
The Devil's Bride

The Hemsford empire, a kingdom ruled by King Lionel Rosenberg. A long time ago, the royal ancestor of Rosenberg, made a blood contract with the devils a century ago by offering a princess to be the devil's bride for every 100 years, in exchange for the safety of the kingdom's citizens from the dark creatures. A century passed, it's time for another bride to be selected.

Hani_89 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The royal banquet

Taking a deep breath, Kathleen prepared herself mentally for the banquet. Steadying her footsteps, she walked out of her room, heading towards the banquet hall.

Every corner of the palace was lit by scented candles and flowers. She can see the sun has set and it's getting dark outside.

Carriages were line up outside the palace, taking turn for the honored guest to step out of it. Many had arrived, and many more to come.

The guest were gathered at the main hall greeting each other before proceeded to the banquet hall for the dinner to start.

With the help from the butlers and maids on duty, every guest was comfortably seated to their set chair according to their level in society. The higher their level, the closer they will be from the royals.

Soon Kathleen entered the hall together with her sisters, then the king's mother, queen dowager Alexandria, and lastly King Lionel and Queen Helena. The king's arrival indicating that the banquet will soon began.

Standing at the center of the main table, King Lionel rise his glass of wine to welcome his guest.

"Greetings to all royal guests from the neighboring countries, the lords, the dukes, ladies and gentlemen. I, King Lionel, thanked all of you for coming to my youngest daughter, Kathleen Rose Rosenberg's eighteenth birthday celebration. Let the feast begin!"

The king rises up the glass to his lips and drank the wine, followed by all the guests.

Kathleen sat at the main table accompanied by her parents, her grandmother, together with her siblings in a same row, facing all their guests.

The closest table was occupied by the royal guest from other countries. Kathleen was informed by her mother, who sat beside her, that there were three crown princes sitting there.

Prince Henry, whom was the main topic from Kathleen and her mother's talk earlier, was a prince from the Volkenshire Kingdom, in the southern. His country holds the largest military resources.

Prince Cory of the Mauvi Kingdom, was a crown prince to a rich sandy country of the east. Although the kingdom soil were no good for crops, but the Mauvi kingdom was the only country that produces gems stones. Exquisite stones such as the emerald and sapphire were their main economic resources.

The third prince attending the banquet was Prince Philip. He was a crown prince of the Westonia Kingdom of the west. The country was the controller of the sea trades. Every merchant from all over the world will have to stop by the Westonia's port before travelling to other kingdom, for this country was the only country that held a port. Others don't have a good place to start a sea trade.

Sine Kathleen was the main attention tonight, her mother expect her to dance with the crown princes.

Everyone was enjoying the feast, some were talking and exchanging greetings to their table mates. This kind of gathering can be a good opportunity for some men to gain social connection, especially if they can get to the royals.

The dinner was accompanied by a soft sound of a piano played by the royal's musician.

Suddenly, the banquet hall's main door were burst open from the other side and a cloud like smoke entered the hall and stop right in front of the royal's table.

Everyone was shocked, some ladies even scream. The standing guards hurriedly protecting the royals.

A man appeared from the dispersing smoke, smiling with his fangs and red eyes can be clearly seen.

"Oh my, what a wonderful occasion!" said the man. The main was wearing a black tailed-coat like a gentleman.

"C..c..Count Vladimir!" said King Lionel stuttering. He was so shocked and scared the he almost lost his voice.

"It is an honored you know me, your majesty. But the fact that you know me but didn't bother to send me an invitation to this celebration really hurt my feeling, you know" said the count, still with his smile but with obvious sinister in it.

"This is just a simple banquet, count. We don't want to bother you" said Lionel in a humble way. It is evident that the king was terrified with the uninvited guest.

"Simple banquet yet so many guests turn up" the count looked around him. "I can see a huge cake over there, is anyone celebrating birthday today?" he added.

"It is actually my youngest daughter's birthday,count. Would you mind gracing us with your presence by having this dinner with us" asked Queen Helena trying to ease the tension and wanting to be on the good side of the count.

"I see.. no wonder the cake look very cute, it is actually for a princess" again with his sinister smile, the count lock his eyes to kathleen.

Kathleen felt a shiver down her spine when she notice the count's gaze. Knowing how terrifying a vampire can be to a mere human like her, her body trembled in fear.

"Congratulations on your coming of age,princess. May I have the honor of knowing your name?" the count was looking straight to Kathleen when he asked the question.

"K..Kathleen, your grace" she said, bowing her head. She wouldn't dare to look up.

"Ahh..what a lovely name for a lovely princess" uttered the count. His words didn't even sound genuine in a slightest bit.

By this time, everyone in the hall was so scared they didn't even dare to make any movement, or even a sound.

"Well it will be rude of me if I came without any gift now, right?"

"You don't have to,Count Vladimir" said the king in a humble gesture.

"Please, I insist" replied the count with his signature smile.

In a much louder voice, Count Vladimir announce to the hall " I, Vladimir, representing my king Sinners, the devil himself, will now announce that it is time for another bride from the blood of Rosenberg. By this marriage, the kingdom of Hemsford will again be freed from any of the night creatures".

The humans who was in the banquet hall was pale in shock, especially the elders who have full knowledge about the Rosenberg's history.The king couldn't even retorted back.

"I will lead a procession to welcome the new bride in seven days from now. Till' then everyone" right after he said the line, the count vanish into thin air leaving the humans who hadn't recovered from their shock and horror.