
The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love

Something's are bound to happen.. If it would not be done in this life then may be in another... Lana was just a simple girl who was struggling to make a living with her kids and take revenge for her parents death and their property from her Step Cousin Uncle... But what will happen if she came to know that her life was given her to only complete the things which was not able to do in her past life. And to find the one to whom she had lost in that life... The man was reborn too, for the same reason but was unknown about it. What would happen if he came to know that he was a Devil in his Past life and He is a Devil in this life too... ___ "You seem to be thinking about him again" A cold voice came to her ear out of nowhere, making her body shiver in fear… "No...I was just thinking about something else…" She said while swallowing her nervousness as she almost got caught by him…  "You better not think about anyone else in my palace …" He said and blew a soft air on her eyes making her body shiver even more… "What are you doing here? I mean you never came to see me at a time like this…!!?"  She tried to change the topic as she was afraid that she might get caught at any time.  "Do I need someone's permission to come into my house and especially when I want to meet my wife?" He said and put his index finger on her neck and trailed his finger down to her chest…. Hearing the word 'wife' she felt a shiver run down her body…  The word wife had a great impact in her life especially when she was a wife of a Devil, who was a devil in the skin of humans ===== Lana, who just came back from LA with her kids, was suddenly involved with the two most powerful men in the country… One was the biggest businessman of Asia, Mr. AR and the other was none other than the Prince of her country himself 'The Great Adrian King' He was a mysterious person and was handling all the works behind the doors, no one have had ever seen him and Lana was no exception, He was rumoured to be ruthless and handling the whole clan single handedly without even showing his face to the world… Many people and paparazzi tried to blow his mask away but it was hard to do so, After all he was one of the most powerful person of the Country... Meanwhile AR was the Boss of Multinational companies in the country and was ruling like a Boss... He had everything in his life and was very flashy in almost everything he does... He had nothing to hide and was searching for a girl for years but suddenly he found her and started chasing her to no end... What will happen to Lana when she would collide with these men and how was she going to survive all this game of hide and seek...? Stay tuned to know more... ______ This Story contains Devil's, Witches and a lot of supernatural stuffs... You might see some bloody scene here as well _____ Please support me and throw some power stones and do give a review after reading it... It would really be a great help for your poor author... ______ I'm also the Author of:- 'SUPERSTAR CEO'S ADORABLE WIFE' _______ WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARD ENTRY Note: The cover is taken from Pinterest and edited by one of my friends.

ARU · Fantasy
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Victor was stunned when he heard her telling them not to get injured while fighting… 'I mean, Every mother tells their kids not to get into physical fights but she, here she is telling her kids to fight but to not get injured and she will take care of everything…' He narrowed his eyes and looked at Lana and then at the kids...

"Momma please… It's not like I don't understand but I got injured because I used too much force on them… I just..I just couldn't control myself when I heard them saying shits about you…" Alex said innocently, making a cute face to gain some sympathy and praises from his mom and Raina supported him in this…

"Yes momma… if not for Alex, I would have beaten them to death… They were just trash…" She clenched his teeth, made a fist and waved in front of Lana's eyes a few times...

"But momma… aren't we in trouble ?" Alex was a bit worried that even though they were the one who fought , Lana was the one going to face the consequences… 

Lana knew very well about what her kids were worrying for and she too didn't know what to tell them because this time she had to fight against big shots… Even though earlier in her life of 6 years, which she lived alone with her kids without any support from anyone in the country which was totally foreign for  her, She never backed off and fought for her kids and even for herself… She had to change several houses and schools just because she felt threatened for her kids safety...But it always left huge impact on her little babies, so she recently decided that she would be leaving the country and would go back to her own home country after her contract expires with the company, in which she worked for years, And new session will be starting of the schools in just a few months, So everything was almost set and she even saved enough money for herself and for the kids to settle down in her own country,but she had decided that even if she were to go back to the home country she wouldn't be going to her hometown. She didn't want her black and horrible past to affect her kids… But that was all for after a few months, She was still planning all these and wanted all the things to turn up smoothly till then but seems like her never ending horrible fate was still with her and now started hounding her own kids somehow...

"Momma…!! Please can you answer us rather than zoning out all the time…" Alex, Who was acting all innocent just a few moments ago, became irritated at how his mother was zoning out at the crucial moment like this...

 " Don't worry Momma will handle it all…" Lana came out of her trance and looked at Alex and Raina but her voice was not that firm and effective to assure them that nothing would happen…

Lana was always so good at hiding her emotions from others and it was very hard to tell what she was thinking at the very moment but She had a problem of Zoning out every now and then… But that was also true that, Whenever she zoned out was mostly in front of her kids… But recently she has been facing this problem a lot… She wasn't like this before, It was all happened during her Pregnancy, As she was alone most of the time after her works, so she used to talk alone to herself and then kept on thinking about the past as how all these happened to her and how she faced an ill fate amongst her own loving people… She was once told that this might be a psychological problem and she should consult a good psychiatrist but at that time she didn't have enough money to give Gynaecologist and to buy medicines let alone spending on gynaecologist. She just asked opinions from a few experienced women around her and tried to eat good food during that period but it was really tough for her because she was just a teenager and a girl who was treated as princess in her family… But when she came to LA after knowing that she was three weeks pregnant. Everything changed in her life, The princess turned into a common girl who just had 1500 USD, With that money she found out that she was pregnant and then she decided to leave the country and booked to cheapest tickets of Economy class of the flight, A Girl who always travels in luxury, In first class Plane tickets or in business class now had to travel in Lower Economy class… She started working at restaurants there, Serving and collecting the plates after being eaten and washing and mopping the floors. The girl who never stepped into the kitchen, let alone washing dishes, mopping floors and all… But she never felt bad  in doing all these things, Because she was patient and wanted to be strong as she was preparing herself to take the biggest responsibility as a woman at that stage of her life where she herself was growing.

She wasn't alone now, She had two more little lives with her, Even she was weak she could not show that in front of her kids, who were totally dependent on her for their lives and livelihood 

"But Momma, That guy Tom And the other ones, They have pretty powerful backgrounds and we can't fight against them.." Raina rubbed her both hands and said with a look of worry on her face….

"Enough, of those bratty kids, Let's not talk about them anymore, As long as I am here no one can bother you, And they need super guts to bother your mother…" Lana said While showing her biceps which were totally covered by her shirt…. She laughed like crazy without caring Victor's present in the car, Because at the moment she just wanted to cheer her little kids up by every means because she knew very well that her kids had high IQ and they could understand her every hard situation without even saying,So she always did some nonsensical things that made them laugh or made them roll their eyes….

What do you think will happen ? any idea?

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