
The Devil's Place

One day the portals between the demon world and human world opens. Dekiru who is just an ordinary person but the world where he is leaving is not an ordinary world. One day a demon take his sister to the demon world. Dekiru pledge to himself that he will bring back his sister from the demon world to which we call Hell

Z_ero_ · Fantasy
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The Devil's Place

What if I say this world was attacked by the demons would you believe me? One day they just came out of nowhere and attacked this world. This world is slowly devouring by the demons.

I live with my older sister in Tokyo sector 23 our parents were attacked by the demons.

It is normal to see demons in this world but that demon was so powerful than others. If I talk about his appearance he had a skull tattoo on his neck I 'have never seen such demon. But if I found that bastard I am going to kill him once and for all.

"Dekiru would you like to go mall with me".

"Whole world is dealing with demons and my sweet sister wants to go mall" dekiru mumbled.

"What did you say?".

"I said sure I will come with you".

As we were heading to the mall we heard people screaming and running here and there. It was like a massacre happened.

I was scared "what happened here?"

I looked towards my sister she was frizzed and looking something when I turned my eyes I saw that demon who killed our parents he looked more powerful than before, he had two horns and skull tattoo on his neck. I saw a rod on the road I took that and went to attack him but he was so strong that nothing happened to him. He tossed me like a coin. He was so powerful.

My sister came to protect me. As that demon saw shinko he laughed loudly and said "so you were here I was looking for you everywhere" and then he took my sister and flied. I heard my sister's scream. But I was in very bad condition that I can't do anything.

Dekiru passed out.

As I woke I saw myself in a hospital I was in a bad condition I tried to stand but then a man told me to not do that or you will hurt yourself. I didn't care about what he says; I was in so much anger. I asked to him "where is my sister?".

He replied to me "who?".

My sister her name is shinko hakugo, she has red hairs, she is 172 cm tall.

"I didn't saw any one other than you there".

What the fuck are you saying? Was I the only one left there?.

"Yep, you were the only one".

He took my sister I am going to get her back.

What are you saying?

"You are in a bad condition".

"I don't care".

He said "and where are you going to look her? If you say she was taken by demon that means she was taken to the Hell the world of demons and there is no way you can go there".

"The portal to the Hell should be open I've got to hurry and get shinko back".

He said "yeah go there and get your sister back but in this condition you can't walk or can fight with that monster. He is so powerful you can't stand a chance against him, now go and lie on the bed".

I was in so anger that I couldn't stop myself to bring my sister back.

That man knocked me unconscious.

As I wake up second time I was at my home I thought it was a dream so I looked for my sister in home and didn't find her. As I turned on Television to see the news I saw the same place was attacked yesterday by the demon. I saw the footage when my sister was taken by that demon.

I was so frustrated and broke the TV.

After listening to the news I went to hospital again to check whether my sister was there or not. I asked to the nurse "Is there any girl named shinko hakugo her?". She said "no there isn't any patient named Shinko here".

I went to the police station to find my sister. Everyone was so busy there. It seems that they were helping people who were attacked yesterday. I went to the superior of that police station but he said "I don't have time for you kid just write your name, address and about the incident".

I knew that they will not try to find her because they were busy with their own cluster fuck. I went to that place again so I can find how can I go to the world of Hell and bring back my sister.

I didn't find anything.

Very soon it was night

I heard some creepy noises while I was about to leave the place. I went to check what this voice is and where it was coming from. By following this voice I found a demon was eating human in front of my eyes. As I saw that I couldn't think of anything but of the reporter on the TV who told that demons try to kill people mostly in the night. I was so scared that I tried to make no noise and run from there. But that demon heard me.

I started running as fast as I could but he caught up to me.

That demon caught me, I was screaming for help. Suddenly a man came and killed that demon with his sword. This man was the same guy who was there when I woke up after shinko was taken by that demon. He was wearing bartender cloths.

"Are you ok?" He said.

"Yes, I didn't need your help".

"But you were the one who called for help, well what are you doing in this wonderful place".

"I am finding a way to bring my sister back".

"Come on you still on it, just give up already".

"What the fuck are you saying she's my sister".

"Fine, fine okay I will help you, I cannot let you be here by your own and I don't want you to interfere on this demon matter yourself. I know the place from where you can get help".

"Really, you should have told that earlier".

"Hey Kiddo! Just hop on by bike and don't forget to wear this helmet".

He passes a black colored helmet to me it has design of skull on it.


Then I went with him to a place which I had never seen in this city but it was real, "this is the place in horror movies where the main character is been attacked by some zombies or demons himself". In this dark place there was a bar. This bar was pretty much normal, like other bars but what is this bar doing here it seems that there are no one living nearby. This all was going on my mind; I think he is going to make me his customer.

I asked him "are you making me a customer in this bar?".

"No, this is the place where you can get help" he said.


"If you know any other ways feel free to try that" he said.

"I was just asking you".

As I turned my head up I saw the name of the bar which was written in big on the board that says "The Devil's Place".