
The Devil's Cage

Author: Rusty Dragon
Ongoing · 16.6M Views
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Translation is pretty good, very rarely are there mistake. Story is really great and the power up of MC is very well paced. MC has some people he can joke around with even if he doesn't consider them a close friend yet which is refreshing since reading novels with loner and cold MCs can sometimes feel a bit gloomy.


A ****ty novel. An absolute ****! A 15 or 16 something years old orphaned **** suddenly acts like a mature guy who had seen and experienced the ups and downs of the world. So cocky, so experienced! A kid who doesn't acts his age has made friends who are 30+ years old has scheming mind that would put adults to shame. Also that fake sense of pride! That is the one which disgusted me the most. If someone is in pain he or she should be asking for help not to have the kind of arrogance and pride that this mc has. Like any typical chinese main character template, this moron is cold, someone whose words are not CHEAP as if they are worth grands etc. Mind you this is a loser who has no home, no family, no status but acts high almighty. Character is OUT OF CONTROL! World building is absolute ****. It's more like city building than world building. I don't understand how and why a teens stratagem can achieve success while other adults are sitting ducks. The whole novel has eulogised the mc so hard that it makes me mad. Better read good novels than this garbage.


I read some of Terror Infinity and The Ultimate Evolution and got burned out about halfway through. The Devil's Cage is the correct take on this genre if you ask me. TI and TUE have a plot that is both a boon and a poison to the author and readers. The boon is that you don't need very much creativity to create and arc, seeing as you're loosely basing it off of a movie. This is the same reason it is a poison, it restricts the content. In TDC the worlds the MC is placed in are unique so it never gets old.


The plot is really interesting with all these creative ideas going on. But sometimes I would feel as if something is missing. Their grammar and spelling is okay, with slight mistakes.


Honestly, this is a fantastic novel and a breath of fresh air from the pretty close to cookie cutter genre its apart of. While I'm the new editor for the novel, I've been a pretty big fan for a while. The MC uses his brain and doesn't follow the usual cliche MC tropes. He also uses deductive reasoning without it seeming forces to progress again. It's a great read not just for people interested in novels similar to Terror Inifity but for all.


Very good novel with great character and story development over the first 75% of the chapters. The ending is sadly rather abrupt and badly planned, and the quality of writing noticeably decreases towards the end.


A great story with a lot of diverse settings and people, my only gripe about the story is with the somewhat rushed ending. But overall a great read.


i just finished the book and i think its a really great book. I was a little bit disapointet because of the sudden ending but im still happy that it ended so well and just can recomment to everyone to read this really great book.


Exceptional novel. Well written and thought out. Chapter unlocks a tad pricey. Needed almost a years worth of fast passes and many many trips to the coin store... but it was worth it in the end.


awesome begin, engaging plot, sub-par ending but not disappoint or sadden. Things have to end, they can be either end in a train reck or end on a hopefully note. This one ended on a hopeful note.


The author must be really desperate for money. Out of 603 episodes, only 97 is free and rest are to be paid to be readable. Damn he must be poor and desperate.


A good quality Novel. Great plot and well defined Characters. Has stable perspective and does not change so often that makes you wonder "why though?". Lots of surprises and exciting turn of events. Good quality translations. Exciting outcomes. A well define world "game world" that is very versatile due to its design that able the writer to twist the plot with change of theme from modern to fantasy to science fiction (even noir)


The Devil's Cage is one of the few Novels I would really recommend to anyone regardless of whether they like/play games or not. The Translation is well done and has a very nice flow to it, which is remarkable considering that the original author mentioned that his writing style is pretty difficult. The Character development is steady and there is no visible Plot armor. What really fascinates me most about the Devil's Cage tho are the massive amount of possibilities and ******* the author gets thanks to the interesting concept of his "game" so you never really know what might happen next. The only thing that is lacking imo seem to be the development of side characters. Although the MC and the side characters interact a lot emotion-wise it doesn't seem like they get any stronger themselves power-wise throughout the story. Easily in the top 5 Novels I've read up till now nonetheless and I can't wait for Dess to release new chapters to please my addiction..


i don't want to repeat what's already been said so i'm gonna write about what i apreceate about this novel 1- this story knows how to keep itself fresh it's kind of an infinity story but unlike most of it's kind every dungeon has it's original plot one that's almost good enough to be it's own novel, that is very important because the they come back every few arks but they dont feel detached because they effect each other ever so slightly, but such subtle impacts cause the overall story to strangely hold itself together in a fasinating manner 2-the charecters are quite well done many can legit become an mc of their own novel, we get hints on some characters background/origens and they are pretty memorable, mc is actually cool,most of his actions are quite resonable, does not act like an idiot in front every girl he meets(although is a bit dence but not to an infuriating degree though it could just be him giving most charecters cold shoulder)his interactions with others aren't forced some are borderline entertaining overall the characters feel while not revolutionarely outstanding more than good enough for a webnovel 3-the translator dess can't get enough credit not only for consistansy and quality but for interacting regularly with the readers they would regularely read the comments and reply to severa each chapter, I respect that the most it realy makes the translation and the tl/reader relationship feel like more than a suply/demand relationship and makes the tl themselves feel more relatable again I realy respect that.and i guess the editor deserves some credit too ,many thanks eeem,erm ,eeeh ,jakobs and frank?(just kidding you two rule ebony and ssins!seriously tose two deserve more credit) 4-for world building or in this case worlds as i said the dungeons are great and even the power up pereod in the game lobby isn't without conflict,it's like a dungeon outside the dungeon ,it also provide our mc the chance to flex and stronger opponents in case the dungeon no longer pose any threats(wich never happned yet) hell we allready started introdusing antagonests that can bypass the system(pretty much set as the ruling force of the game wolrd) one thing is there is no mention of the real world except in some rare brief occasions (it pretty much set's the mc's goals and that's it) but if the story is good enough without it then why bother forcing it? all in all this is one of the best novels on the site, is seriously underrated and should never ever go premium


This story is just what i need! It was worth the searching and digging because i found gold!!! Very smart and likeable MC with a well developed story line and developement without any Harem or romance. I hope more will discover and take joy in this story.


I came in not knowing what was this novel, but now I know. This is a undiscovered masterpiece of a novel! Its been a long time since I read a novel with a MC who's actions are all realistic and devoid of obvious plot armor, while also not being a heartless and bloodthirsty killer. He does what he has to while following his own code of right and wrong. This is a must read action packed story.


Read the previous translation of this (only a few chapters) I found the beginning lacking but further reading made me impressed with the virtual environment and plot direction (and what I asupposed it would head). I won't write an at length review as I only remember very little besides my impression of this novel. I won't be picking it back up until this TL hits 20 to 30 chapters released. Reason? None really just standard practice.


good novel, a remnant of the time when this site still a good site, when the novel is good and the author and translator engaged in chat and comment. miss those days.


most underrated gem it's so much good than other shit in this app, although the quality drops in the middle but believe me later on the plot is even more great the side characters are great too, If you like lone wolves it is a must read


The author sucks the **** of MC at all possible times. He will just not stop. It actually gets really cringy, just like the word cringe. Sooooooooooooo I'll keep reading just because I'm on ch 900 and 40 something.