
The Devil’s love

“The course of true love never did run smooth.” – William Shakespeare. The journey of love is never as smooth as silk. There are difficulties, ups and downs, bumps and humps.  Like most of the love stories, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning’s love story wasn’t smooth or easy. Initially it was difficult and rocky.  The CEO of Yang corporation, Yang Ning was a successful businesswoman. Growing up with unsupportive and unruly parents, Yang Ning was accustomed to being treated unfairly and poorly. The only person that she count on was her grandfather. The CEO of Mo corporation, Mo Yichan who was also known as the ‘ Devil CEO’ was one of the most successful businessmen. Losing his father at a very young age and his mother leaving him alone for some other man, Yichan grew up with his grandfather.  Being business rivals, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning hated each other.  What do you think will happen when these two cold and aloof people are forced to get married and live under the same roof by their grandparents?  Did they hate each other only because they were business rivals? Or did something happen in the past which forced them to seal their hearts and hate each other to the fullest?  Will the love between them ever be able to overpower the hatred that they have for each other?  ***** “ Hahahahaha look at you both fighting like a husband and wife.” Mr Hunshou said. Yichan smirked and said,” If you were my wife, I would add poison in your coffee.” Ning smiled and said,” And if you were my husband, I would drink it.” **** Few months later. In a charity auction. “ Hundred million.” Ning said. “ Two hundred million.” Yichan said before grinning at his wife. “ Three hundred million.” Ning said. “ Four hundred million.” Yichan said. “ Five hundred million.” Ning before leaning towards her husband,” If you let me win, I’ll be on top for a whole week.” Yichan raised his board and said,” Seven million.”  “ You-“ “ For two weeks.” Yichan said. Ning frowned and said,” Fine.” Before raising her board,” Seven hundred and one million.” *********** Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Send me a Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/sofia05 [P.S:The cover isn’t mine. :)]

Sofia05 · Urban
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342 Chs

Good morning my pancake

Next morning,

Outside the mansion

" Do you think our plan actually worked?" Grandpa Mo asked.

Grandpa Yang nodded his head and said," If both of them are straight then it definitely worked but if by chance it didn't then we can use the old outdated heart attack trick."

" Ahh I told you that we should use the heart attack thing." Grandpa Mo said.

Turning towards a maid who had been following them from the very beginning, Grandpa Yang said," Alright, you go inside and see if we can enter or not." Before passing her the keys.

The maid nodded her head and quickly unlocked the main door and entered the mansion.

" Why did you send her?" Grandpa Mo asked.

" What if they actually did something and are not in an appropriate state for us to see? I mean I cannot let you or anyone see my granddaughter in that state." Grandpa Yang said.

After sometime the maid came outside and said," Master-"

" What are they doing?" Grandpa Mo asked.

" Young madam and Mr Mo are sleeping." The maid said.

" Sleeping? Together?" Grandpa Mo asked.

The maid nodded her head and said," Yes but-"

" See Quan, I told you it would work." Grandpa Yang said.

" But master it's not what you are thinking." The maid said before lowering her head in embarrassment.

" What do you mean?" Grandpa Yang asked.

" That- master-that-"

" Ufff speak properly, what are you shy about? It's the twenty-first century and I am like your grandfather. It's not like I am your lover or a boy of your age." Grandpa Yang said.

" They still have their clothes on." The maid said.


Inside the mansion.

Ning woke up when she heard some noise.

At first, she groaned and snuggled closer before burying her face on his neck.

Slowly opening her eyes, Ning smiled when she saw Yichan's handsome face.

Only she knew how much she missed seeing his handsome face early in the morning.

It had been five years but nothing had changed about him except for his body which had become more masculine.

Just then Ning realised their strange sleeping position.

Yichan had his head placed on a cushion as he was laying flat on the ground while Ning had her arms wrapped around his waist and she was using his firm chest as her pillow. Yichan also had his arms wrapped around her which was making warm and giddy at the same time.

Ning sighed and buried her face on his chest once again. They were so close yet so far away from each other.

She knew that their relationship would never be like it was in the past but she still wanted to enjoy this little moment which she knew would end any minute to the fullest. It was very rare for them not to fight or argue with each other over silly things when they were together.

Who would've thought that they would end up being rivals instead of lovers.

Giving him a light peck on his cheeks, Ning smiled and murmured," Good morning my pancake."



" Now what do we do?" Grandpa Mo asked.

Grandpa Yang thought for a while and said," Plan B."

Hoshen nodded his head and quickly rushed away to make necessary arrangements for their plan B.

" We have to make sure not to ruin their reputation because of this." Grandpa Mo said.

Grandpa Yang nodded his head and said," Those reporters are from old Han's news company so it's very safe."



When Yichan woke up, Ning was still sleeping or rather 'PRETENDING' to sleep.

Rubbing his eyes, Yichan shook her shoulder and said," Ning, wake up."

When Ning slowly got up, Yichan smiled and said," Good morning and thank you so much for drooling all over my shirt."

Ning widened her eyes in shock when she saw the huge damp stain on his shirt.