towards her, Daisy took a step back until her back hit the wall. The curtains swayed in the night wind, the glow of the pale moonlight illuminating the dark room where she could see the danger lurking in those hazel eyes. She averted her gaze. He pinched her chin and turned her face towards him, ‘’Dexter?” his fingers grazed up to her wig, ‘’Or shall I call you Daisy now? Daisy Chen?” he leaned closer to her, whispering next to her lips. Her lips parted but before she could utter a single word, her wig was tugged off. Her long dark hair came cascading down, answering all his unanswered questions. ''Tell me Daisy, or there are more ways I can make you speak,'' his hand reached inside her shirt, his long fingers grazed on the expanse of her delicate, bare skin, ''You believe me, right?" he whispered. She shivered, partly in pleasure and partly in denial of that pleasure that she felt.

Auroraaa · Urban
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206 Chs

A thief in Chen Mansion

Daisy watched as Si Yena carried the little girl in her arms and rubbed her back gently. 

Daisy's heart calmed down when she saw the woman's actions. 

She sighed, shaking her head unnecessary paranoid thoughts. 

She breezed through the next few clips smoothly, not spotting anything significant. Daisy's fingers stopped when two unknown people appeared in the video, dressed in formals. Si Yena held the child in her arms and walked towards them, handing the little girl to the people. They smiled and took the girl from Si Yena's arms, who said something to them, to which they nodded. 

Daisy's blood turned cold.

Moments passed by and the video kept playing but Daisy could not lift a finger. 

After a long time, Daisy rewinded the video taking it back to the when Si Yena handed the child to the strangers. She zoomed on Si Yena's mouth and as the woman spoke to the people, Daisy read her lips. 

'To the Chen Mansion.'

Si Yena sent the child to Chen Mansion? 


Chen Mansion. 

Chaos broke out in the grand mansion at midnight as the sound of urgent footsteps resounded all over the place. Combined with the murmurs and whispers, it was more disturbing. 

Alice who was sleeping in the middle of the round King-sized bed sat up and clutched her head. 

She had attended her friend's birthday party where her friend's daughter was handling the whole party and she had arranged some expensive rare stuff to gift the guests who started bootlicking her immediately. 

Meanwhile, her birthday had passed some time ago and for the first time during her birthday, she spent the whole day drinking alone in the grand walls, feeling like she was sitting in a cage. 

All the socialites kept bragging about each other's children. When the topic shifted to her children, the place was covered in an awkward silence. She had no expectations from Daisy in the first place yet she was shocked her by her actions. And her younger daughter whom she was so proud of let her down in the worst way possible.

Alice had acted calm but she knew that those bitches in the party must have gossiped about her the moment she left their table. 

As soon as she came back, she went to find her husband to vent to him but as usual, the man was at some meeting at his company. 

In the end, she opted for a glass of wine. And she did not realize when one glass turned into a whole bottle.

Now that her sleep was interrupted, her initially bad mood turned worse. 

She removed the blankets from her body, revealing a thin-strapped exquisite black silk nightgown. Stepping out of the bed, she suppressed her anger and put on a robe before she left the room. 

The maids rushing around in the hallways dispersed like mice the moment they saw her.

Hearing some noises downstairs, Alice descended the stairs only to find a team of elite guards gathered in the living room. 

Even her husband was there, a frown deeply etched between his brows.

As far as Alice knew, Helian Chen apparently had facial paralysis in a way where his facial nerves would not budge unless something significant happened. 

''What's going on here?" her authoritative voice got everyone's attention. 

Master Chen did not even turn around to look at her but the head of guards bowed, ''M-Madam, someone broke into the mansion.'' 

''What?" Alice's expression shifted. 

''We doubt it is a burglary...'' 

''And what are you all gathered here for?" Alice snapped, ''How did someone even break into the mansion with you all being present here?" 

''We got to see his face from afar and he just looked like a young man with delicate features. We had not taken him seriously. That person has fast reflexes and his movements are precise. Before we reached, he disappeared....'' 

''You...'' Alice massaged her forehead, ''And you call it burglary? Disperse and catch that man. Alive.''

The guards looked at Helian Chen and since his expression mirrored his wife's, they knew he had the same order as her.

Or else, as usual, half of them would have listened to his commands and the other half would have had to obey his wife's words, which usually happened when the couple were in disharmony.

They had it real hard even though they were paid well. Sobs.

Bracing their aggrieved hearts, they quickly dispersed and started searching through the mansion. 

After twenty minutes. 

''Nothing stolen,'' The head of the guards reported as Helian Chen and Alice stepped inside Diana's room. 

A month ago, in the strangest turn of events, not just Daisy but even Diana ran away and the latter's room had been locked up ever since then. 

Alice looked around the room in disbelief. Everything was flipped upside down. Even a single painting was not left on the walls. All the things were thrown to the floor. Clothes, jewelry, a laptop, an iPad, and more expensive stuff laid there but the said thief had not taken a single thing with him. 

Master Chen frowned, ''Seal the entry and exit properly. I doubt the person has left yet,'' he had put those places under extra surveillance the moment they alerted him. It would be impossible even for a fly to move in or out. 

He had not taken this matter seriously initially but given how his daughter's room looked right now, this person could be a threat to her or even a potential danger to her in the future. It was necessary to capture him. 

''I want you all to catch him and drag him to me,'' his cold eyes roamed over the guards who bowed and dispersed. 


A/N: One of my exams has been postponed so I decided to do the mass release early. For my old readers, I know you have come across these sections while reading 'COF' but hang in there. A few chapters down and then we will be going to present ;)

Mass Release [1/5]

Auroraaacreators' thoughts