

Whitney went to school the following Monday to apply for a two years leave. After submitting the letter, she was about to leave school when she ran into a coursemate.

"Whitney," the guy called. There was a hint of surprise and joy in his voice.

"Jonathan," Whitney looked at him, she was not particularly close to any of her coursemates, but after a few years, she should know a few names. Moreover, this Jonathan was her class representative who mostly passed important information.

"You have been absent for a few days. Is everything alright?" Jonathan asked. He liked Whitney for her simple personality, more so because she was beautiful and intelligent.

"I am fine," Whitney replied. She did not know that anyone in the class would notice her absence.

"That's great, but we have a class with professor Ken. Why are you heading out?" Jonathan asked. There was a class group, and important information and reminders were dropped there.

"OH, I am busy. I only came to take a leave from school," Whitney replied. She was taken a two years break. She did not see any reason to hide it. It was just too bad that this move would make her lose all the scholarships helping her in school.

" How long? " Jonathan was surprised. Most scholarship students always try their best to study hard. After all, only by having good results would they continue to enjoy the scholarship.

"two years," Whitney answered sincerely, she was not even sure if she would have the opportunity to return, but she wanted to give herself a way in the future. Who knows if there would be hope?

"Two years?" That's so long. Exams are only two weeks away, although it is only the first semester. If you write this exam, you can apply for a leave for next semester and only come to write the exam. Next semester is only about projects and self-study. Why would you take such a long root instead? " Jonathan asked.

Whitney paused. She did not know why she did not think of it. If she wrote her exam now, she would only need to come to the next semester's exam, which was a least four months away. Although she was unsure if she would be able to finish her schoolwork and attend her final examination, Whitney was tempted.

"I would not have time to come to class the following days. My father died, and he owes some bad people a lot of money. I have to pay up; otherwise, life would be difficult for us," Whitney said after thinking for a long. It was apparent that she could not hide her situation.

" I can help with your attendance and send you notes from the classes, " Jonathan replied. He could not help her with many things.

" Thank you, but I have already submitted the letter," Whitney shook her head. She felt that this advice was coming a little too late. She did not know if, after two years, she would still have this opportunity, so she wanted to give it a try. After all, with someone sending her notes and assignments, she might be able to pass her exams better.

"When did you submit it?" Jonathan asked. He has always been attracted to her, and he wanted to get close to her, but Whitney did not warm up to him. She would sound friendly but distant from him. This was his chance, he would use it no matter what.

"A few minutes ago," Whitney replied. She felt that the conversation was meaningless. She just wanted to go back and face the new reality of her life. If she were yet to submit the letter, then she would consider what he suggested.

"Then let go back. Most of the letters would not be dealt with until the end of school hours," Jonathan said. He felt that with this opportunity to help her, he could get closer to her.

He would have asked her how much she was looking for. After all, his family was well off, and he could afford to give her a few million, but looking at her personality, Jonathan felt that doing that would only make him lose her.

"Are you sure?" Whitney was a bit hesitant. She wanted to head back to work and submit her resignation, then go to Smart cooperation to face her fate, but she was tempted by his suggestion.

She did not know what plans the devil had for her family, but she was only making little attempts to see if she could save her life.. It was like a last attempt before one dies.

Whitney believes that a person can only become a failure if they give up, so even if all she could see was darkness, she had to hope against hope. Have faith that things will get better.

"Yes, even if I am wrong this time, does it make a difference if you try?" Jonathan said.

Whitney thought of it and felt it was true, she had nothing to lose even if she could not retrieve the letter, so she followed him back to the administrative block.

When they arrived, Whitney saw that the white box was still there with a few letters. "How do we get the latter back?" Whitney suddenly remembered that she could not just deep her hand inside the box and get the letter back. The box was covered apart from the small part to get the letter in.

"Since the letter is still in the box, we can talk to the workers here. You wait. I know someone who works here," Jonathan said. Whitney wanted to follow him, but after thinking about it, she decided against it.

If she followed, she could not help. Perhaps if she stood by, she would see the person that came to collect the letter and ask them to return her letter. Hopefully, the person would be kind enough.

Whitney waited for over fifteen minutes before she saw a staff coming over. Jonathan was walking behind him.

"Good day, sir," Whitney greeted the man. The man nodded his head. "are you the one that wants the letter?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," Whitney answered. The man looked at her as though he wanted to see through her, but he still opened the box.

"Name," he asked as he brought out a hand full of letters. "Whitney Warmer," she answered. The man only flipped two letters before finding her.

"Here," he said, handing over the letter to her.

"Thank you," sir Whitney collected it. She did not know if this was the best decision, but thinking that she could always apply for leave next semester, she took it. If this plan fails, it will not be too late to submit it by next semester.

"Then do you want to go to class,? There are still a few minutes. We can definitely meet up," Jonathan asked.

"No, thank you for helping me, but I have other things to attend to," Whitney said. She still wanted to submit her resignation and go to Smart cooperation.

"alright," Jonathan said and left first. He felt bad that he could not return to class with her, but they were not very close, and so he could not pray into her life too much. 'I can get closer to her with time," Jonathan consoles himself.

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