
The Devil’s Work ( But It’s for a Good Cause )

Hiro Kurosaki scares away anyone that comes near him! So much that when he dies unexpectedly, even the Devil thinks he follows the darkness. Caught up in a whirlwind of misunderstandings, the Devil sends Hiro to another world to spread evil. Gifted strong evil powers, Hiro arrives in a new world full of corrupt aristocrats, evil monsters, fantastical races, and magical powers! Hiro realizes this is a chance to finally change his image; however, with an even eviler image than before, will Hiro manage to rid the lingering darkness surrounding him? Or will he be swept up under an even larger whirlwind of misunderstandings, risking not only his own fate but also the fate of the new world he now inhabits?

dreamyweaversss · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Hiro Kurosaki

The fresh smell of books filled up my nose, the calm humming of the lights was like music to my ears, the golden light that seemed to surround my vision made me feel at ease. The warm, golden glow that bathed my vision cast a serene light upon my surroundings. With every step I took through this endless expanse of knowledge, a sense of calm settled over me.

My name is Hiro Kurosaki. 'Hiro' short for Hiroshi meaning generous and 'Kurosaki' the darkness instead. Why did she have to add that in my name..

I'm terrifying, and I don't like it. There's so many ways people describe me, to name a few: ''Hiro, you have such a scary aura'', ''Hiro, your face makes me want to run away.'' That's what I've had to live with my entire life. It feels like a cage that entraps me to my eternal evil fate. I guess I should've seen it coming, the misunderstandings wouldn't stop at just our world.

However, I was in my favourite place, the Library. It's near the outskirts of town, a beautiful classical building that stands out among our monotone brutalist-style city. The spires reached into the sky longing to reach higher, the light brown that envelops the outside of the building surrounds it in a calming aura. The stillness that I feel there is like nothing else. 

''Hey, welcome! How can I help you?'' I said in the most happy voice I could conjure up. Ah yes, I also work here, obviously. Who wouldn't want to work here?

''Ah, yeah- sorry give me a second'' The lady put down her phone.

''AH, OH MY GOD!'' She exclaimed and recoiled back like a spring.

''Can I help you, Miss?'' I sighed and said, recovering from that fright that took 10 years off my life.

''Ah, yes, uh can I- take out that book?'' She hurriedly said, her eyes examining the floor. ''I'm sorry, that was really rud-.''

''Don't worry, I get it a lot.'' I put on a smile, trying to reassure her. I proceeded to reach up, grab the book and hand it to her.

''Please make sure you return it by next-'' I wasn't able to finish my sentence before she hurriedly stumbled off.

I can't pretend I wasn't hurt, but at this point I'm desensitised to it. Ever since I was a child, I've always been seen as scary. My eyes seem to have this glint of evil that I can't get rid off no matter how I try to act. My eyebrows always furrow down to make me seem angry when I'm just trying to read how much the bread is. My mouth always twirls up into a devilish smirk whenever I try to smile since it feels natural. The only thing that I feel is nice about me is my eyes. My mom was never scared of me, she always said I have 'kind eyes.' And that someone one day will see the kindness within me, but I doubt it. 

The dark orange seemed to fade in through the glass panes up in the higher levels of the library, waterfalling down creating a beautiful array of colours. I felt the sun kiss my skin as I walked through, chucked my jacket on, that was a dark red, what a coincidence eh? I walked down the barren street, keeping my head down and pushed my walking speed up a gear, I didn't really want to attract any attention, rather not. The blue slowly overtook the orange in the sky and soon it began to darken as I reached the corner. 

The sounds of a drunk group of girls began to fill the street as I walked near to my house.

''Hey—- that night was gr'' she burped ''-was great!'' She slurred as she stumbled down the middle of the road, her vision seemingly tunnelling not realizing the car that was speeding towards them. The dark black of the car seemingly invisible under the guise of the night sky barrelled towards the party at light speed. 

I turned my head up, spun and shouted at full volume. 

''HEY! GET OUT THE WAY, NOW!'' I shouted, urging them, hoping they'd be in a sober enough state of mind to listen to me. Thankfully, some of them listened to me, maybe it was the growl that seemingly invades my voice when I'm shouting as most of them seemingly scuttled out of the way. Thank god..

Except one. The original one I heard first was still stumbling, ''Hey girlssss, where are you goin-!''

My mind blanked, I suddenly started running, one feet after the other, shoulders down, I passed streetlight after streetlight, the lights flashing like a disco out of my peripheral view. I angled my body left and dropped down the curb and ran to the girl. The car was seemingly inches away now, adrenaline surged through my body. I couldn't think of anything else except saving this girl.

I was inches away now, my fingertips nearly brushing hers, The car's wheels screeched in a desperate attempt to halt, and time seemed to stretch out agonizingly. I met the driver's horrified gaze, a silent scream locked on both our faces. I dived in that moment, betting everything grabbing her arm and pulling her along.

I laid there for a few seconds, my exhales heavy, the sound of the car raced past and didn't stop. What a bitch. Her eyes met mine, and the haze seemed to clear from her gaze. Silence hung between us. We both got up.

I pushed my hand on my knee, fuck I think I dislocated something. I stood up with great effort, thank god. I made it. 

''You okay?'' I asked her before her eyes panned up and suddenly I felt arms on my chest

''AAH, GET AWAY!'' She pushed me and I saw the landscape move at light speed in front of me. The buildings seemingly moved like a panorama in front of me and a searing, inexplicable pain radiated from my side, sharp and relentless as I was flung into the air before falling to the ground. My vision seemed to black out.

''WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO?'' A girl screamed.

''L-let's run..'' As I heard 10 pairs of feet scramble away. 

It felt like an eternity that I laid there, just trying to process. My brain seemingly shutting out the pain. As the world around me spun, fragments of memories resurfaced – more like haunting nightmares than mere recollections.

My small knees grazed the ground filling me with a teeth-gritting pain as I felt my back slam against the concrete. Three kids stood over me, glooming over my small figure.

''Hehe, I thought this kid was supposed to be terrifying, but look at him now, what a fucking loser.'' The one with a buzz cut said, his words cut like a razor against my conscience.

''He still is terrifying, look at that glint in his eyes. You angry? What are you gonna do about it?'' The shorter kid retorted sarcastically.

I felt anger swell up inside me, I gritted my teeth together making a horrible screeching sound like nails scratching on a whiteboard. I clenched my fists together and forced my way up. A voice in my head screamed at me to get bloody revenge. They messed with the wrong fucking guy. My blood boiled as I took step by step over to the taller one in the middle. 

''What do you think you're fucking doing huh, gonna punch me?'' He said seemingly unaware of the red that scorched my vision.

The next thing I remember was them all on the ground and the squelching of his face as I punched it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And Again. And Again. And Again. My fists covered in a scarlet red became sore as I was dragged away by the teachers.

The room felt tense, my mother sat to the left but the right was empty. The Headmaster opposite us both. The dull vibrations of the light seemed to heighten the tension when my mom got up.

She immediately kneeled down and prostrated her head.

''Please forgive him.'' She urged, her usual gentle tone reduced to pleading.

''I don't think I can do that, Ma'am. You should've seen the damage your little boy did to them. One's in hospital for a nose fracture and the others have serious injuries. 

''Please.'' Her voice cracked as I saw tears stream down onto the blue carpet that she was down on.

''I'm sorry, Ma'am, I can't do that. Kuro will be expelled.'' He made his final decision.

The walk back was silent. The ambient sound of cars rushed past as I heard kids laughing together in the park. The tension was thick as we took our steps seemingly in sync as we always do. When suddenly she stopped. Her beige long coat flapped in the night wind as she turned around, the moonlight illuminating her back. 

''Kuro, you don't have to live up to your look. You may look scary but Mom knows you're kinder than anyone out there. You don't have to play a character or try to convince anyone you're someone you're not. Your eyes are enough. Your eyes are so kind, Kuro.''

The memory seemingly flashed by, I tried to reach out in my head but instead I wafted it away like a cloud and all that was left was darkness. I guess it's ironic. At least I don't have to be scary to anyone anymore. I feel bad for Mom though- I hope she'll be okay by herself. I hope she doesn't beat herself over it or anything. I don't regret how this happened. These thoughts seemingly circled around my head for an eternity but they kept circling..

What the? I thought I was dead, when does this whole thinking thing end? Maybe scientists were right, maybe your conscience is always alive. Panic begun to set in until I felt a sharp heat rise up my back. Wait.. Not just my back, my entire body felt like it was on fire. My eyes saw the heat of the red behind my closed eyelids as I felt the sense of my entire body, my arms, my legs, everything. The heat was unbearable. I opened my eyes to see a funny looking red man with horns standing over me.

''Ah, so you are surrounded by darkness too, boy.'' He smirked.