

"Are you already there?"


"good,the diamond is under one of the ancient sculptures. the only way to get it is by using the underground tunnels. the security system is very good and effective,also beware of the guards since the president will be coming there,the security will be very tight"

" Okay, thanks for the heads-up. I will be fine. if there's anything I'll phone you as soon as possible besides you can see me from where you are right? I turned to look at the abandoned building and gave a thumbs up, knowing that she would be there watching me as usual.

"okay,I got you covered. now go "

I walked into the museum dressed like any other tourist. today's mission was to steal some precious diamonds which was hidden under the museum. these people sure are stupid, aren't they? to hide the president precious diamonds under a museum. What were they thinking,that no one can find them or what. With my lovely partner and I nothing was too hidden not to be seen.

Hazel is my partner in crime, my best friend and I treat her like my sister. Well mostly due to the fact that we've known each other since childhood.she was on the abandoned building keeping track of everything. she had hacked into the museums CCTV cameras just to help me get this over with quickly.

" hey miss, we need to check in your back if you'd allow us for a sec"a guard said, stretching his hands to take my bag.

" there's no need for that but sure you can check"I smiled warmly at him. what did he think that I'd be carrying my tools here? I smirked when I remembered how we got the things inside yesterday without anybody knowing.we could have taking the diamonds but unfortunately they just arrived this dawn so the operation has to be done this morning

"Thank you miss, you can proceed. Have a wonderful time"

I scanned the place to know where each guard is being stationed.

" hi Hazel,I made it past the guards,let me know when you think is the right time to start"

"Yh sure we have to wait for a while let the place be filled with lots of people first before you proceed "

I can imagine the smile on her face making me smile too.

I continued to look around, pretending to be mesmerized by the things around. Everything was in order but I just couldn't wait to see the President's face when he realize his babies are no more in his possession. After about ten minutes the place was now busy, just how I wanted it to be.

" Ermm , please do you know where the washroom is? it's quite urgent you know"I confronted one of the guards, giving him my cute girl smile.

"just go straight and turn to your right, you'd see it "

I went exactly where he told me to go but instead of right,I went left

"STAFFS ONLY"I smiled as I read. sure right I'm also a staff,just a fake one for the meantime

I pushed the door open and entered. the staff room had a secret door leading right down the tunnel. I dropped my bag on the floor as I started to undress. I wore all black and covered my lower face with a black veil as for my hair,I just love my two pigtails so there's no way I'm changing that.

I knew there was a guard at the gate but why should I care. I sneaked slowly behind him and twisting his head , he laid on the floor dead.

I smiled at my good work but I'm not that stupid to leave him there on the floor like that. I dragged his body into one of the closet and made my way underground. there were a lot of bugs bugging me here and there but nine years of training doesn't make me weak, does it?By bugs, I meant the guards. They are just too weak I wonder who even gave them their position. "STRICTLY OUT OF BOUNDS"Finally I was where I wanted to be. they had locked the door with effective security measures but I don't care cause I'm a hacker,a good one at that. Within seconds the door made a ping sound indicating it has been unlocked.

I smiled at my accomplishment

Standing at the gates, I pulled out a powder like substance and blew it in the air. Red lines inter crossing which weren't there before were now visible. How I hate these things, always delaying and wasting my time . any wrong move from you and your cover is blown.

" Haz, do something about these security patterns"

"On it". after a few seconds"Done"

I saw the light instantly going off,and before me stood the Greatest of all times. THE DIAMONDS.

"Fools"I murmured to myself. how could they possibly leave it ajar like that. Did they think their security was soo tight or what. I scoffed and quickly packed them in the bag. By now, there is already an alarm and I need to get out off her fast

" done,meet me at the other side of the tunnel were the guards are not stationed"

"okay but hurry Angel,the guards are on their way down there"

I dashed out of the room and made my way through the corridors.

"shit"I cursed when I saw them approaching."let get this over with, would we"

it was easy as hell as I was able to fight my way through

"hurry!!! hurry!!!go "I shouted as Hazel sparked the car

"wow,that was close" she said and we all laughed as we made our way away from the museum

"You should have seen the President's reaction when he found out that the diamonds are missing" I said to Hazel when she came back with the glass of wine.

"I'm sure by now every single person in the museum is being sucked" we laughed it off but our laughter was cut short when nanny appeared

"ANGEL STONES& HAZEL MARIA WOODS,how many times do I have to tell you not to make fun of people like that he's your president and if I knew you were going to rob him, I'd have said no a long time ago. what has gotten into you too. I know you do this in favor of the orphanage but that was a little over the board. what if you would have gotten hurt" a glitch of fear and sadness was in her tone when she uttered the last past.

Hazel and I walked over to her and circled our hands around her neck

"Nanny,we are very sorry if we scared you but we know you would have never allowed us if you knew it was the president's diamonds and besides selling them will take the orphanage to a whole new level. we really needed that money." I uttered

Nanny pearl is more than a mother to I and Hazel ever since mum died. well yes my mum was found dead two weeks after her disappearance and I do not want to talk about it. Anyways, nanny has done a good job of taking care of me and I appreciate it. I'd never do anything to hurt her no matter what. She has always been there for me even when I joined the secret missions at age ten, she still stood by me after months of trying to talk me out of it and I can never be so grateful

"look at the bright side, nanny . tomorrow we'll meet up with Mr. Smith and take the money in exchange for the diamonds. Then they can start the construction of a new building for the orphanage"

Nanny pulled from our embrace, looking more angry aside worried

" Mr. Smith? can't anyone give you that money aside him? I know how much she hates him but he's one of our promising partners and there is nothing we can do about it

"don't worry besides Henry will be coming with us and our safety is reassured"

At the mention of Henry, she seems to relax a bit. Henry is a friend and nanny trust him so much because of how protective he is over me. After all I'm the youngest in the group so they feel they are entitled to protect me which I literally hate.

"Okay, nanny we are going up my room now. see you tomorrow and stop worrying about me else you grow old early" I kissed her head and dashed upstairs. we have to send updates to Hazel's father who is a cop and at the same time our captain. Funny right?but that's how it works