
The Devil's Bride: War of Endless Love

Something's are bound to happen.. If it would not be done in this life then may be in another... Lana was just a simple girl who was struggling to make a living with her kids and take revenge for her parents death and their property from her Step Cousin Uncle... But what will happen if she came to know that her life was given her to only complete the things which was not able to do in her past life. And to find the one to whom she had lost in that life... The man was reborn too, for the same reason but was unknown about it. What would happen if he came to know that he was a Devil in his Past life and He is a Devil in this life too... ___ "You seem to be thinking about him again" A cold voice came to her ear out of nowhere, making her body shiver in fear… "No...I was just thinking about something else…" She said while swallowing her nervousness as she almost got caught by him…  "You better not think about anyone else in my palace …" He said and blew a soft air on her eyes making her body shiver even more… "What are you doing here? I mean you never came to see me at a time like this…!!?"  She tried to change the topic as she was afraid that she might get caught at any time.  "Do I need someone's permission to come into my house and especially when I want to meet my wife?" He said and put his index finger on her neck and trailed his finger down to her chest…. Hearing the word 'wife' she felt a shiver run down her body…  The word wife had a great impact in her life especially when she was a wife of a Devil, who was a devil in the skin of humans ===== Lana, who just came back from LA with her kids, was suddenly involved with the two most powerful men in the country… One was the biggest businessman of Asia, Mr. AR and the other was none other than the Prince of her country himself 'The Great Adrian King' He was a mysterious person and was handling all the works behind the doors, no one have had ever seen him and Lana was no exception, He was rumoured to be ruthless and handling the whole clan single handedly without even showing his face to the world… Many people and paparazzi tried to blow his mask away but it was hard to do so, After all he was one of the most powerful person of the Country... Meanwhile AR was the Boss of Multinational companies in the country and was ruling like a Boss... He had everything in his life and was very flashy in almost everything he does... He had nothing to hide and was searching for a girl for years but suddenly he found her and started chasing her to no end... What will happen to Lana when she would collide with these men and how was she going to survive all this game of hide and seek...? Stay tuned to know more... ______ This Story contains Devil's, Witches and a lot of supernatural stuffs... You might see some bloody scene here as well _____ Please support me and throw some power stones and do give a review after reading it... It would really be a great help for your poor author... ______ I'm also the Author of:- 'SUPERSTAR CEO'S ADORABLE WIFE' _______ WEBNOVEL SPIRITY AWARD ENTRY Note: The cover is taken from Pinterest and edited by one of my friends.

ARU · Fantasy
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219 Chs


Misty was really very furious when she left after beating Felix hard and murmured "Bloody Bastard"

Raina and Alex were trying to explain to her but she did not hear them as she was still boiling with anger, so they both gave up explaining to her…

The trio went to the Principal's office and the principal welcomed them warmly by seeing Misty who was obviously looking like a rich heiress of some Industry…

She was always fond of rich people but when she saw the documents of the kids and found out that they were not hers' and also the complaint so had got from the parents overseas…

She thought they might not come here as they were 2 days late but here they are…

She just wanted them to leave on their own so she asked them to give an entrance test even though they didn't need to, according to the rule. But since Misty had confidence in them, She agreed quickly 

When the question papers were prepared and handed to them, she could easily see that it was not the question to their level but since they are a lot more genius than an average kid, she did not bother with it and even they had the ability to solve more tough questions than that...

The papers were solved in just 20 minutes which normally could take around more than half an hour and since it was done in front of the teacher and the principal and all the answers were correct without any doubt so they had no way to deny them from accepting in the school..

Finally the principal said "So..Where is the careless mother of these kids?"

Misty, who was looking at the kids and smiling proudly till now, looked at the principal in shock 

But still she maintained her good girl posture and said " Sorry Ma'am their mother had a very important meeting to attend that's why I decided to come with them"

As soon as she said that the Principal patted her hand on the table loudly making them jerk on their places and said angrily "Wow.. What a mother they have… I pity these kids to have such a mother who left them after giving birth like that"

Alex and Raina were shocked by hearing this, Raina's little teardrops started coming out of her eyes and when Alex looked at it he got furious and said "Who ask you to pity us ? And who gave you the permission to talk bad about my mother… You should apologize to me and my sister right now" 

His blood was already boiling when he heard her talking shit about his mother and then the tears worked like air to the fire of his anger…

"The principal was shocked by hearing Alex's remark to apologize to them and said while smirking with disgust "You both are as dirty as your mother and you guys don't even deserve to be in this world" 

This time Alex was shook to the core that he couldn't even respond to her 'Am I really dirty? Did We made 

Really made our mother dirty?' A thought suddenly came to his mind and his tears, when he always held in his eyes and never let them fall in front of anyone especially Raina, started falling out of his eyes…

At the other hand Misty have had enough of her shits so she said in anger

"How dare you say that in front of the kids? Can't you see that they have even solved the questions which the students of grade one and two can't solve easily and yet here you are saying that they are dirty and they don't deserve to be in this world in front of them? "

She said and patted on the table with a loud thud and bent her body towards the lady principal…

The Principal stood up from his place and said " So what If I say that? Is it not true? Aren't they dirty? And their mother must have slept with a ton of men to have them at last"

When Alex heard this he quickly covered his sister's ears and his eyes were turning red..

AR and Felix heard everything and especially saw how Alex had covered his sister's ears to not hear her..

He then wiped his tears and took out an earphone and put it in her ears and then played music in his little watch...

"You are going to far Principal madam… You have no right to judge other people's lives like this " Misty was still leaning on the table but now she was looking straight to the face of that principal…

Alex was very angry but his tears were uncontrollable, they were rolling out of his eyes one by one. He went to Misty and pulled her leg to look at him…

When Misty sensed a soft touch of little hand on her bare leg she quickly looked down and found Alex crying, She was stunned to see him in this way "Hi.. Hii Why are you crying? It's not your fault… You never cried before even if you had a deep cut on your leg or burned your stomach… "

She said while wiping his tears… Alex was always a good boy to his mother and never bothered her with anything, even if he felt pain he endured it because he knew his mother would cry with him as well and this was the last thing he would ever like to see.

He turned to look at the principal and said " Even if I am dirty.. Don't you dare to call my sister or my mother dirty.. You are no one to decide her character and no one to defame her… I have recorded what you have just said and I am going to upload it and show it to everyone that we are not the one who is dirty but your mind is full of dung miss madam"

Even though his tears were still flowing out of his eyes he still managed to say that...


2nd Chapter for the day... Hope you all will enjoy it...