
Dress up!

The next morning I was already up waiting as Aviana came in to my room.

"Good morning." She said walking to my windows and pulling the curtains aside and letting sunshine in.

"Aren't you supposed to burn under the sunlight?" I asked rudely.

Aviana laughed. "No that isn't true. It's just a false tale that our enemies made. We can walk through sunlight nothing will happen."

"And the blood sucking." I asked my arms folded.

"We don't have to do it all the time." She said. "It's once in a while. We eat food and that gives us a lot of strength. We only take blood if we're very weak."

"What if I'm attacked." I started as I watched her secure the curtains in place and open the windows.

"Yes?" She said.

"By a vampire. And I want to fight back. How do I kill him?" I asked.

"There is no need to kill a vampire." She said. "No one will want to kill you."

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