
The Devil's Goodwill

Are gods really what we think they are, what are gods? what are devils? , what is good and what is bad, we all live in our own fantasies, the things we believe become real for us. Everyone has their own concept of things, for some a thing maybe great but for others it might be worst. So, what exactly is reality? , what are humans exactly, are we just part of a larger game. Or are we part of someone's plan.

Mks_Rocks_5444 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Space And Time

A dark red humanoid figure was standing on the black floor. It had a pair of blood red eyes but no other facial features. It didn't even have any fingers or toes. It looked like a poor effort to immitate a human structure.

The figure sighted and sat cross legged on the ground. It never never blinked it's eyes, or rather it couldn't .

"He didn't even tell me who he was and why he decided to help me, I bet it is for his selfish gains, no one does anything out of goodwill in human world" He said. "If what that voice said is correct I can get out of here, and he told me about the other planes like he was sure I would be able to escape this prison"

"I need to think, I need to go beyond reasoning, I need to go beyond laws of earth. I am in a space rift if my guess is correct. " He mumbled.

He looked at his arms"I will also need to do something to fix this body, I don't even have any fingers to write with that new power....... But that can wait"

" So I suppose I am between spaces, and as I have not aged in so many years, it would be right to assume that time does not exist here" He continued to mumble. "But how is that even possible"

'Space and time exist everywhere , or that's what I think at least,' 'space and time are basically two sides of the same coin, and to get out I have to change one of these without affecting the other. Is that even possible' He thought.

'I can't cut through space, I have to travel right through it..... Hmmmm, I need a method similar to teleportation to get out of here.' He said to himself.

"To teleport I need the path and designation, to where I have to go. I have my initial position, but I don't have any path, nor I have any idea about my designation." He explained himself.

Teleportation is indeed very complex theory that many have tried to explained only to fail, teleportation is basically transporting from one place to other without covering the actual distance between the 2 points. But you can't reach the second point unless you travel the path to reach the second point. If you want to reach the second point in an instant, you have to either compress the space that you travelled while travelling between the points or you have to compress the time that it took you to cover that distance.

'Even if I have the path and designation, haw am I even supposed to bend space itself, is that even possible.'


Ideas formed and crumbled inside his mind. He didn't have any idea about his designation or his path. He felt completely lost.

Years passed as he struggled to get the slightest enlightenment, and on one point he figured something out.

"A black hole" He exclaimed

'If by any means I can create an artificial blackhole that connects this space to the outside space, I can virtually get out of here'

The idea had some logic but it still didn't seem possible, first of all he didn't knew about blackholes much, those were very difficult to study. Second is that a blackhole devours everything, not even light can escape it's distrucyion.

The biggest problem was that even if he managed to create a blackhole connected to the other side of the space, the blackhole would destroy that plane in a matter of seconds, a blackhole has immense gravitational pull, nothing could escape it, a mere coin would have weight approximately equal to some of the largest planets of galaxies near a blackhole.

'I have to create a blackhole that could compress the space between this space and the other plane.'he concluded. 'I would also have to control it's gravitational pull and suction force'

"What a pain, I have to basically create a blackhole that works according to me" He sighted. "Even if I manage to develop a concept for creating such a thing, I would still need some material for it to work"

He was starting to think that that approach was not possible.

As he was about to give up, he looked at his arm, faint black glow was comming out of the tip of his arm.

'You are nothing for now, become what you want.' He stood up as he recalled those words.

'Can I create anything from this gas, he thought, can I give it human features if I want you with those thoughts he started to focus on how he wanted to look

As he closed his eyes, his figure became to change, fingers grew from his blunt arms and legs, facial features began to appar on his humanoid face, deep black hairs began to grow out of his head, the color of gas changed and soon the gas transformed into human skin, even clothes that he imagined appeared on his figure. All of that was made up of the gas that now canstituted his whole body.

The humanoid figure transformed into a young boy, he looked about 18 years old with deep black hair, a sharp nose and a little pale collection only his eyes didn't change, they were still deep red. He wore a red robe that covered his entire figure, it just left his head uncovered.

He opened his eyes and a surprised gasp escaped his mouth when he inspected himself. "I look just like my younger brother when he died. And these clothes, I just saw them once on T V and here they are, perfect to the smallest detail."

"This is amazing" He laughed like a madman. That sucess had given him some hope.


He was sitting cross legged on the dark ground with a dark red gas comming out of his palm and taking shape of a sphere.

"If it can transform into body organs... " He said while closing his palm and the gas stopped comming out. "Maybe it can also transform into a black hole"

That was his first time trying to create a black hole out of the dark red gas, he closed the sphere of gas in his palm and focused on a black hole that created a tunnel through that space, but nothing happened.

'I don't have my designation, I don't know to where I have to create that blackhole like tunnel' he thought while absorbing that dark red sphere.


'Maybe I should just imagine to open it at the outer edge of the space'

Many years have already since he discovered that the gas can create black hole, blasts occoured at times, but nothing that he desired had yet formed.

He took a little amount of gas in his palm and imagined a tunnel opening on outer wall of a dark cube.

To his surprise the gas in his palm started to vibrate at that point, it didn't show any signs of destablistaion. He threw the gaseous sphere in the air in front of him.

He waited patiently as the gaseous sphere slowly enlarged, it's thickness decreased and a strong gravitational pull started to come out from it, it was strong but not strong enough to crush a person. The sphere slowly transformed into a dark red portal that radiated gravitational pull.

He started laughing at that point. He had succeed, he had created a artificial blackhole. After so many eras, ge could finally leave that dammed void.

"Let's see if what you told was true" He said as he told first step towards the portal.