
The Devil's Creed

Issac's life back on Earth was a nightmare, he had suffered all kinds of humiliation and pain. Even after being Isekai, he couldn't live a meaningful life, so he at least wanted to live a peaceful life. But the cruel and cold world wouldn't even let him have that. Isaac from his birth to his death was nothing but a Plaything in the hand of others. Even at his last breath, he believed that Gods will take pity on him and provide him with that Justice he deserved but it seems like they don't want to hear his cries even at his last breath. All the pain, the sorrow that he had bottled up in his heart started to change into hatred. He had sworn to get his revenge on all of them. When he thought all hopes were lost that's when someone heard his call, the one who answers the call was neither a God nor an Angel. The one who lend him the hand and saved him from his death was not the light hand of an Angel but the dark hand of the devil. Without any hesitation, he accepted the call and made a deal with the devil. And that is how the successor of the devil was born, Witness his growth, From weak to strong, From a Pawn to a Player, From On the board to Off the board. Witnesses Him and his path which was so cruel that mere mention of his name would make Primordial Gods and top powerful races of the Universe shudder in fear. ============================================ Now, enough with all these backstories and stuff. Are you tired of reading all those generic stories of either Isekai or transmigration or reincarnated in with system novels? Then trust this is your real deal, I promise you won't regret reading this. It is a completely new concept. Where I and Issac break the norms of a novel and bicker through the 4th wall. Author:[ Join ME and Isaac on our journey and be a witness to Our growth. Watch Me as develop my skill, while this snotnose pansy gets Stronger in that process. ] Isaac:[ Who are calling snotnose pansy? you're a snotnose pansy ur entire family is a snotnose pansy. *sigh* Even though the Author is a dimwit but this time he is right. You should certainly join us on this epic story, Please Watch over us, As I and this idiot of an Author make our way towards the top.] ============================================ Author: The cover doesn't belong to me and all the credits go to its creator. If you are the creator and you want me to take down the cover just directly contact me. ( I want to appreciate your work this cover that I'm using is nice and if possible I would like to not change it ) Issac [ Shameless.]

WOLFY · Fantasy
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48 Chs


He thought he could have a peaceful life at least here, he thought everything will change, A fresh start.

He would have a New Life, in a New World and a New Beginning. But even here Lady Badluck doesn't want to let him go, even in this world, everything seems to hate his sorry excuse of an existence.

According to the world, Isaac D.Damien was a sore LOSER and a loner (by chance, not choice )

In his previous world, he was worth noting, he was poor, weak, short, ugly( not entirely he had a perfect face. it's just that puberty has really Fucked him up and his face was now filled with pimples) oily skinned, with his half-broken glasses and messy hair.

No one wants to associate with him and without any discrimination, he was equally shunned by everyone.

If that world had a ranking system he was given an (F-) for the lowest of the lowest. It's just what the world had labeled him

But in a true sense, he was not like that. He is neither a Loser by position nor a loner by personality.

He is a cheerful and easy-going person and his life wasn't always used like this, he too had his prime time. Well, that was way back in his middle school years when people didn't hate him like now. He even used to be a popular guy among his classmates due to his perfect score.

It is just his puberty and the circumstances that have hit him hard that he had become what he is now today.

But it was not like he doesn't have any plus now, he still had his brain. Now he was just all brain's no brawn kinda guy. He is smart and studies.

Even though his luck was Lower in all other aspects he was extremely gifted in his brain parts.

He was smart enough without any aid or coaching.

With just his hard work and determination was able to get into one of the most prestigious high schools in the country on a scholarship.

After entering there he assumed he was set and he could become someone great.

But then again the odds seemed to be not in his favor. His gift only helps him to get here. And after entering there he understood his gifts alone are not enough for him to stand on an equal footing with his classmates.

These people the rich and the prestigious ones don't want to see someone from his circumstance to be considered their equals. His classmates felt his presence in the school itself was a humiliation to them and didn't accept him as their equal. So,

-He was frequently bullied and abused both physically and mentally.

-He was used as a plaything for the amusement of his classmates

Not only his school life but he also was not blessed in his personal life either, Compared to his school life his personal life was even worse.

His poor excuse of a father was an Alcoholic a selfish bastard who knows nothing but to complain and blame. He speculates that the cause of all his misery was Isaac and his mom.

Just to enjoy his pathetic life in indolence and pleasure he sends his sick wife to work.

And takes her salary to waste it on alcohol and gambling.

And whenever his father loses something it would be Isaac and his mother's turn to be beaten and abused by his father.

Because of constant abuse and hard labor, His mother was getting weaker and weaker every day but she was still forced to go to work by his father.

To be a help and reduce his mother's burden Issac worked hard and got that scholarship, his studies were the only way for his family to overcome their predicament.

And to be a support for his mother, this was the only way, and that is for him to graduate from a prestigious university and land a high-paying job.

His plan was perfect, he passed with good results, got that scholarship and everything was going so smoothly. He thought he would succeed

But that's when he came to know about the cold truth of society and the reality of where we live.

His rich classmates didn't want him in their class and their parents don't want someone like him to associate with their children.

They were constantly finding a way to chase him out of the school. He was only able to remain in the school because of his high grades and the school's reputation.

The truth is the rich don't want the poor to improve. Especially not someone like him and he was now being taught by them to know his place.

In that dark and lonely world, his mother was his only light, life, and everything. There was not a single day he would forget to pray to the Gods. he had cried, moned, and begged them daily for some help or to provide someone to help him save his mother.

Every day he could see and feel that she was dying in a slow and painful death, seeing his mother suffer, all this pain, suffering, and humiliation were leaving deep scars in his heart but he had still not given up on hope.

He believed that something will happen or someone will help them. He hated no one ( except his father) for his misery. He didn't hurt others because he was in pain.

If he hated someone it was himself. Yes the one who he hated Most of all was himself, he hated himself for not being able to solve his mother's problem and give her the peaceful and happy life that she deserved.

But everything changed after that incident. When his class was on an educational tour to the museum, they encountered a terrorist attack. The terrorists seemed to be a group of culties who killed people and sacrificed their victims to a cube at the museum, but due to an abnormal accident, the ritual was interrupted.

And thus he and his classmates got Isekai to another world, After entering a new world he thought he could be a Hero. In this new world, he could find meaning for his existence but alas, even this world seems to despise him.

And even in that situation, he didn't give up, he then decided at least he would live a peaceful life. But even that seems impossible for him, even though his sorry excuse of existence was deemed to be worthless. His was still plotted and used as an excuse for others' schemes.

From his Birth to his Isekai to his Death, he was nothing but a playing thing in hands of others. Even till the last breath he was used, humiliated, and shunned by others.

'Was this life always meant to be played by others, was this life worth anything other than humiliation, was asking for even a peaceful life as a lowly existence a great sin' these were all the final thoughts that were in his head at his final moments. He then immediately shoved away all those negative thoughts away because he still hoped that someone will come to save him.

Even in the last breath, he doesn't want to give up hope, he doesn't believe in Gods but he thought maybe, the Gods would take pity on him and provide justice to all the pain, suffering, and sorrow that he had suffered. Even with all those scars that they made in his heart which were so deep, he still didn't want to be someone who hurt others.

As his time was nearing its end, He begged and pleaded with all his strength one last time but nothing seemed to happen, he finally gave up on the hope.

That's when his personality started to change over and All those pain, the sorrows, the sufferings and humiliations he had endured and the things he had bottled up in his heart started to change into hatred.

His hatred and vengeance for all those grievances and injustice were directed toward the world, the people, and the Gods themselves.

His hatred was so deep that its mere evolution started a vivid manifestation in the real world.

With his hatred as a witness, he scored on his existence that if Reincarnation and karma were true he would have his revenge on all of them.

When he was in his final movement and had given up on all hopes, the deep and pure hatred that manifested because of him was felt by someone.

It's was someone who could heed his call, when that existence felt his desperate call for help and decision to get revenge, it decided to lend him a hand. Thus he was saved.

Unlike the heroes in the stories, he wasn't saved by a God or an Angel.

The one who lend him the hand and saved him from his death was not the light hand of an Angel but the dark hand of the devil. Even though it was the hand of the devil.

Without any hesitation, he accepted the deal of the devil.

"When the Gods have turned their backs on me, it's was the devil who extended his hands to me"

And that is how the successor of the devil was born,

He and his path which was so cruel that mere mention of his name would make Primordial Gods and top powerful races of the Universe shudder in fear.

And with him, and his deeds were the Creed was born.

Hi, this is Wolfy here. Well english is not my 1st language and since this is my very first time writing a novel. Well to be honest this is my first time even trying to type more than a sentence.

So please, forgive me for any misspelt words or missing punctuations or pronouns. Please guide me and support me.

I'm physically not well and so I can't write on a regular basis, even this novel I'm writing from the hospital and my doctor won't allow me to strain myself. But I will try my best. *Ty*

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