

sometimes I just wish it would all end, I just wish I could slumber off till infinity not having to open my eyes ever again to see the light of a world where what's right seems to be wrong,a word where evil lives on and only the wickedness of heart seems to thrive.they say the world is a beautiful place to live in they made me believe that good was only thing good but in a case like mine where I'm forced to do what's wrong in order to survive, what is the next right thing to do when evil seems to be the right side of wrong, when all good deeds backfires, when you're in love with the devil himself

Catherine_catline · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Beginning

sometimes I just wish it would all end, I just wish I could slumber off till infinity not having to open my eyes ever again to see the light of a world where what's right seems to be wrong,a word where evil lives on and only the wickedness of heart seems to thrive.they say the world is a beautiful place to live in they made me believe that good was only thing good but in a case like mine where I'm forced to do what's wrong in order to survive, what is the next right thing to do when evil seems to be the right side of wrong, when all good deeds backfires, when you're in love with the devil himself

I stood at the edge of six story building as the thoughts of suicide filled my mind. is this really the end for me? I wonder as a stared down to see the distance. I've always been afraid of heights but this case was different as fear seems to have left my side. I took a deep breath as I allowed my body to be pulled in by gravity as I fell towards the direction of the ground,everything seems to be in slow motion as I felt the cool wind beneath my skin and saw my life flash before my eyes and everything went blank.




BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! the gentle noise of what seems to be an alarm clock rang softly as the sound suddenly seems to fade off. I gently and reluctantly open my eyes as beams of light seems to flash before my eyes, as a male figure appeared before me.the image was blurry due to the light rays until I fully opened my eyes and saw a handsome young man sitting beside me. I quickly looked around I noticed I was in a large room painted in nicely white and with all the furniture also in white the door was also white as well as a large bed which I laid on, the alarm clock which seems to be what was ringing was also white the wardrobe,the cupboard where the alarm clock was placed beside the bed in the middle of the room, the curtains and even the ceilings were all in white,the only thing that was dressed in black was the handsome stranger in front of me. he had Brown curly hair, bright emerald orbs, his diamond curved face shape looks like it was carved by God himself on a Sunday,with his light pink lips with a well defined shape,he is a perfect definition of gorgeous. I admired his beauty for a while as I wondered where I was and flashbacks on what happened came into my mind.what i last remembered was jumping off a six-story building and now I'm in a beautiful room.

"is this heaven" I murmured underneath my breath but loud enough for the stranger to hear.he gave a gentle smirk with revealed his dimples.

"is this a hospital? it doesn't look like one"I said again

" obviously it isn't,neither is it heaven,just a little more like hell" he answer giving a warm smile.

what the hell am I doing here,how did I get here,where is this place really? I thought to myself as I looked around again at my surroundings

" you tried to jump off a roof,I saved you,I didn't know where you lived so I brought you here,don't worry you are safe"he assured me in a warm caring voice Asif he knew what I was thinking.

I stared at the ceiling for a while until I finally sat down on the bed to get a better view of the room as the sweet delicious auroma of what seemed to be pancakes? no bacon? no! obviously pancakes and bacon hit my nostrils and my stomach gave an embarrassing grumble giving me away

"(smirks) are you hungry? I made breakfast" he said in a warm tone. I felt so embarrass cause my stomach wouldn't stop grumbling

"mhmm" I shyly replied

"ok,I'll go prepare the table,clean up and meet me in 10, you'll find a dress in the drawer "he said pointing towards a large wardrobe and with that he stood up and left the room.i was still covered in Shame as I made my way to what looked like a bathroom,so neat and beautiful covered in light blue.

"Mr stranger must really be a neat freak"I said to my sef using my hands to clean the spotless white sink.i switch on the tap and splashed water on my face as I stared at my reflection for a while

"how did I get to this point" I wondered to myself. I quickly pulled off my white gown which I didn't remember how it got on my body, what I last remembered was wearing my school uniform when I tried to jump off the building.

"wait a minute!who dressed me?? OMG! was it Mr stranger? did he see my.....arghhhhhhhh" I kept splashing water on my face . I then switched off the tap and made my way to the sparkling neat bathtub and switch on the shower.

After few minutes of taking a hot cool shower, I made my way out of the bathroom with a white clean towel tied round my chest as I walked towards the large walldrobe and bought out the dress which he said he left for me. it was a nice white dress and beside it was my uniform which seemed to be neatly washed and ironed. I quickly left the dress he kept for me and picked my uniform and wore it . after dressing up, I packed my hair in a ponytail and made my way out of the room downstairs towards the dinning room. the houses is nicely decorated in white and black funitures, the diner was the only place in the house painted with sky blue. the dinning was embedded with alot of flowers which gives it a calm sweet scent . as I entered the dinning I saw the handsome stranger sitted staring at me

"your finally down, that was quicker than I thought" he said staring at his watch

"mhmmm" I replied shyly

"I see u didn't wear the dress I choose for you"he said in a warm tone

"urmm yeah I think it would be more convenient to wear my own dress, I'll just leave after breakfast anyways" I said still trying to figure out who took off my dress

"oh....ur leaving? so soon?" he said with a hint of sadness and loneliness written all over his face

"urm....I....don't want to be a burden to you anymore , you've already done enough for me" I said

"no problem, but ur not a burden to me, it's nice having company, have a sit" he said giving a bright smile. I slowly made my way to the table and sat down, they were different categories of food on the table, eggs, pancakes, bacon, tea, sandwich etc

"did you prepare all this urself or is there someone else who helps you with the chores" I asked

"there's no one else, just me... and yeah sorry for intruding in your privacy, your clothes was dirty so I had to take it off and clean you up, i didn't peak I promise, I had my eyes closed the whole time"he said as he gave a smirk it was as if he was reading my thoughts

" urmm....o..k.."I said as I was drowned in shame, my check became visible red for shyness

"are you ok?ur turning red?"the stranger asked

"urm.....I.....I'm ok"I said stamaring

"By the way I'm ...lucife....I'm lucian, lucian heavenz"he said extending his hands in a shake

"I'm ava, Ava Anderson"I said shaking his hands. after the introduction we started eating and kept staring at each without saying a word. he kept staring at me as if he would see right through me which made me feel uncomfortable, after all I was in a strange place with a strange person,what if he has evil plans or wants to kill me or do something bad.oh well I wanted to die anyways so this shouldn't be a problem, should it?

we started eating in silence and I have to admit the food was really delicious. we kept staring at each other quietly waiting for the first person to make a move

" urmm.....why did you save me?"I asked finally breaking the silence. he stared at me for a while with an emotionless expression but when I looked into his eyes I could feel anger and pain written all over. what's the secret behind the anger and pain?I wondered