
The Devil’s Pet

"Do you wanna hang out after school?" "Im sorry I can't, my boyfriend said he needed me after school" "No offense but uh, your boyfriend is an asshole.." ----- Lmao hi :D i've been inspired to write again! after dying for a bit im back. A friend of mine gave me some inspiration and this story is (hopefully) gonna be emotional and a little spicy. Ill have a link to a song playlist you can listen to that I think fits well with the story and plus theyre good songs. This is bxb so if you have a problem with that then just don't read. I hope you enjoy!

wicwitch · Realistic
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

- Chapter One -



I sat in the uncomfortable school chairs, starring at the clock waiting for class to get out so I could go smoke. I didn't bother to pay attention to the teacher, she was just explaining a new project I knew, and she knew, I was never going to do. I watched the clock tick back and forth, zoning out for a bit. "Jaxon Mandosa! pay attention!" I snapped out of it as I heard the teacher yell my name. "That'll be an after school detention young man." Oh shit. It isn't like I am not used to detention, it just wasn't the best day for me to get it. I know instantly she's going to call my mother, or even, my father. I hate him with every bone in my body. He puts me and my mother through hell everyday and I'm personally sick of it. "Now, this will be a partner project. I will now begin to call out names," Oh great. First, detention and now this. I listen as the teacher began to call out the partners, getting more and more anxious everytime she doesn't call out mine. She read down the list of names and I waited unitl she called out mine.

"Mia and Ethan,"

"Robert and Clyde,"

"And finally Jaxon and Grayson"


I look across the room to the boy who looks just as suprised as I do. His pale skin and dirty blonde hair clashed together nicely. He always seems to be wearing the same outfit every day. I'm not a stalker by all means but I just notice him around. Maybe it won't be so bad. I heard he's pretty smart so I'll just pay him to do all the work some how. Just as I was thinking the bell rang for lunch. Finally. I grabbed my things and started to head to the door of the classroom. I felt a hand grab my shoulder, "Hey, I don't think we know each other to well" Grayson said. I was getting a bit annoyed, I just wanted to smoke since I hadn't had a break today, "Jesus fucking... Look I'm Jaxon and that's all you need to know. I'm not getting on a personal level with someone I'm just partners with." As I said this I turned around and left and headed to the back of the school. I just wanted to be alone just like the loner I was said to be.


I started for the door and I lightly grabbed Jaxon's shirt as a way to get his attention. "Hey, I don't think we know each other very well." This is the first time i've ever tried to get to know someone in a while, my boyfriend never liked it so I simply never did it. "Jesus fucking... Look I'm Jaxon and that's all you need to know. I'm not getting on a personal level with someone I'm just partners with." The raven haired boy said, with a tint of anger covering his words. And with that he left to do whatever was so important to him. Wow, what an asshole. I stood there in the middle of the hallway, confused. Maybe my boyfriend was right when he said I wasn't that good with people. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a pair of arms grab my waist. It's my boyfriend, Anthony. Quick thing about Anthony, none of my friends like him but he basically 'runs' this school so they play pretend in front of him. I think thats super fucked since they are my friends. Now I only have two friends, Ash and Violet, since those were the only friends Anthony said he could 'tolerate'. "Hey baby," The taller boy said. "Hi." I said back, my lips curving into a slight smile. I was happy to see him, he makes me feel happy. I felt him drag me over to the locker area. He soon pinned me against the lockers, bending down and giving me a quick kiss and moving over to my ear and whispering, "Why don't me and you find somewhere else private, pet." I felt like my face was on fire and all I could get out was a small stutter. "What's that baby?" he asked, knowing what he was doing. I managed to stutter out a simple "yes" as he dragged me to some unknown location of the school. I assumed we were in an abandoned classroom with no cameras, which was smart. When we entered the room he immediately began to sloppily make out with me and I, of course, did also. He started moving me backwards, eventually pinning against a wall and pinning my hands above my head. He placed his knee between my croch and let his other hand roam my body all while still making out with me. He soon started to move down my neck sucking and biting at it. This made me weak and thats what he loved. My breathing becoming faster and faster I let out small moans whenever he bit certain parts of my neck.

"A-anthony.." I moaned out

"What do you want, slut."

"P-please.." I stuttered out. If I am being truthful I wanted him to stop. I didn't want people to see the damage he was leaving and also I was just too tired. I was just becoming too weak in his grip, I could feel my knees about to give in. This was jsut so draining since it is almost routine now.

"What?" he growled out, soon attacking my neck again. As soon as I thought this would last forever the bell rang. I guess I was literally saved by the bell.

We started to fix ourselves up getting a little bit more presentable for our last few classes. "I guess I'll see you later Grayson," With that and a wink, he left me there. I stood in the dimly lit room due to the lights being off, the rays of sunshine falling on my pale skin. I don't know why but sometimes I have this overwhelming urge to just cry after we do something remotely sexually. We barely do anything romantic so it makes me feel like he's using more for sex. That's just me overthinking though. After standing there for a good five minutes I heard the late bell ring. Well shit. I opened the door, and started to walk fastly down the hall way to my next class. Luckily, one of my bestfriends was in that class. 'Atleast I wont be lonely' I thought. Before I walked into the classroom I prepared myself to be scolded by Ms. Raine since this is the fourth time I have been last this week. I placed my hand and cringed at the coldness of the door knob, I turned it and pushed open the door. I had figured she hadn't noticed me since she was facing the bored, so I quickly tried to walk to my seat right next to my friend, Ash. They saw me and a small smile appeared on their face which, of course, made me smile. I was happy to see them, we have been through a lot with each other and after what just happened, it was nice to see them. "Well good afternoon Mr. Moore, so want to tell me why you're late?" I immediately froze in my place when I heard this. "Oh uhm actually I was just using the bathroom, ya know uhh stomach issues?" I immediately wanted to shoot myself when I said that. The class burst out into small fits of laughter. "Quiet! Well I am sorry to hear that, take your seat please so I can begin my lesson." She said this while turning around to the board and I made my way to my seat. When I sat down I felt an elbow nudge me, "Dude you look like hell, what happened?" They asked me this and I didn't know if I wanted to tell them the truth ir just keep it to myself. How was I supposed to explain that I feel used by my boyfriend? For one, he would be pissed at me if he ever found out and two, I knew Ash would definitely like him a lot less. "Oh it's nothing." I was barely able to get this simple sentence out. I just felt so drained and exhausted. "Well whatever you say man," They said, giving me that 'yeah that's a lie' look. I turned my attention back to the front of the classroom where the teacher stood.


I sat at the back of the classroom of my last class of the day. I just wanted to go home. Thats when I remembered, I have detention. Oh well, it's not like I can get out if it. I turned my attention to the front of the classroom when the teacher began to speak, "Okay class, since we finished early you can do as you please just no leaving the classroom. Please keep it down, there are still other classes going on." As soon as she said this I pulled out my phone out of the hoodie of my pocket. I opened up instagram and just began to scroll, waiting for the end of the day bell to ring. I'm not the most popular person, but a good amount of people know me. They know not to fuck with me either. I know mostly everyone's secrets that could ruin their reputations, especially the well known people of this school. Someone who seems to be squeaky clean though is Anthony. I never understood him and I can't seem to find one terrible thing about him. His might be because of who he is related to but I just have a bad feeling he's doing something terrible.

My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang. Finally I can get this detention over with and go home. I stuffed my phone into my pocket, grabbed my bag, and made my way to the classroom i was going to be held in. As I walked down the whole I caught a glance of Anthony with his friends. He had a boy that was smaller than him under his arm though, looking like he was trying to protect him. I think that may be that Grayson kid? I knew Anthony had a boyfriend but I didn't think he would prey on someone weaker than him. Oh well it isn't my business. I looked at the door of the classroom, grabbing the handle I walked inside and found an empty desk at the back of the class. The teacher wasn't here yet, maybe due to an unknown meeting. I just decided to play on my phone again, anything is better than being home honestly. I was just playing flappy bird when I got a text from one of my buddies.


Dude, you got paired with that Grayson kid for the project, right?


Yeah, why?


You should check out his instagram, I think it's odd. He's such a freak honestly lmao

I starred at my screen, rereading this message over and over. I don't like people talking about others like this. As someone who's dealt with that, it makes me sick seeing it happen to someone else.


Dude, that's not nice lol


Eh whatever, you can check him out if you want. here's his Instagram @********

Right when I was about to text back I heard the classroom door open and I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket. I looked up to see who entered the room and to my surprise it was Grayson. Me and the small blonde boy locked eyes for a few seconds before I cleared my throat. "Oh you're Jaxon right?" He asked, awkwardly scratching the beck of his neck. "Yeah that's right, why do you need to know?" When I said this I could have sworn I had seen his face flush red for a second. "Oh I uhh just needed to get your number for the project. That's all haha." He laughed out nervously. Was he scared of me? If he was then good, that's what I want from people. For them to be scared of me. I figured he was by the way his hands were lightly shaking and the way he fumbled over some if his words.


"Oh I uhh just needed to get your number for the project. That's all haha." I laughed this nervously. If i'm being honest, I am definitely scared of Jaxon. People tell me some of the things he's done and how he knows everyones secrets. He also just gives me scary vibes. He looked at me, then at the clock. After this he grabbed his bookbag, and stood up. This is the first time I've noticed how tall he looked and how much bigger he was than me. I heard his foot steps approach me and before I knew it he was standing infront of me. For me to see his face I had to look up at him, this made me even more intimidated by him. "Give me your phone," He said this in a demanding yet soft voice, "So I can uh put my phone number in it." As he said this I struggled to fetch my phone out of my pocket due to me being so nervous. When I finally got it out I dropped it. "Shit.." I mumbled out. At this he chuckled and this surprised me. Did I really make the 'bad boy' of the school chuckle due to my clumsiness? Wow. I bent down to pick it up and soon I handed it to him. "And... There. Text me whenever you want to work on it." And with this he left the room and I swore he left with small smile on his face. This made me smile as well. This is the first time i've had an interaction with someone other than my friends since i've been with Anthony. I turn around and walk out of the classroom just wanting to get home and relax. When I walk out I was greeted with my boyfriend, who looked very angry. "Who the fuck was that Grasyon! And why were you two alone!" As soon as he started to yell I flinched. I don't know what else to do. It just scares me whenever people yell at me. "Answer me you fucking bitch!" I began to whimper as a result of him gripping my arm tightly.

"A-anthony youre hurting me.." I whimper out.

"I don't give damn. If I ever see you alone with him or anyone else I'll make sure you get the shit beat out of you. Do you understand, slut?"

"Yes..." I say this, my once happy mood fading away.

"Good." He said this letting go of my arm and walking away to the front doors of the school.

As he left me standing there feeling weak and powerless I began to cry. It was just a silent cry with small whimpers here and there. These are the times I wonder if he actually loves me like he says he does. I feel like the reason he gets so angry with me is because I'm not good enough to be with him. He says that and all the time. He tells me how he could've done so much better and that he is way out of my league. And I believe it. I began to drag my feet and started my walk home. I just wanted to be alone for a bit, I just wanted to forget about the world.


Word count: 2,618

Hi! So here's the first chapter and it took me a bit to write. Hopefully every chapter will be about 2,000 words long. This book has to be one of my proudest works so far but I'll be getting the second chapter out over the course of the next few days. Bye bye!